Thursday, August 15, 2013


Ancient Roman Emperor Tiberius Caesar and Ancient Roman Emperor Caligula Caesar were the last world leaders to play the tadpole game. Essentially, Tiberius or Caligula would stand in the center of the swimming pool while young junior high and high school boys would swim around them aimlessly. If Tiberius and later Caligula would catch the boy, the boy would have to submit to any sexual act afflicted upon him. Then the female gender arrived for the first time ever. Up unil this point, there was only one gender and that was male. The female gender was a fake gender and a parasite that was slowly killing the world by their presence. The female gender fooled boys into thinking that girls were around he whole entire time and it was normal to like girls sexually. But that was never true.  This is the truth folks.  Girls are evil parasites pretending to be drag queens. Then girls fooled boys into thinking that drag queens were unnatural and girls were natural when the opposite was true all along. Boys chasing after boys in the swimming pool became unnatural when in reality it was the only normal thing. Boys lost their immortality because girls fooled them into thinking that death and childbirth was normal. In truth, boy babies brought back dead boys only to be ruined later. Girl babies only spread the parasite further. In the near future, the United States Government realizing that girls was the enemy parasite strove to ressurect Tiberius and Caligula by outlawing the entire female gender and hiring teams of boys to kill every girl in sight in hopes of wiping out the entire female gender forever before the human race---Boys only---Dies by global warming. Thus is the war between the boys against the girls.
Diana Sapronova stood outside the women's gymnasium in her street clothes.  The doomed girl saw Mary Lou Retton and Verona Van De Leur enter the women's gymnasium in the direction of the locker room.  Diana too needs to change out of her street clothes and change into her leotard in the women's locker room.  But first, she's unintentionally offering the chance to be killed in her street clothes outside the Women's Gymnastics Gymnasium.
 She saw Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord approach her.  He smiled.  She smiled.
Diana asked, "I would rather be friends with you."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord replied, "I can't cave in to your continued efforts to tempt me.  I must kill you before it's too late."
Diana replied, "It's already too late.  You might as well enjoy your failure while you still can."
 Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord punched Diana in her vagina.  She doubled over in pain.
 Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord punched Diana two more times close to her vagina region.  The girl fell to her knees as she continued to double over in pain.
 Diana Sapronova didn't die from the injuries.  She sat there with smug pride.
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord asked, "Tell me how to murder you."
Diana replied, "I guess I needed to be dressed only in my leotard before you can murder me with those three blows to my vagina.  Since I'm dressed in my street clothes, I get to escape justice."
Diana stomped on Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord's foot as she casually entered the Women's Gymnastics Gym and entered the women's locker room.  Diana changed removed her clothes, showered and changed into her leotard slowly with the smug satisfaction that she defeated a heroic attempt to murder her once and for all.
Ice Skating Lad, Skunk Lord and Drama King lost track how many times they asked out Mary Lou Retton on a sexual date.  And yet, she always found a rude way to turn down their sexual advances.  And on a conciderable violent evening, Mary Lou Retton made the last mistake of her life when she chose to practice gymnastics and tempt the same three guys she turned down for a sexual date to attack and kill her.  And she slowly stripped naked and took an even slower shower.  And she took just as long to slowly dress herself in skin tight leotards.  Ice Skating Lad, Skunk Lord and Drama King could've attacked and killed her at any time before Verona Van De Leur entered the women's locker room.  Now a new way must be found to separate and kill the two sexually seductive women.
Verona slowly removed her street clothes and showered before dressing into her skin tight leotards.  Mary Lou said, "Hell of an evening."
Verona said, "This wasn't the type of evening that I was expecting."
Mary Lou Retton said, "And here I was expecting that both of us will be the last girls standing.  Hey, I'm an ambitious lady."
Verona said, "Don't say that in front of our murderers.  Refusing to allow any other girl the chance to be the last girl standing is a death row crime punishable by being killed instantly."
Mary Lou placed her left hand on her breasts as she said, "Oh damn, I don't want to be a murder one crime scene that never gets discovered.  Now we both truly need to survive tonight to see the first light of the morning no matter what." 
Rebecca Tunney stayed at the classroom at her school longer than she expected.  The twelve year old girl was hard at work at her homework.  She was hoping to practice gymnastics with the rest of her gymnastics team, but classroom work took longer than expected.  Charlie Cheerleader entered the classroom and looked at her before she realized that he was looking at her.  Rebecca put her pencil down to look at her victimizer.
Charlie Cheerleader said, "We can fight to the death right here in this classroom and I could murder you right now if you don't want to practice gymnastics and get killed by Drama King, Ice Skating Lad, Skunk Lord and Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord.  It won't make any difference as far as I'm concerned.  You simply need to die whatever the case."
Rebecca said, "Can't a girl work on her schoolwork in the classroom without some girl hating pervert threatening to kill her?"
Charlie Cheerleader said, "We both know that you and I will fight each other to the death sometime this evening.  Let's fight to the death now and get your death over with."
 Rebecca said, "I guess it's impossible for me to complete my homework without you glaring at me like some sick pervert asshole.  Let's fight to the death and get it over with."
Charlie Cheerleader looked at Rebecca's voluptuous breasts before he said, "I'll let you throw the first punch before I attempt to end your life."
Rebecca said, "I'll agree to anything as long as you stop looking at my breasts you damn pervert."
 Rebecca punched Charlie Cheerleader and he fell to the ground in a crumpled heap.  She kicked him and he doubled over in pain. 
Rebecca said, "That's for interrupting my classwork."  Rebecca looked at her smart phone before she added, "Look at the text from my teacher.  It appears that your sick and sad interruption caused me to flunk the makeup classroom exercise.  Now I'll flunk school thanks to you.  How dare you defeat my attempt to get good grades you sick piece of shit."
Rebecca kicked Charlie Cheerleader even harder than before.
Rebecca continued, "That's for looking at my breasts without permission you sick pervert.  Get some help before looking at my breasts ends up causing you some problems with the law."
The Sixth Grade Teacher entered the classroom and looked at Rebecca Tunney with a harsh expression on his face.
The Sixth Grade Teacher said, "Stop assaulting this poor guy and get the hell out of my classroom."
Rebecca said, "I was only defending myself."
The Sixth Grade Teacher said, "I don't care.  I'm expelling you so get out."
Rebecca said, "That's fine.  I don't want to be here anyway.  Just let me get my books and stuff."
The Sixth Grade Teacher said, "Don't bother.  I'll give the books to some guy and I'll toss out the rest in the garbage can."
Rebecca said, "You can't do that to me."
The Sixth Grade Teacher said, "I can do it and I will do it."
Rebecca tried to reach for her backpack and the Sixth Grade Teacher tossed the girl against one of the classroom walls and nearly killed her.  The Sixth Grade Teacher tossed a knife into Rebecca's direction.  She successfully dodged the knife and raced out of the room without a scratch.  The Sixth Grad Teacher attended to Charlie Cheerleader.
Charlie Cheerleader said, "Don't worry about me and fucking kill the girl."
The Sixth Grade Teacher said, "I can't do that.  You'll die if I don't attend to your injuries."
And that's exactly what the Sixth Grade Teacher did with Charlie Cheerleader.
Beth Tweddle was either about to enter the classroom to assist Rebecca Tunney with her classwork or enter the classroom to avenge her classmate's death and die in the process.  However, when Rebecca Tunney left the classroom alive and well, Beth Tweddle chose not to enter the classroom at all.  And because of that, Beth Tweddle got to survive a tiny bit longer.
And perhaps the Sixth Grade Teacher could've succeeded in killing both Rebecca Tunney and Beth Tweddle, but the chance to do so slipped away to nothing.  So Beth continued to view both Charlie Cheerleader and the Sixth Grade Teacher as weaklings who couldn't kill girls if their lives depended on it.  And Beth will continue to think that way until her opinion is changed by dying in a violent murder attack against her.  Beth smirked as she followed Rebecca Tunney out of the classroom building and both girls vanished into the night.
