Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Chris Pine aka Captain James T. Kirk #2 should've listened to them when they told him to leave her alone.  But being arrogant and narcisistic, he refused to leave her alone.  And now they and her smashed Chris Pine aka Captain James T. Kirk #2 and hung him out to dry.  And now he's a paroled ex-prison convict and also he's homeless and destitute.  And more important, Chris Pine aka Captain James T. Kirk #2 is finally leaving her alone when they told Chris Pine aka Captain James T. Kirk #2 to leave her alone.

Channing Tatum looked at Mila Kunis and said, "I'm going to jump into that pickup truck over there.
Mila Kunis said, "You're not going to jump onto that pickup truck.  I'll kill you if you jump into that pickup truck.  I'm giving you one last warning.  You jump into that pickup truck and you're finished.  Your life is over.  I'm not kidding around."
Channing Tatum said, "Screw you Mila Kunis, I'm going to jump into that pickup truck anyway.  Go ahead and try to kill me.  My mind is made up and you can't stop me."
Mila Kunis said, "Fine, you want me to kill you to prevent you from jumping into that pickup truck, then I'll try to kill you.  I tried to warn you not to jump into that pickup truck, but you won't listen.  Now I guess we'll have to fight to the death instead."
And as Channing Tatum tried to jump into the pickup truck, Mila Kunis jumped on top of him in an effort to pry his fingers away from the pickup truck with a murderous fixation only to kill him.
A helicopter flown by Helicopter Sam hovered above.  Sharpshooter Sam was also in the helicopter.  He aimed his sniper riffle directly at Mila Kunis.  One correct shot and she dies and Channing Tatum gets to jump into the pickup truck.  One wrong move and Channing Tatum is shot to death by Sharpshooter Sam by accident and Mila Kunis wins in her evil plan to prevent Channing Tatum from jumping into the pickup truck. 
And as Sharpshooter Sam pulled the trigger, the result was....
This story will be continued tomorrow...

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