Wednesday, August 21, 2013


So this is how he figured it out.    Sella Hudgens wore black shorts and a white sleeveless tee shirt.  Her sister Vanessa Hudgens wore purple shorts and a grey sleeveless tee shirt.  He wasn't sure how both women spotted him, but he was sure that he was able to avoid them before reaching the house.  No such luck though.  So quickly he did run.  And perhaps he might outrun them both.  However, that's how Extreme Universe Edition Bone Head Lad operated.  The tougher the challenge, the better the Extreme Universe Edition Bone Head Lad was able to race through the forest.    

Well, Extreme Universe Edition Bone Head Lad managed to lose Vanessa Hudgens and her sister Stella Hudgens and he returned to the abandoned house that he was squatting in.  However, no sooner than he returned to his abandoned house that he was residing in, that Elizabeth Olsen and some Older Aged Gentleman she was hanging around with started walking around the house talking about an unwanted intruder tresspassing in their residence.  It took a while for Extreme Universe Edition Bone Head Lad to realize that Elizabeth Olsen and the Older Aged Gentleman was talking about him.  It was then that life became more complicated for Extreme Universe Edition Bone Head Lad.  And for once, he had no idea how to deal with Elizabeth Olsen.


 It was fairly easy for Extreme Universe Edition Bone Head Lad to deal with the Older Aged Gentleman who accused him of tresspassing in the Abandoned House That Turned Out To Be Not So Abandoned After All.  Still, Elizabeth Olsen needs to be dealt with.


 Not having the physical strength to physically fight against Elizabeth Olsen, Extreme Universe Edition Bone Head Lad raced out of the Abandoned House That Turned Out To Be Not So Abandoned After All.  Elizabeth Olsen chased after Extreme Universe Edition Bone Head Lad with intent to kill him.  Elizabeth Olsen was certain that Vanessa Hudgens and her sister Stella Hudgens was still in the forest somewhere ready to help her out.

 Extreme Universe Edition Bone Head Lad wasn't strong enough to fight against Elizabeth Olsen, Vanessa Hudgens nor her sister Stella Hudgens, but he had the strength to fight against the Younger Aged Gentleman without problems.  Elizabeth Olsen was convinced that she had another dead body on her hands to bury underground.

 Extreme Universe Edition Bone Head Lad returned to the Abandoned House That Turned Out To Be Not So Abandoned After All.  Filled with the urge to kill him, Elizabeth Olsen chased after him back into the Abandoned House That Turned Out To Be Not So Abandoned After All. 

 Surprise, the Younger Aged Gentleman rose from the grave without a scratch.

 Elizabeth Olsen and the Younger Aged Gentleman chose to explore the Abandoned House That Turned Out To Be Not So Abandoned After All until they found and killed Extreme Universe Edition Bone Head Lad.

The Younger Aged Gentleman vanished as quickly as he appeared.  Elizabeth Olsen was left on her own again.  But who knows.  Vanessa Hudgens and Stella Hudgens will soon appear to provide reinforcement---Right.  I mean, both Vanessa Hudgens and Stella Hudgens isn't that far away.


Extreme Universe Edition Bone Head Lad finally found the opportunity he needed to murder Elizabeth Olsen before the Younger Aged Gentleman could return.  However, the sound of female sounding footsteps outside meant that Vanessa Hudgens and her sister Stella Hudgens was walking closer towards the house.  And if Extreme Universe Edition Bone Head Lad didn't want to fight and kill Elizabeth Olsen, Vanessa Hudgens and Stella Hudgens all at once, then he'll need to kill Elizabeth Olsen now.  However, Extreme Universe Edition Bone Head Lad never won a fight to the death against Elizabeth Olsen because she's much too physically strong and powerful for him to handle.  After much thought, Extreme Universe Edition Bone Head Lad thought he had a plan, but all his previous plans against Elizabeth Olsen failed.  Vanessa Hudgens and Stella Hudgens was getting closer towards the Abandoned House That Turned Out To Be Not So Abandoned After All and time was quickly running out for him.  A decision needed to be made and he can't afford to be indecisive anymore.  And with a smile on her face, Elizabeth Olsen saw Extreme Universe Edition Bone Head Lad and she launched into a violent attack against him.