Beth Tweddle encountered Hannah Whelan and she walked towards her.  Both girls stood in the night shrouded sidewalk outside the Classroom Building.
Beth said, "Hey there, you missed watching the Sixth Grade Teacher nearly killing Rebecca Tunney.  The Sixth Grade Teacher could've been nearly killing the two of us girls instead."
Hannah said, "Sorry I couldn't be there.  I was preoccupied with other matters."
Beth said, "That's ok, I'm sure the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse will get around to attacking and nearly killing the two of us girls sooner or later."
Hannah said, "Oh, I'm not in a hurry for that to happen."
Beth said, "We need to get moving towards the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium.  The two of us girls needs to switch from our street clothing and into our leotards."
Hannah said, "Oh yeah, it will be much easier for the two of us girls to die if we're dressed in our leotards.  We should just stay dressed in our street clothing instead."
Beth said, "Yeah, but it's also important that the two of us girls can murder the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse no matter the clothing attire."
Hannah said, "Yeah, I suppose you're right.  Let's get going."
Beth Tweddle and Hannah Whelan walked towards the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium.
Hannah Whelan bumped into Claudia Fragapane breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina.  Both girls separated from each other without harm nor injury.
Claudia said, "Sorry, I should've looked where I was going."
Hannah said, "Actually, it was I who should've looked where she was going."
Claudia said, "You go first."
 Hannah walked past Claudia.  Beth walked past Claudia.  Claudia was the third to leave the building.
Claudia thought she saw somebody.  Fearing for her life, Claudia looked behind her at the school building.  Nothing.  Claudia frowned before she hurried to keep up with Beth and Hannah. 
Steliana Nistor was tired and she was prepared to go to sleep.  After all, it was night and the night was a perfect time for girls to close their eyes and sleep.  However, Steliana was jolted awake by the ringing of her cell phone.  So she answered her cell phone to hear Mary Lou Retton on the other end of the cell phone call.
Mary Lou said on one end of the cell phone call, "Where are you?  The Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium is falling under the control of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.  Us girls need you to end the siege and regain control over the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium."
Steliana asked on her end of the cell phone call, "Can't this be done at any other time?"
Mary Lou said on her end of the cell phone call, "I'm afraid not.  Hurry up.  Dandelion Girls are dying much too quickly and your contribution can save us girls from ruin."
Steliana said on her end of the cell phone call, "I'll see what I can do."
Steliana Nistor hung up her cell phone and she stood up from her bed.
Steliana Nistor exited the  Second Dandelion Safehouse and she walked towards the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium.  She thought she was being followed, but it was all in her mind.  Or rather, she told herself that it was all in her mind.  And perceiving it was all in her mind was better than it actually being all in her mind.
Steliana Nistor walked closer towards the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium.  She walked closer towards the place where she's about to be murdered.  When a girl is killed, she must lie down, die and stay dead.  Steliana is a girl.  Therefore, she must be made to lie down, die and stay dead.  Steliana Nistor is about to force the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse to murder her once and for all. 
Sui Lu never expected the Second Dandelion Safehouse to be used for Dandelion Girl residence.  However, with the Dandelion Hotel fallen under the control of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse, the doomed nubile teenage girl didn't have much choice.  She tried to take a nap, but she kept getting prank calls on her cell phone.  She tried to lie down face down pressing her vagina and breasts on the mattress with half of her legs raised in the air, but the frequent prank calls on her cell phone kept ruining her concentration.  So she reluctantly dressed in her street clothing and prepared herself for a trip to the Dandelion Gymnasium. 
 Meanwhile, in a different portion of the Second Dandelion Safehouse, Huang Qiushuang also tried to take a nap while pressing her vagina and breasts on the mattress with half of her feet raised in the air, but she too kept getting prank calls.  Huang groaned with frustration as she climbed to her feet and slowly dressed herself into her street clothing.  Cursing under her breath, Huang realized that it was going to be one of those frustrating days.
 He Kexin watched Sui Lu and Huang Qiushuang slowly emerge from their bedrooms while sitting on the couch. 
Sui said, "I got more prank telephone calls."
Huang said, "Same here.  Something has to be done about it."
He Kexin looked at Luo Piero.  He Kexin said, "You told me that you fixed the cell phone network so that prank telephone calls would be impossible."
Luo replied, "I thought so too.  I don't know what happened."
He Kexin said, "I told you that I'll kill you if you disappointed me and you have disappointed me."
Luo said, "Please have mercy, I promise to do better."
He Kexin grabbed Luo and she punched her in the stomach.  Luo fell to the floor and she rolled on her stomach while pressing her vagina on her breasts on the floor.  He Kexin jumped on Luo and the second girl felt her body go numb.  Luo Piero closed her eyes as her breathing started to slow down.  She tried to keep breathing, but that became impossible.  All that was left to do was to die.  Luo Piero is no longer alive.  Luo Piero is legally dead.  He Kexin stood up to face Sui and Huang.
He Kexin said, "That would be the last time that girl would ever fail me."
Huang said, "We better get going if we don't want to be late for gymnastics practice."
Sui said, "We're already late for gymnastics practice, but we better get going anyway."
 He Kexin walked over the dead body of Luo Piero as she wondered how long it would take before it would be her turn to be murdered.
Jiang Yuyuan thought that she was being followed.  She would turn around periodically to see if she was actually being followed.  She didn't see anybody walk behind her.  However, just because she didn't see anybody walk behind her didn't mean that she was being followed by her victimizers.  It meant that her victimizers was better able at hiding when it mattered the most.  And with a frown, Jiang Yuyuan while oblivious that she's going to be murdered and this is her last moments of life.
 Jiang Yuyuan smiled as she walked towards He Kexin.  He Kexin smiled as she walked towards Jiang Yuyuan.  Both sexually seductive girls were dressed in their street clothing as they talked.
Jiang Yuyuan said, "I thought that there computer filter to screen out the prank calls was supposed to be effective."
He Kexin said, "The Dandelion Girl who failed to install the computer filter to screen out the prank calls has been punished.  So you've also been getting prank calls."
Jiang Yuyuan replied, "If it's somebody's idea of a joke, then it's going to stop very soon."
He Kexin said, "Mary Lou Retton have been telling me that the Dandelion Girls is planning a really huge campaign soon and it can't be done with the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.  So one way or the other, those prank calling jerks will be dealt with very soon."
 He Kexin said, "I'm impatient to see what this final campaign is supposed to look like."
Jiang Yuyuan said, "Well, the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse is planning a major campaign too, but it can't happen until every single Dandelion Girl is legally dead."
He Kexin said, "The Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse is planning a huge campaign that can't begin until all of us girls are legally dead.  The Dandelion Girls is planning a huge campaign that can't begin until all of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse are legally dead.  When did it all go wrong that unprovoked acts of murder one is the only solution to all of the problems?"
Jiang Yuyuan said, "It won't matter if the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse can't function with a single Dandelion Girl alive and breathing because those jerks are going down.  That much I promise you.  A world without the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse will truly be perfect utopia."
Jiang Yuyuan thought she saw somebody behind her.  She turned around and didn't see anybody.  And with a frown, she accompanied He Kexin to the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium.
Yang Yilin walked across the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Factory with a calm and determined expression on her face.  The Secret Commander of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse watched as Yang Yilin expressed no concern or appreciation for the fact that she's trespassing on Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse territory.  It would be a mistake that could only be punished by killing her.
 However, Yang Yilin didn't leave herself open for being murdered.  And that alone was frustrating to the Secret Commander of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.  So he just stood there and watched as she reached the edge of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Factory and sneaked through the fence towards the Dandelion Gymnasium.  Yang Yilin had no idea how close she came to being killed for the crime of being born a female.
Kyla Ross was the only female in the restaurant.  And the restaurant was filled only with Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse thugs.  And she calmly ate her milkshake with no concern that she could end up getting herself murdered permanently without warning at anytime without warning.  She just calmly ate her milkshake with a calm and confident expression on her face.
