Monday, August 19, 2013


I looked out of the window of the public library and I see the public bus travel past.  And it was just for a few seconds before the bus traveled past at normal speed.  And I could imagine all those people inside that public bus looking out of the window at the public library.  And I'm not sure how many people inside the public library looking at the public bus traveling past wondered about the lives of those traveling inside that public bus.  Likewise, I'm not sure how many people inside the public bus looking at the public library as they drove past it wondered about the lives of those inside that public library.  We all have to share the same planet as equals and the choices we make effects those around us---Even if we never actually meet such a person.  And even if the contributions that person makes only amounts to a drop of water in a giant sized bucket, it takes lots and lots of drops of water in order for that giant sized bucket to be sufficiently filled up.
And as I'm lost in thought about a giant sized river flowing across the land, here are some photos of Avril Lavigne.

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