Monday, August 26, 2013


Gentle Reader, I can't imagine anything more relaxing than coffee.  Ok, lying down on a beach next to an ocean or a very large lake is relaxing.  Soothing relaxing music relaxes me.  A warm summer day.  Gentle Rain falling from the sky (While I'm nice and dry indoors).  Riding my bike.  Looking at the bright blue sky.  Looking up at the night sky and seeing planets and stars (I'm not really any good at astronomy though).  There are lots of things that relaxes me.  However, drinking coffee is certainly on the top of the list.  It's better to seek out things that relaxes and soothes.  It's always better to seek out comfort and avoid pain.
And as I'm lost in thought about being lost in thought, here are some photos of Anna Paquin and her spouse Stephen Moyer

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