 Captain Parakeet approached Kyla Ross and sat down in front of her.
Kyla asked, "Is there a problem?"
Captain Parakeet replied, "My problem is that you're still alive and breathing."
Kyla replied, "That's too bad because I have no intention of dying for your benefit."
 Captain Parakeet said, "Lots hold a wager.  I bet that I can murder you with a single punch to the stomach.  If I win, then you must lie down, stop breathing, die and stay dead forever.  If you win, then you must strip to either your leotards and repeat the wager.  If you win, then you must keep repeating the wager until you finally die and stay dead."
Kyla said, "I prefer getting the chance to kill you if I win the wager."
 Captain Parakeet said, "It would be impossible for me to kill you once and for all if you succeed in killing me forever."
Kyla said, "And somehow, I'm not concern about your feelings."
 Captain Parakeet said, "Ok young lady, let's get this over with."
Kyla replied, "I guess we better get it over with."
 Kyla Ross stood up.  Captain Parakeet stood up.  Kyla just stood there without moving and waited.  Captain Parakeet punched Kyla in the stomach and she doubled over in pain.  She winced in agony as she collapsed to the floor unmoving in a defeated crumpled heap.
Kyla Ross stood up and she lovingly kissed Captain Parakeet.  She said, "I guess you'll have to wait until later for the chance to kill me permanently once and for all."
Captain Parakeet said, "It only delays the wager until the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse kills you and you die forever."
Kyla Ross was standing up in her street clothing as she finished up her milkshake.  Kyla exited the restaurant with a proud expression on her face.
Charlie Cheerleader stood in the restaurant looking at Kyla Ross talking to Captain Parakeet as he blocked the doorway.  He felt a pair of women's breasts brush against his spine as Simone Biles squeezed past him towards the doorway he was blocking.  Her vagina was briefly pressed on his rear end while her breasts were pressed against his spine.
Simone said, "Pardon me asshole, but you're blocking the doorway."
Charlie replied, "Sorry about that."
Simone replied, "Oh yeah, you better believe that you're going to be sorry about that."
Simone Biles walked through the doorway and she vanished into the Women's Bathroom.  Charlie Cheerleader was tempted to follow Simone into the Women's Bathroom, but he looked through one of the windows of the restaurant to see Gabrielle Douglas walk past the restaurant.  So Charlie chose to follow Gabrielle instead.
Charlie Cheerleader was so intent on following Gabrielle Douglas, that he walked directly into Ruby Harrold.  Ruby pressed both of her breasts on his chest and she looked at him with a frown.
Ruby said, "Excuse you.  Please try not to walk into people in the future damn it."
Charlie Cheerleader said, "I don't have time to fight against you."
Ruby said, "Then you'll have to find time you stupid idiot."
Charlie Cheerleader punched Ruby and she fell face first to the floor and she stopped moving.  The girl stirred as he walked over her and followed Gabrielle.
Gabrielle Douglas had no idea that Charlie Cheerleader was following her towards the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium.  Gabrielle felt that she had no reason to be worried if she was aware.  She was convinced that Charlie Cheerleader wouldn't bother to attack and kill her because she felt that she didn't fit the profile for the type of girl he preferred to attack and kill.  And that alone gave Gabrielle the perception that she could pretty much do anything she wanted to do.
 And so Gabrielle continued to walk forward with overflowing confidence.  She never wavered nor felt her confidence diminish in any sort of manner.  Nor was she aware nor expecting her confidence to diminish.  She was convinced that she would be able to see the first light of morning and that alone was more than enough for the girl.
 Simone checked her smart phone and typed in some tweets and a few text messages.  She typed in a few rude things about Charlie Cheerleader in some of her tweets and text messages.  Again, she did so without fear because she felt she didn't fit the profile.  She was still confident and she didn't care that Charlie Cheerleader was watching her insult him in her tweets and text messages.  She didn't look behind her nor did she felt that she should bother to do so.
 Gabrielle was dressed in her street clothing as she put her smart phone back into her purse.  She continued to walk down the dark nighttime sidewalks towards the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium.  She was walking a casual relaxed pace of a girl who wasn't in a hurry.
 Perhaps Gabrielle was walking in a calm and relaxed pace, but Charlie Cheerleader struggled to keep up with her.  Gabrielle was much more athletic than Charlie Cheerleader.  Charlie Cheerleader continued to follow the girl because he felt that if he didn't follow the girl, that nobody would follow the girl.  And the thought of nobody following the girl scared him.  And he didn't like to be scared no matter the cost or consequence.
 Gabrielle's smart phone rang and she pulled her smart phone out of her purse to talk into it.  Charlie Cheerleader wasn't sure who she was talking to or what she was saying because he wasn't close enough to know that type of information.  He only knew that Gabrielle was talking to a girl of some sort on her smart phone.  He didn't know if he should be worried or calm about the phone call.
 Gabrielle finished her smart phone call and she placed her smart phone back into her purse.  Charlie Cheerleader still didn't know who Gabrielle was talking to on her smart phone, but he started to figure out that it was both a girl and she probably was either in the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium or on her way to the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium.  Wipe out all the girls in the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium and whoever Gabrielle was talking to on her smart phone will be punished and killed in some way.  Figure out the rest later after the girls are wiped out.
 Charlie Cheerleader wasn't sure if he should be relieved or insulted that Gabrielle never looked behind her as she walked towards the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium.  It never occurred to her to make the effort.  Gabrielle turned a corner while Charlie Cheerleader tried to tie his shoelaces.  He ended up losing track of the girl.
 Gabrielle Douglas finally reached the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium and she entered the facility.  She slowly undressed to her bra and panties before dressing in her leotards.  Gabrielle had no idea that she was being secretly filmed by hidden camera placed inside the Women's Locker Room that she was undressing out of her street clothes and dressing into her leotards.

 And as Gabrielle Douglas was getting undressed out of her street clothes and getting dressed into her leotards, Madison Kocian, Simone Biles and Lauren Hernandez were already dressed in their leotards as they talked to each other inside the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium.
Simone said, "It looks as if Gabrielle finally made it."
Lauren said, "That's great.  We could use an extra set of hands."
Madison said, "I sure hope that Alexandra Raisman knows what she's doing."
Lauren said, "I'm more worried about what happens to us girls if Alexandra is killed halfway through the operation and the rest of the girls starts dying one by one."
Simone said, "You can't keep talking like that.  Us girls is going to start believing it."
Madison said, "Easy for you to say Simone, you're probably going to be one of the survivors."
Simone said, "We'll see if that's true when it gets closer to morning."
Lauren said, "I'm going to have a celebratory breakfast if we survive long enough to see the morning.  I'll spare no expense."
Madison said, "Don't forget to invite me."
Lauren said, "Not to worry Madison, you'll be included one way or the other."
Bridget Sloan, Alicia Sacramone, Samantha Peszek, Nastia Liukin and Chelsie Memmel stood in their street clothing outside the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium.  All five girls stood united and confident as they looked at the building.
Samantha said, "Well, here we are.  This is either the site of our greatest triumph or our greatest failure.  It will be interesting to find out which direction tonight is going to take for us."
Chelsie said, "It would be better for all five of us girls if tonight produces our greatest triumph."
Bridget said, "Well, if tonight is destined to produce our greatest failure, then this is our last chance to change our minds and escape justice while we have the chance."
Alicia said, "You know that it will be impossible for any of you girls to either escape justice or survive a continued battle against the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse once I'm murdered once and for all permanently."
Nastia replied, "Then we better make sure that Alicia doesn't get herself killed anytime soon."
Chelsie said, "Good luck trying to make that happen."

Alicia said, "I wish Chelsie had more confidence in my ability to survive."
Nastia said, "Chelsie will change her mind when the two of us fail to be the first of us five girls to be killed by the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse."
Chelsie said, "I'll believe it when I see it."
Bridget said, "I guess we better enter the building before I lose my nerve and go somewhere else."
Samantha said, "I agree with Bridget.  It's now or never."