Extreme Universe Edition Bone Head Lad only have a few seconds left to attack and kill Elizabeth Olsen before she launches another violent attack against him.  Vanessa Hudgens and Stella Hudgens were seconds away from entering the Abandoned House That Turned Out To Be Not So Abandoned After All and the Extreme Universe Edition Bone Head Lad was running out of seconds left to kill Elizabeth before Vanessa Hudgens and Stella Hudgens leaps into battle against him and all hope is lost.  Yet he isn't sure how to attack and kill Elizabeth Olsen because she's too physically powerful for him to fight against.
Extreme Universe Edition Bone Head Lad stabbed Elizabet Olsen between her breasts and she fell to the ground in a puddle of blood.  Vanessa Hudgens and Stella Hudgens entered the house only to have Stella Hudgens stabbed from behind by the Younger Aged Gentleman.  Stella Hudgens fell in a puddle of blood as Vanessa Hudgens bludgeoned the Younger Aged Gentleman with a heavy blunt object.  Extreme Universe Edition Bone Head Lad stabbed Vanessa Hudgens between her breasts and she fell in a puddle of blood.  Jennifer Lawrence struck Extreme Universe Edition Bone Head Lad from behind and he fell. 
After the costly and bloody battle, Jennifer Lawrence took out her guitar to play a tune in hopes of relaxing.  Jennifer's nerves were shot and she needed to relax.

 After playing the guitar, Jennifer Lawrence and Elizabeth Shue talked to a Older Aged Neighbor for a while.  Both Jennifer Lawrence and Elizabeth Shue were invited to a party that the Older Aged Neighbor was planning to honor their arrival to The Isolated Community Hidden in the Forest.

  And as Older Aged Neighbor left the Abandoned House That Turned Out To Be Not So Abandoned After All, Jennifer Lawrence looked out of the window to see the Older Aged Gentleman. That she did see. She also saw a brief glimps of Extreme Universe Edition Bone Head Lad, Older Aged Gentleman and the Younger Aged Gentleman. However, Elizabeth Olsen, Stella Hudgens and Vanessa Hudgens were still dead.  Elizabeth Shue gestured that Jennifer Lawrence is needed to attack and kill the Older Aged Neighbor before he reaches his house.

 Jennifer Lawrence stepped outside and she spotted Extreme Universe Edition Bone Head Lad.  She chased after him through the forest as darkness fell upon the land for the second time.  Jennifer Lawrence thought she might be able to kill Extreme Universe Edition Bone Head Lad to avenge what happened to Elizabeth Olsen, Stella Hudgens and Vanessa Hudgens.

 Extreme Universe Edition Bone Head Lad escaped Jennifer Lawrence.  Daylight spread across the land for the second time in a row.  And the next morning, Jennifer Lawrence and Elizabeth Shue attended a party thrown by the Older Aged Neighbor, The Neighbor's Wife and Middle Aged Neighbor.  And it was a warm comfortable and fun party to attend in the house next door.

 And Extreme Universe Edition Bone Head Lad watched as jennifer Lawrence and Elizabeth Shue  walked through the forest back to the Abandoned House That Turned Out To Be Not So Abandoned After All.  Elizabeth Shue was tempted to explore the forest without Jennifer Lawrence, but she chickened out.  Jennifer Lawrence was tempted to explore the forest without Elizabeth Shue, but she chickened out.  And no girls died that night.
 The Younger Aged Neighbor and Jennifer Lawrence spent most of the evening making love with each other.  The Younger Aged Neighbor found himself falling for Jennifer.  It was like a fairy tale.  He found himself wanting to take it to the next level.  The Younger Aged Gentleman also wanted to strangle Jennifer Lawrence to death, but he lacked the courage to go that far.  Part of him wanted to get married to her.  The part of him that wanted to kill Jennifer Lawrence felt shame for being less than a man for failing to violently attack her for sexual pleasure.  After all, the murder of women never carries negative consequences that he has to worry about.  And girls who refuses to be incarcerated through kidnapping are evil and needs to die.

Jennifer Lawrence telephoned her girlfriend Carla when the Younger Aged Neighbor left after making love to her for hours.  Carla agreed to drive towards the the Abandoned House That Turned Out To Be Not So Abandoned After All to meet with Jennifer.

 There was a few cross words exchanged between Jennifer Lawrence and Elizabeth Shue about Jennifer making love to the enemy---The Younger Aged Neighbor.
 Jennife Lawrence and Carla spoke to each other for a few hours.
 And when Carla left the the Abandoned House That Turned Out To Be Not So Abandoned After All, she was stabbed between her breasts.  And the sound of Carla's dead body fell alerted that the Extreme Universe Edition Bone Head Lad was nearby.  So she raced outside the  the Abandoned House That Turned Out To Be Not So Abandoned After All in hopes of finding and killing the Extreme Universe Edition Bone Head Lad.


