Tuesday, August 20, 2013


So what happens if the Gentle Reader feels cold, grumpy and sad and nothing makes the Gentle Reader feel better.  Perhaps it will help the Gentle Reader feel better if the Gentle Reader dribbles a basketball.  Or perhaps the Gentle Reader will feel better if the Gentle Reader is riding a unicycle.  Or even better, perhaps the Gentle Reader will feel better if the Gentle Reader dribbles a basketball while riding a unicycle.  Don't turn down the chance to feel happy because feeling cold, grumpy and sad has become an addicting drug.  It's far better to feel happy and calm than it is to feel cold, grumpy and sad.  Yeah, it's ok to feel cold when it's Winter outside, but that's a different story altogether.
And as I'm lost in thought about basketballs and unicycles, here are some photos of Rebecca Hall.

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