Samantha Peszek, Nastia Liukin, Bridget Sloan, Chellsie Memmel thought they saw somebody stand behind them.  All four girls forced Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord to hide as all four girls turned to face him.  Nastia walked closer towards Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord's hiding place while Samantha, Bridget and Chellsie stood behind Nastia.  All four girls was looking directly at his hiding place with Nastia standing the closest while Samantha, Bridget and Chellsie looked at Nastia's rear end while standing behind Nastia.
Samantha said, "Go ahead and be the first to attack him.  Bridget, Chelsie and I will be the next to attack if you were the first of us four girls to die."
Nastia replied, "Yeah, it would be impossible for him to wipe out all four of us girls if we were to attack all at once.  Therefore, it would be better for him if I were to be the first of us four girls to get herself murdered.  The question becomes should I do it now?"
Chellsie said, "You won't know if you don't investigate his rumored hiding place."
Bridget said, "Don't worry, Chelsie, Samantha and myself are standing right here.  In case he were to attack, you will be backed up by all three of us remaining girls while you're busy getting attacked and killed as the first out of four to die." 
Chelsie said, "Hold on, I think I see an earring.  I need to check it out."
Bridget said, "Forget the earring.  You can get another earring."
Samantha said, "You can borrow Bridget's earring from her ears."
Samantha hugged Bridget as she tried to remove Bridget's earrings from her ears.  Bridget backed away and she nearly fell backwards against Chelsie as she tried to stand up again after failing to spot the fallen earring again.  Bridget corrected herself in time."
Nastia said, "You girls are very encouraging.  Thanks for reassuring me that all four of us girls isn't going to get wiped out one by one all the way down to zero.  This is truly hope inspiring."
Nastia Liukin looked at Jordyn Wieber.  Jordyn Wieber looked at Nastia Liukin.
Nastia said, "Of course you have much greater levels of intelligence."
Jordyn said, "Perhaps my intelligence is overrated.  Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord has escaped from his hiding place."
Nastia said, "I'm not worried.  Us girls will find his hiding place again."
Jordyn said, "Us girls needs to take our plan to murder the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse seriously.  We're losing too much girls and we shouldn't make it easy for them to kill anymore girls.  It won't be fun for me to die and it turned out that my death produced no results against our murderers.  I never wanted to die in vain."
Nastia said, "Us girls will never survive if you keep insisting that your death is unavoidable."
Jordyn said, "Yeah, I know that, but it's hard to feel as if the two of us ever had any hope for survival.  Those creeps have been unstoppable so far."
Nastia said, "Those creeps are only unstoppable if we allow them to be unstoppable." 
Bridget Sloan, Alicia Sacramone, Samantha Peszek, Nastia Liukin, Chelsie Memmel and Jordyn Wieber entered the building and slowly undressed to their bra and panties.  Then the five girls slowly dressed in their leotards while being filmed by hidden camera.  Then the five girls exited the building to investigate the exterior of the building to make sure the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse hasn't entered without realizing that the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse is already inside the building and already killed Dandelion Girls inside the building.
Ruby Harrold spotted Charlie Cheerleader and she motioned him to approach her.
Charlie said, "You activated the clone machine.  How many versions did you activate before the machine realized that you're a girl and stopped making additional clones?"
Ruby said, "There were four clones, but you killed one.  There is only three left.  I'm trying to fix the clone machine, but only a guy could do that.  Please fix it for me and I'll allow you to survive."
Charlie said, "I will if you promise to die when I kill you."
Ruby said, "You can only kill me three more times and then the chance for me to return is gone forever.  I promise that you can easily kill me a second time if this doesn't work."
Charlie Cheerleader entered the cloning machine and he exited without harm.  Ruby frowned before she followed him into the machine.
The force field electrocuted Ruby and she fell face first to the ground before she stopped moving.
Eva Verbova and Jana Sikulova entered the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium in their street clothing when the two girls encountered Shit For Brains Lad.  Jana faced Eva with a frown on her face.  Eva tilted her head to the left.
Jana said, "So I went on a date with this guy.  He told me of a way to punish people using sadomasochism in which a person is tied up and the bonds can't be undone until all the victimizers who tied the person up of the opposite gender is wiped out one by one and then followed four people lying on top of each other while masturbating simultaneously."
Eva said, "But if this special way of tying us both up is applied to us, then the only way the two of us could be rescued from being tied up was for a Dandelion Girl to wipe out every single Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse serial killer followed by four Dandelion Girls lying on top of each other and masturbating simultaneously.  Girls die while lying on top of each other while masturbating.  Guys can lie on top of each other while masturbating without dying."
Jana said, "But I'm in the mood for a Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Serial Killer doing this special form of sadomasochistic bondage on both of us girls anyway regardless.  I'm just not satisfied until I'm punished for my crimes sadomasochistic style."
Shit For Brains Lad said, "I'd be more than happy to help.  Where should we do this?"
Eva Verbova and Jana Sikulova led Shit For Brains Lad towards a Hidden Utility Closet and all three entered. 
Eva said as she tilted her head, "Now tie me up before I succeed in tying you up."
Shit For Brains Lad grabbed Eva's left arm as Jana grabbed him from behind.  Jana pressed her voluptuous breasts against his spine as his left arm brushed against Eva's voluptuous breasts.  Jana tied Shit For Brains Lad's arms behind his back.  Jana forced Shit For Brains Lad to lie down and she tied up his legs. 
Jana said, "Too bad you failed to murder Eva and myself.  Now we get to punish you instead.  Now your buddies must kill every single leotard wearing Dandelion Girl in this Gymnastics Gym including Eva and myself while four Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Serial Killers lying on top of each other groin and chest on gym mat, groin on rear end and chest on spine, groin on rear end and chest on spine with the fourth groin on rear end and chest on spine while masturbating simultaneously before you can be freed.  But they can only free you by taking turns masturbating on top of you on four separate occasions.  Failure to kill Eva and myself will result in Eva and myself leading what's left of the leotard wearing Dandelion Girls who hasn't been killed to take turns masturbating on top of you until you die from the shock of having a girl masturbate on top of you."
Shit For Brains Lad said, "You two girls won't get away with it.  Both of you girls must die now!"
Eva said, "Too bad yo won't be the one who gets to kill Jana and myself."

 Eva Verbova and Jana Sikulova exited the Hidden Utility Closet and locked the door with a special lock that won't unlock until all the Dandelion Girls are legally dead and four Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Serial Killers lying on top of each other groin and chest on gym mat, groin on rear end and chest on spine, groin on rear end and chest on spine with the fourth groin on rear end and chest on spine while masturbating simultaneously.  Skunk Lad approached  Eva and Jana.
Skunk Lad said, "Unlock the Hidden Utility Closet now or else I'll be forced to kill both of you."
Skunk Lord tried to punch Eva in the stomach and the street clothed Eva blocked his blow before punching him.  Jana punched him and he fell down without moving.
Skunk Lord said, "Tell me the best way to kill the two of you."
Jana said, "You can try to kill Eva and I while we're dressed in our leotards with only a track suit to cover up the leotard."
Skunk Lord said, "Then put on the leotard with the track suit to cover up and then attack me a second time starting with Eva."
Eva Verbova and Jana Sikulova entered the Women's Locker Room before slowly removing their clothes down to their bras and panties.  Both girls slowly dressed in their skin tight leotards covered up by track suits while being recorded by a hidden camera.  Jana Sikulova and Eva Verbova reentered the Gymnastics Gymnasium to face Skunk Lord who is standing up again.
Eva said, "Now it's time for me to kill you."
Eva tried to punch Skunk Lord and he blocked her blow.  He punched her and she fell backwards against Jana and both girls lay down face up breasts on spine and vagina on rear end.  Eva stood up before Jana could kiss the back of her neck and kill both girls off.
 Skunk Lord said, "Tell me again the best way to kill you girls off."
Eva said, "Jana and I will have to remove our track suits and attack you only in our leotards."