 Extreme Universe Edition Bone Head Lad raced into the the Abandoned House That Turned Out To Be Not So Abandoned After All in hopes of escaping Jennifer Lawrence.  It was a wasted effort because Jennifer Lawrence followed Extreme Universe Edition Bone Head Lad into the  Abandoned House That Turned Out To Be Not So Abandoned After All with intent to kill him.

 Jennifer Lawrence's murderous persuit of Extreme Universe Edition Bone Head Lad lead straight into the basement of the Abandoned House That Turned Out To Be Not So Abandoned After All.

 And when Extreme Universe Edition Bone Head Lad tried to escape through a hidden tunnel found in the basement, Jennifer Lawrence chose to chase after him through the hidden tunnel with intent to kill him once and for all.


 Jennifer Lawrence walked from the Hidden Tunnel found in the basement to the basement and to the kitchen.  Jennifer Lawrence then spent some time washing the dishes.

 The Younger Aged Neighbor entered the kitchen without being invited to do so.  He said, "Leave the Extreme Universe Edition Bone Head Lad alone."
Jennifer Lawrences said, "You know that I can't do that."

The Younger Aged Neighbor said, "Then you gave me no choice but to do this."
The Younger Aged Neighbor struck Jennifer Lawrence from behind and knocked her out.

 Jennifer Lawrence committed crimes against humanity.  The only way to punish her is to place her in incarceration though the use of kidnapping.

 Jennifer Lawrence tried to escape from her kidnapping bondage captivity.

 It took a while, but Jennifer Lawrence finally broke free.
 And she ended up crawling from the Next Door Neighbor's House, through the Hidden Tunnel that connected into the the Abandoned House That Turned Out To Be Not So Abandoned After All.

 She took the wrong turn and ended up in a warehouse instead. 
The Security Guard said, "Hey Lady, stop or I'll kill you."
Jennifer Lawrence broke the Security Guard's neck and she ran up the stairs.

 The Extreme Universe Edition Bone Head Lad struck Jennifer Lawrence from behind and she fell to the ground face down.
 Jennifer Lawrence rolled over on her back.
 Jennifer Lawrence spotted the Extreme Universe Edition Bone Head Lad and she chased after him with intent to kill.

The Extreme Universe Edition Bone Head Lad attacked Jennifer Lawrence with intent to kill.
 Jennifer Lawrence pulled out her gun and she started to fire bullets at the Extreme Universe Editon Bone Head Lad.

 Extreme Universe Edition Bone Head Lad fell down from the bullet wounds.  Jennifer Lawrence walked closer to her attacker.

 The Extreme Universe Edition Bone Head Lad rose from the floor to attack Jennifer Lawrence.  Jennifer was knocked to the floor as Elizabeth Shue raced into the warehouse to assist Jennifer Lawrence against the Extreme Universe Edition Bone Head Lad.  Jennifer fired more bullets at the Extreme Universe Edition Bone Head Lad and he fell again.  Elizabeth Shue helped Jennifer Lawrence to her feet.

Jennifer Lawrence and Elizabeth Shue didn't see the Extreme Universe Edition Bone Head Lad rise to his feet because they were too busy heading towards the staircase.  Extreme Universe Edition Bone Head Lad attacked Elizabeth Shue from behind her in a violent knife attack.  The Younger Aged Neighbor attacked Elizabeth Shue from behind her in a violent knife attack.  The Older Aged Neighbor attacked Elizabeth Shue from behind her in a violent knife attack.  Blood gushed out of Elizabeth Shue's mouth and knife wounds before she lay down in a puddle of blood.  Extreme Universe Edition Bone Head Lad attacked Jennifer Lawrence from behind her in a violent knife attack.  The Older Aged Gentleman attacked Jennifer Lawrence from behind her in a violent knife attack.  The Younger Aged Gentleman attacked Jennifer Lawrence from behind her in a violent knife attack.  Jennifer Lawrence felt numb as she looked at Elizabeth Shue's dead body with a blank expression on her face.  Jennifer Lawrence fell to the ground in a puddle of blood.
The Older Aged Gentleman said, "It's about time you killed those women."
Extreme Universe Edition Bone Head Lad said, "The correct thing to say is thank you.  And to that I shall reply that you're welcome."
The Older Aged Gentleman said, "You should've killed those women earlier."
The Younger Aged Gentleman said, "I wish I could've incarcerated them by having them both kidnapped.  Then we won't need to kill them."
The Older Aged Gentleman said, "Some women can only be punished in a violent murder attack."
The Older Aged Neighbor said, "At least we liberated this house from those horrible women."
The Younger Aged Neighbor said, "What should we do with all this free time now that those horrible women are legally dead?"

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