Thursday, August 8, 2013


This is sex crime offender serial killer who's going to be hunting down Emma Roberts with extreme prejudice in the third season of American Horror Story entitled American Horror Story: Coven.  This woman believes that yes means yes and no means yes.  If she wants something, then she takes it and then she has it.  This sex crime offender serial killer wants to violate and destroy Emma Roberts, she's about to take Emma Roberts and she's about to have Emma Roberts bound in chains in the basement of her sex crime offender serial killer hideout.
Emma Roberts might think that she's safe and protected, but she won't stay that way for long if the above sex crime offender serial killer woman starts attacking her in the middle of the night as she walks through an isolated forest all by herself and her cell phone breaks down.

Emma Roberts wasn't too worried when her friends suddenly vanished without a trace.
 Naturally, upon learning that the creepy woman in the above photo is out to violate her body before killing her off, Emma Roberts took off her clothes to get nice and comfy in a soft bathrobe and nothing else in the middle of a forest.  And she keeps tripping and falling while running for her life to make it easy for the creepy woman in the above photo to catch up before violating her body with intent to kill in a humiliating way.  The woman in the above photo really needs to see Emma Roberts sob endlessly while begging for mercy to discover with terror and fear that no mercy can be found. Still, it's what expected in stories like American Horror Story:  Coven.
If Emma Roberts continue in her rotten luck of being unprotected and not being made to feel safe, then she's going to be attacked by the above sex crime offender serial killer woman and turned into this.  Emma Roberts will be a cute adorable addition to the below photograph.
If Emma Roberts isn't sobbing for mercy from the above serial killer now, she's going to be sobbing for mercy from the above serial killer very soon.  There's no where for Emma Roberts to hide because she'll never be made safe and protected anymore.  Those days are gone forever.  Brahahahahahahha.

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