Skunk Lord said, "Then remove your track suits and attack me only in your leotards.  Eva must attack and try to kill me first."
Eva Verbova removed her track suit and she tried to punch Skunk Lord.  Skunk Lord blocked the doomed girls blow.  He punched Eva and the girl doubled over in pain.  She winced in pain as she felt humiliation for the crime of being born female.  Tears fell from her eyes as it became impossible for the dying girl to breathe oxygen.
 Eva Verbova closed her eyes and she died.  Eva is no longer alive.  Eva is legally dead.
Jana Sikulova said, "You must succeed in killing me before I put my tracksuit on."
Skunk Lord said, "I shall do so with pleasure young lady."
 Jana pressed her voluptuous breasts against Skunk Lord's spine and her vagina against Skunk Lord's rear end as she tried to strangle him from behind.
Skunk Lord said, "Help, somebody needs to kill Jana before she succeeds in strangulating me."
Jana said, "This is your only chance to kill me and nobody will rescue you by killing me fast enough. The Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse is doomed and you can only prevent that by killing me now."
 Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord stabbed Jana from behind as she strangled Skunk Lord from behind.  If Jana fall backwards into Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord chest on spine and groin on her rear end, then he'll die from the shock of masturbating on a girl.  If Jana dies and fall lifelessly either to the left or the right allowing Skunk Lord to fall backwards into Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord chest on spine and groin on his rear end, then both guys gets to survive.  Jana fails to realize that she's about to die.
 Jana winced in pain from behind stabbed from behind.  She continued to strangle Skunk Lord as the knife wound caused her blood to drip onto the floor into a puddle.  The dying girl found it difficult to breathe and to see either of her victimizer as death started to cloud her vision.  She knew that she'll die forever if she allows the temptation to close her eyes override her need to survive.
 Jana released her grip on Skunk Lord as she fell to the left of her victimizers.  She rolled face down on the floor while pressing her breasts and vagina on the gym mat.  Skunk Lord fell backwards into Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord chest on spine and groin on his rear end.  Jana tried to speak, but the dying girl had trouble forming the words.
 Skunk Lord lay down face down while Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord lay down face down on top of him chest on spine and groin on his rear end.  Jana closed her eyes as the doomed teenage girl slowly found herself unable to breathe any longer.
Skunk Lord and Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord felt an extreme rush of excitement as they lay face down on top of each other chest on spine and groin on his rear end.  Jana Sikulova died and her death is permanent.  Jana is no longer alive.  Jana is legally dead forever.  Time to rescue Shit For Brains Lad by wiping out the rest of the leotard wearing teenage Dandelion Girls in the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium.
Ruby Harrold was warming up for women's gymnastics in her sweats when Charlie Cheerleader walked behind her. 
Charlie said, "You activated the clone machine.  How many versions did you activate before the machine realized that you're a girl and stopped making additional clones?"
Ruby said, "There were four clones, but you killed two.  There is only two left.  I can't afford to fight you right now.  I have an important gymnastics competition to prepare for."
Charlie said, "What I'm about to do next isn't going to take too long."
Ruby said with a groan, "What are you about to do to me?" 
 Charlie kicked Ruby and he tied her hands behind her back and he tied her legs together.  He gagged the girl before hoisting the girl up.  He accidently walked towards a wall and slammed the girl against the wall.  He dropped the girl and she fell towards the floor and stopped moving.
He gave up trying to kidnap the girl and simply walked over the girl and towards the doorway to the left.  He walked down the hallway towards the second floor.
Daria Spirodonova, Tatiana Nabieva, Ekaterina Kramarenko, Victoria Komova and Maria Paseka entered the Dandelion Gymnasium to see dead Dandelion Girls lying scattered across the floor.  Not realizing that all five girls are doomed to be killed and left scattered across the floor too, they casually talked as they walked away the largest concentration of legally dead Dandelion Girls dressed in skin tight leotards.  All five girls were dressed in their street clothing.
Ekaterina said, "I guess we can't rely on those girls to back us up."
Victoria said, "This isn't a good development.  Our victimizers are already inside this building."
Maria said, "I'm not ready to have them inside this building.  Can't we have them inside some other building instead?"
Tatiana said, "We don't have much choice on the moment all five of us girls are needed to be killed."
Daria said, "That's not a positive outlook Tatiana.  We'll never survive with an attitude like that."
 Tatiana said, "I would've been a bit more positive, but too much girls have died for that to be possible.  Something tells me that Daria will be the first of us girls to get herself killed."
Daria said, "I don't want to get myself killed.  I'm too young to die."
Victoria said, "No girl is too young to die."
Tatiana said, "Being too young to die is the whole point of the unprovoked killing spree."
Ekaterina said, "Oh look, here comes Catalina Ponor.  Maria should join forces with her to avenge these dead girls before it's time for Daria to die." 
Catalina said, "Maria and I don't want to die before Daria's death scene."
Maria replied, "I agree with Catalina on that."
Catalina said, "Thankfully, Maria isn't going to die before me so she can continue saving me from being murdered by the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse."
 Catalina added, "Oh damn, here comes the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.  Maria Paseka and I should get changed into our leotards and attack Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord so that Daria Spirodonova, Tatiana Nabieva, Ekaterina Kramarenko and Victoria Komova can get changed into their leotards without worrying about getting themselves killed."
Maria said, "Please don't order me to help you out with this.  I have a bad feeling about this.  I don't want to die before Daria's death scene."
Maria said, "I have big plans for tomorrow and I don't want to die before I get to set such plans into motion.  It's very bad for me."
Catalina said, "Hey, I don't want to die before Daria dies, but four Dandelion Girls will be attacked and killed while undressing from their street clothes into their leotards.  We need to change into our leotards now and prevent that from happening."
Catalina said, "Oh no, here he comes.  Come on Maria, let's distract him so that Daria Spirodonova, Tatiana Nabieva, Ekaterina Kramarenko and Victoria Komova can escape justice to live and fight another day."
Maria took a deep breath before she said, "I'm not going to like this, but you and I will need to be killed off sometime.  Might as well die right now."
 Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord entered the gymnasium and Maria approached him with a calm expression on her face. 
Maria asked, "Hello, what are you up to?"
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "You know what I'm up to."
 Maria said, "I was hoping for something a bit less violent."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "Your hopes are in vain."
Maria said, "My hopes doesn't need to be in vain if we try a different strategy."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord tried to punch Maria Paseka, but she blocked his blow.  Maria smiled as she punched Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord causing him to fall to the ground.  Maria kicked her victimizer as he tried to stand up without success.
 Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "We both know that you'll need to die sooner rather than later.  Just let me kill you now and we can get it over with."
Maria said with a smile, "You fool, what makes you think that I want to die now?"
Maria kicked him as he struggled to stand up.
 Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord finally managed to stand up and he punched Maria in the stomach causing the girl to drop to her knees. She tried to stand up, but he kicked her in the stomach causing the doomed girl to double over in pain.
 Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord punched Maria Paseka, she fell, but she didn't die. 
 Catalina punched Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord while her girlfriend Maria was slowly recovering.  He smiled.  Catalina smiled. 
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "This isn't fair.  Maria should've died."
 Catalina said, "Good, that's the sort of thing I was hoping for."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "I was hoping for a different outcome."
Catalina said, "Tough luck, live with it."
 Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "I don't have to live with it."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord punched Catalina Ponar and she fell, but she didn't die.
Catalina stood up and she punched Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord and he fell.  Catalina smiled.  Maria smiled.  Maria Paseka and Catalina Ponar entered the women's locker room to change from their street clothing and into their leotards.  Both girls was unaware of a hidden camera that filmed the two teenage girls undressing to their bra and panties before slowly changing into their leotards.  Maria Paseka was the first to exit the women's locker room.  Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord must hurry up and kill Maria Paseka before Catalina Ponar exits the women's locker room for her chance to die.  Maria Paseka walked towards eight girls who were also dressed in skin tight leotards, though some were covered up with sweat clothing.  Maria smiled as she sat down next to the assembled eight girls.
Maria Kharenkova, Seda Tutkhalyan, Anastasia Dementyeva, Alla Sosnitskaya, Victoria Komova, Maria Paseka, Yevgenia Shelgunova, Daria Spiridonova and Ksenia Afansyeva stood in a different portion of the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium.  All nine girls are doomed to die.  It's not a matter of if they will die.  It's a matter of when they will die. 
Maria Kharenkova sat in the center of the nine girl gathering as she stretched herself across the gym mat.  She said after a pause, "I don't think it's smart to send Seda to look for Catalina Ponor.  If Catalina hasn't shown up yet, then she's probably dead."
Seda said, "I honestly don't mind separating from the group to find out."
Maria Kharenkova said, "You may not be bothered by this, but I am bothered by this."
Ksenia said, "I thought that Maria Paseka was supposed to attack before Seda attacks."
Daria said, "I thought Seda was supposed to attack before Maria Paseka attacks."
Maria Paseka said, "I don't mind attacking before Seda attacks.  But Seda needs to risk her life avenging me if I end up dead."
Seda said, "Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of."
Anatasia said, "I don't understand why we don't just sit here as a unified gathering and wait this thing out.  We might do better united rather than separating one by one."
Yevgenia said, "Us girls keep saying that only to find stupid reasons to separate one by one.  Take Seda and Maria Paseka for instance."
Seda said, "Hey, I don't mind attacking now and getting it over with."
Alla said, "Easy for you to say.  You could turn out to be the first of us girls to die.  Unless Maria Paseka dies before your death."
Seda said, "I'd rather kill than end up getting killed."
Victoria said, "All of us girls would rather kill than end up getting killed.  Sometimes it doesn't end up like that though."
 Alla Sosnitskaya and Seda Tutkhalyan saw Aliya Mustafina walking towards them while dressed in her street clothing.  The two girls walked towards Aliya.
Alla said, "I thought you were dressed in your leotards by now."
Aliya said, "I'll get dressed in my leotards eventually.  I'm slowly making my way towards the women's locker room."
Seda said, "This could be the last time you'll see me alive."
Aliya said, "Unless you kill him and become a heroine in the process."
Seda said, "Ah yes, that would be nice."
Aliya walked off into the Women's Locker Room and slowly removed her street clothing to stand in her bra and panties before changing into her skin tight leotards.  She didn't realize that she was being secretly filmed the entire time.  Aliya returned to the group.
Daria Skrypnik, Seda Tutkhalyan, Aliya Mustafina, Angelina Melnikova and Daria Spiridonova stood among each other.  All were dressed in skin tight leotards.
Seda said, "I'm being pressured to be the first girl to attack and fail in the process."
Daria Skrypnik said, "Don't feel bad.  I'm being pressed to be the first girl to attack and fail in the process.  Want to die before me?"
Aliya said, "What's with all this pessimism.  None of us girls will survive with all this pessimism."
Angelina said, "Hey, don't look at me.  I'm also being pressured to being among the first girls to die."
Daria said, "You girls are pathetic.  Can I join the winning team instead."
Aliya said, "You're the wrong gender to be in the winning team."
 Daria Skrypnik said, "Hold on girls, I think I see him."
Daria Skrypnik walked towards Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord.  She smiled.  He smiled.  He punched Daria in the stomach and kicked her twice.  Daria winced in pain before she lay down on the ground in a puddle of blood.  She tried to stand up only to crash to the ground again.
Daria Skrypnik is no longer alive.  Daria Skrypnik is legally dead.
Seda Tutkhalyan and Angelina Melnikova stood alongside each other.
Seda said, "Angelina and I are being pressured to die right now so that Aliya and Ksenia can escape without a scratch.  I'm not sure if I should die before Angelina."
Angelina said, "Neither of us girls are dead yet, so don't worry.  We'll worry about which of us two girls needs to die when the tie comes."
 Seda said, "You're not worried about this?"
Angelina said, "Of course I'm worried about this.  Let's get out of here before one of us girls dies."
And as Seda Tutkhalyan and Angelina Melnikova walked away, Seda turned around.
 Perhaps Seda should never have turned around.  It was too late at any rate.  Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord punched Seda twice, kicked her five times before punching her again.  Seda looked at her murderer with a blank expression before she fell face first to the ground and she died instantly without much of a struggle. 
Seda Tutkhalyan is no longer alive.  Seda is legally dead.  Angelina Melnikova escaped without a scratch because it took too long for Seda to be murdered. 
Maria Paseka saw Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord and she walked towards him with intention to kill.  The only way Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord can stop her is to murder her.

Maria Paseka looked at Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord and she smiled.  Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord smiled.
Maria said, "This is your last chance to kill me before Catalina exits the women's locker room.  Catalina and I will succeed in killing you if you don't succeed in killing me right now."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "Then I better hurry up and murder you."
Maria tried to punch him and he blocked her blow.  He punched the girl five times and she doubled over in pain.  She tried to punch him again only to have him block her blow.  He punched her again causing the girl to double over in pain.  Maria became concerned that this time she may not survive.
He tried to punch the girl and she walked backwards to dodge the blow.  He roughly grabbed her and pulled her closer towards him.  He held on to her left arm with his left hand while he punched her with his right hand.  Maria doubled over in pain as she nearly died from the blow.
Maria asked, "Oh my Goddess, what the fuck is wrong with you."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "I'm in the mood to murder a girl and you'll fit the bill perfectly.  Don't worry, your life will be over very quickly."
Maria said, "I don't want my life to be over very quickly.  In fact, I don't want my life to be over at all.  Can't we reach a compromise?"
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord punched Maria and she doubled over in pain.
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "It's your fault that you're stuck in this mess.  You're the one who kept insisting on attacking me and forced me to kill you."
Maria said, "You can allow me to escape justice to live and fight another day now that I'm begging for my life."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "Shit for Brains is still trapped in the Hidden Utility Closet and he'll continue to be locked in the Hidden Utility Closet until all the Dandelion Girls who insisted on attacking me has been killed one by one all the way down to zero."
Maria said, "Forget Shit for Brains Lad.  We can be happy together instead."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "Shit for Brains Lad never betrayed me and you're the girl who's insisting on attacking me with intent to kill me.  So you're the one who needs to die."
Maria said, "Just hug me.  Everything will be fine if you hug me."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord found himself hugging Maria while she hugged him in return.  She started to strangle him.  Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord knew that he'll die if he doesn't kill the girl right now.
 Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord stabbed Maria between her breasts and she dropped her strangulation grip.  He stabbed her five more times and she dropped to her knees as she bled all over the gym mat.
 Maria tried to stand up and he stabbed her between her breasts again.  She begged for her life as he stabbed her between her breasts.  She felt shame and humiliation as she begged for her life.  He stabbed her between her breasts ten more times.
 Maria lay down on the floor face up as she continued to bleed all over the gym mat into a puddle of her blood.  He stabbed her between her breasts when he realized that she was still breathing.
 Maria tried to sit up only to be stabbed between her breasts.  She lay back down with tears rolling down her face.  The doomed girl was dying.
 Maria tried to say something, but there was too much blood in her throat.  She vomited blood as her eyes started to close.  He stabbed her between her breasts because she was still breathing.
Maria Paseka is no longer alive.  Maria is legally dead.
Catalina Ponor wore skin tight leotards and her athletic jacket as she stepped out of the women's locker room.  He punched Catalina and she doubled over in pain.  Catalina dropped to her knees and spotted Maria's dead body.  Now it's Catalina's turn to die.
 Catalina removed her athletic jacket as she approached her victimizer.
Catalina said, "You're going to wish that you never killed Maria."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "You're going to wish that you never attacked me."
He punched Catalina and she winced in pain.  She tried to punch him and he blocked her blow.  He blocked two more blows from Catalina before he punched her in the stomach five times.
 Catalina staggered as she felt groggy from the blows afflicted against her.
 Catalina dropped to her knees from physical pain as she continued to feel groggy.
 Catalina tried to stand up, but her grabbed her and threw her against the wall before kicking her.  Catalina slid to the ground still feeling groggy from the blows afflicted against her.
 Catalina stood up.  She looked at her victimizer. 
Catalina said, "You almost killed me.  Why would you do a thing like that against me?"
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "I have no choice but to kill you in self defense."
Catalina said, "But you through the first punch against me."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "I'm just trying to gain the advantage against you."
 Catalina tried to punch him and he blocked the blow.  He punched her five times.
 Catalina walked backwards as he walked towards her.  Catalina looked at him sharply.
Catalina continued to walk backwards as he walked forward.  He grabbed her left arm with his left hand and he punched her in the stomach five times.  He kicked her before releasing his grip.
 He tossed Catalina against a wall and he punched her.  He kicked Catalina and then punched her while she was still pressed against the wall facing him.
 Catalina broke free only to be punched in the stomach three times.  Catalina staggered as he punched her before kicking her.
 Catalina dropped to her knees, but she isn't dead yet.
 Catalina stood up.  He punched her five times before kicking her.
Catalina sputtered with tears in her eyes, "Please stop attacking me.  I surrender."
Etreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "Sorry, but I can't release Shit For Brains Lad from captivity in the Hidden Utility Closet until all the Dandelion Girls attacking me is legally dead."
 He punched Catalina as she launched an attack against him.  He punched her five times before kicking her three times.
 Catalina looked at him blankly as she staggered backwards.  He punched the girl as she looked at him with a blank groggy expression on her face.
 Catalina regained stability.  He responded by punching her ten more times.
 Catalina looked at him with a lifeless expression as the dead girl fell face first to the floor in a crumpled heap.  He kicked her when her left arm moved.  Catalina closed her eyes as death finally claimed the dying Dandelion Girl.
Catalina Ponor is no longer alive.  Cataline Ponor is legally dead.
Ruby lost the ability to make clones of herself.  The next time she's attacked with lethal force will be the moment she dies once and for all.  Ruby stripped all the way down to her bra and panties without realizing that she was being taped.  She slowly changed into her leotards.
Ruby exited the women's locker room seconds before Charlie Cheerleader snuck inside it.  Charlie Cheerleader lost the chance to kill the girl a fourth and final time.
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord walked past Anna Rodionova and he nearly got the chance to attack and kill the girl.  Before he could turn his attention to killing the girl, he turned around when he thought he saw a second girl stand behind him.  He spun behind him and saw nothing.
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord spun forward and Anna punched him twice.  The girl smiled before she said, "That's for thinking that you could succeed in killing me."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "I could still succeed in killing you."
Anna replied, "I doubt it."
Anna vanished before he could respond.  His attempt to find the girl failed.
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord spun around to face Angelina Melnikova and Aliya Mustafina.  Both girls failed to see him which gave him the chance to hide from sight.
Angelina said, "I'm still being pressured to being among the first of this group to die."
Aliya replied, "You don't have to fail and die if you don't want to."
Angelina said, "You might think so, but every single girl who challenges the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse always fails and dies.  I'm doomed if that happens."
 Aliya said, "You need a hug."
Angelina said, "I need a hug."
Angelina and Aliya hugged as they tightly pressed their breasts and their vagina's together in the process.  The two girls separated.
Aliya asked, "Do you feel better."
Angelina replied, "I feel better."
Aliya said, "It's good to know that."
The wind blew against Madion Kocian's hair as she casually walked inside the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium while dressed in her street clothing.  The doomed nubile sexually seductive girl walked across the Lobby and entered the Women's Locker Room.  Madion didn't realize that there were hidden cameras recording every minute of her undressing to her bra and panties, talking on the cell phone while in her bra and panties for ninety minutes before slipping into her leotards.  Footage of members of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse using the Women's Locker Room had to be erased to make room of footage of Madison Kocian undressing out of her street clothing, standing in her bra and panties for ninety minutes before dressing into her leotard instead.  It's safe to assume that she'll just keep doing so for months to come if something violent against her isn't done to deal with that problem.  Even if her act wasn't intentional, something violent still needs to be done about her to keep the hidden camera footage pure and clean away from girls undressing and dressing over and over again.
 Sophie Scheder and Aliya Mustafina were already awaiting Madison Kocian when she emerged from the Women' Locker Room dressed in her skin tight leotard and her skin tight tracksuit.  ophie and Aliya were also dressed in their skin tight leotards and skin tight tracksuits.
Sophie said, "I thought you did the smart thing and left town already."
Madison said, "I can't leave town until both of you two girls left town also.  Sophie needs to leave town before me and Aliya needs to leave town after me."
Aliya said, "Sadly, I can't leave town because I have yet to pack a suitcase."
 Sophie said, "It will take more than a few months for us girls to pack up all of our clothing."
Aliya said, "We only need to pack a few skirts, slacks, blouses and lingerie.  The rest can be purchased when our escape is complete."
Sophie said, "I'll need to step outside to check the airline reservation."
Madison faced Aliya before she said, "Don't try to escape until you're certain that either Sophie and I are ready to join you or Sophie and I are already dead.  You need to stay and keep searching if the dead bodies of Sophie and I has been hidden."
Aliya said, "Oh Goddess, what a gruesome thought.  I wouldn't like that at all."
Madison Kocian looked at both Aliya Mustafina and Sophie Scheder.  It may be the last time she'll see either of the two girls alive before the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse wipes them all out one by one all the way down to zero.
Madison said, "I wouldn't like that at all either.  That's why we need to escape justice before all three of us are wiped out and killed.  The sooner we escape, the better."
Sophie said, "I can telephone the airline right now."
Aliya said, "It's better to wait a bit longer.  Us three girls doesn't want to call attention to ourselves."
Sophie walked forward, Aliya walked behind Sophie and Madison walked behind Aliya.  Yet, it didn't feel natural somehow because Madison felt she should be walking between Sophie and Aliya.  Yet, Madison never verbalized such thoughts either.
Sophie walked forward with Aliya walking behind Sophie and Madison walking behind Aliya.  Yet it didn't feel natural because Aliya's vagina was pointing at Sophie's rear end and Aliya's breasts were pointing at Sophie's spine instead of Madion's vagina pointing at Sophie's rear end and Madison's breasts pointing at Sophie's spine.  But Sophie figured that it wasn't time yet for Aliya's vagina to be pointing at Madison's rear end and Aliya's breasts pointing at Madion's spine.  For that reason alone, the three girl walking single file was never ruined by a pointless unprovoked murder attack.
Aliya Mustafina walked away from Madison and Sophie.
Laurie Hernandez walked towards Sanne Weaver and Simone Biles.
Laurie said, "I hear that the boys are preparing to wipe out us girls once for all.  Since actual boy on boy restores and rejuvenates, actual girl on girl leads to permanent death.  That's because girls are a fake gender parasite pretending to be drag queens to drain Earth to extinction."
Simone said, "Not so loudly.  Us girls don't want boys who don't know this to find out."
Sanne replied, "I think that the boys already know."

Laurie asked, "Since actual sexual girl on girl leads to permanent death and I'm a hard girl to kill, which of you two girls will I die on top of?"
Simone said, "Since I too need to die in order for the boys to win, you can die on top of me sexual girl on girl until we both die oce and for all."
Sanne said, "Fine, go ahead and talk like I'm not even here.  See if I care."
 Simone said, "It appears that Sanne wants to die on me sexual girl on girl and you must have a lethal and sexual girl on girl with some other girl."
Laurie said, "I want to die on you Simone."
Sanne said, "I don't need to listen to this."
Simone said, "Sanne is jealous."
Sanne said, "Go ahead and die on Laurie.  I'll just escape to live another day and it will be your goddam fault."
 Simone was about to hug Laurie from behind, but Sanne got in the way.
 Laurie Hernandez was about to hug Simone from behind, but Sanne got in the way. 
 Laurie Hernandez walked off.  Sanne hugged she hugged Simone from behind. 

 Simone felt her life drain away when Sanne hugged her from behind.  Sanne felt her life drain away when she got to hug Simone from behind now that Laurie isn't in the way and may have walked off to die on some other girl.  Sanne and Simone are both doomed to die and now they both know it.  Escape for girls isn't allowed.  Only death is allowed for girls.
Laurie Hernandez walked across the gym. Simone from behind.  Laurie felt a bit of a masturbation orgasm that never got completed when she noticed that Skunk Lord is following Laurie.  And since Skunk Lord finds Laurie sexually attractive, Laurie must die now.
 Laurie was so preoccupied with the knowledge that Skunk Lord wants to kill her and girls are never allowed to survive a murder attack, that she nearly walked into Alexandra Raisman.  Madison Kocian stopped the two girls from waling into and hugging each other.
Alexandra said, "I'm not your hugging partner either."
Madison said, "We can hug each other instead."
Laurie said, "Ok, let's hug instead."
 Alexandra walked off.  Laurie hugged Madison from behind.  Madison felt her life drain away when Laurie hugged her from behind.  Laurie felt her life drain away when she got to hug Madison from behind now that Alexandra isn't in the way and may have walked off to die on some other girl.  Laurie and Madison are both doomed to die and now they both know it.  Escape for girls isn't allowed.  Only death is allowed for girls.  Skunk Lord patiently waited for the chance to kill  both girls one by one until only boys are left alive and all of the girls are dead.
Madison looked up when she thought she saw Skunk Lord, but he vanished from sight.
  Aliya Mutifina walked towards Angelina Melnikova and Daria Spiridonova.  Both Angelina and Daria were looking rather sad and depressed.
Aliya asked, "What's wrong?  Why are you girls crying?"
Daria cried out, "What do you mean why is Angelina and I crying?  Why shouldn't us girls cry?  Our close girlfriends at the Dandelion Girls have been dying one by one and never coming back.  The three of us girls could be the next girls to die if we're not careful.  That's worth a cry."
Angelina said, "I'm not ready to die.  The girl who are already dead wasn't ready to die either."
Aliya said, "We need to be strong.  We need to believe that us girls will survive this."
 Daria said, "I need to check on something."
Daria walked off.  Angelina faced Aliya.
Angelina said, "At least you're still alive.  I wouldn't be able to handle it if you too ended up getting murdered by the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse."
Aliya faced Angelina before she said, "Perhaps you'll senselessly die before I end up getting killed."
Angelina said, "Don't talk like that.  I'm depressed enough as it is."
Angelina faced Aliya as Aliya slowly stood up.
Angelina asked, "Where are you going?"
Aliya said, "I need to check on some things too."
Aliya stood up and she walked off.   
Daria approached Angelina and sat back down next to her.
Daria said, "Aliya and two of her girlfriends are probably attempting to escape by airplane out of here.  We need to wait for Aliya and her two girlfriends to be murdered and we'll take the airplane tickets before the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse cancels the flights."
Angelina said, "Then the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse has no choice but to kill both of us girls to prevent us both from doing so."
Daria said, "Neither of us girls is going to die.  I have a few surprises in store."
 Angelina said, "You need to tell me when I return."
Daria said, "Don't walk off.  My plan to grab the airplane ticket when Aliya and her two girlfriends are wiped out will be ruined if you walk off and end up getting murdered.  Then I too will be easy to kill and I'm too young to die."
Angelina said, "I'm sorry, but I'll be killed for insubordination if I don't walk off and do this task either.  It's the best of two worse option."
Daria pressed her stuffed animal against her voluptuous breasts as Angelina walked off.  Daria felt like masturbating when she pressed her stuffed animal against her voluptuous breasts.  Angelina looked behind her at Daria as she walked forward towards an isolated portion of the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium.
Angelina Melnikova saw Aliya Mustafina and walked towards her.
Angelina said, "I thought I saw Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord in this area."
Aliya said, "There are too many girls walking around for Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord to be walking freely inside this building."
Angelina said, "Neither of us two girls are willing to die to make such a death scene possible so I guess it's tough luck for the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse."
 Aliya said, "I thought I saw Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord over there somewhere.  One of us two girls needs to risk her life investigating and disrupting the tiny safety zone they took away from us girls.  You must risk your life reclaiming the lost safety zone they took away from us girls."
Angelina said, "Don't worry Aliya, I won't fail you."
Aliya said, "I'll kill you myself if you return without reclaiming the safety zone.  They'll kill you once and for all if you keep attacking.  But there's a possible chance that us girls will succeed."
 Angelina and Aliya tightly hugged each other. 
Angelina said, "Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord will regret the day he thought he could fight against me to the death."
Aliya said, "That a girl.  Don't let that jerk murder you."
Angelina Melnikova separated and walked away from Aliya Mustafina and towards the area that Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord is hiding from her.
 Angelina walked closer towards Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord's hiding place.  It will become necessary for Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord to kill the girl if she walks closer.
 Angelina stood in front of Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord.  He only way he could exit his hiding place was to rest his hand on her vagina and push her aside.  She fell backwards to the floor after he pushed her aside to stand up after exiting his hiding place.
 Angelina stood up and he grabbed her from behind.  He shoved her face first to the ground and he kicked her.  He tried to kick her again, but she grabbed his left foot and with both of her hands grabbing his left foot she yanked him face first to the floor.  He stood up and punched her.  She punched him and he kicked her twice.
 Angelina will be killed by Aliya if she walks away from this fight.  She's going to die if she keeps fighting him.  Angelina will die no matter what she does.  He kicked the girl and she fell backwards.
 Angelina stood up and he kicked her in the vagina before punching her twice.  She fell face first to the floor.
 Angelina stood up and he kicked her twice and she fell face up to the floor.
 Angelina stood up and he punched her twice, kicked her, she punched him and he punched her five times.  The life went out of Angelina's face as she fell face first to the floor.  The girl stopped breathing.  The girl stopped breathing.  He checked for a pulse and he found none.

Angelina Melnikova is no longer alive.  Angelina is legally dead.
Daria pressed her stuffed animal against her voluptuous breasts as Angelina walked off and eventually got herself murdered.  Daria felt like masturbating when she pressed her stuffed animal against her voluptuous breasts.  However, Daria felt the doomed assumption that she's doomed to die before she gets to masturbate.  Daria pressed her stuffed animal even tighter against her breasts. 

Daria stood up and she walked to where either Aliya or Angelina walked off to and vanished.  She didn't find anything.  Daria frowned as she continued to walk forward.  Daria felt the urge to remove her track suit until she was dressed only in her leotard.  Daria continued to hold her stuffed animal this time pressed to her vagina when she heard male footsteps.  She spun around and didn't find anything.  Daria frowned again as she continued to walk forward.   
She unknowing walked towards Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord's hiding place in a doomed effort to take away the safety zone belonging to the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.  The safety zone used by the girls will get smaller when Daria dies.  That's why Daria must be murdered right now before it's too late.  Time for Daria to die.
Daria looked at Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord with a smirk before she punched him.  He punched her before she punched him five times.
Daria punched him five times before kicking him.  Extreme Universe Edition tried to kick Daria, but she blocked his blow before she punched him six times before kicking him.
 Daria said, "This is the last time you make fun of me on Optic Nerve Magazine."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "You deserve to be made fun of on Optic Nerve Magazine.  You've been deserving it for a very long time."
Daria said, "Nobody deserves to be made fun of on Optic Nerve Magazine.  Doing so pushes things beyond the point of no return in my need for vengeance."
 Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "Do you even know what an Optic Nerve Magazine actually is?"
Daria said, "I have no idea what an Optic Nerve Magazine actually is.  I only heard about it from a friend of a friend of a friend."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "Then how do you know that being made fun of on Optic Nerve Magazine was an insult that pushes things beyond the point of no return?"
Daria said, "Because that's how my friends described the situation you put me in."
 Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "Even if I did made fun of you on Optic Nerve Magazine, what about freedom of speech?"
Daria said, "Freedom of speech never involves being made fun of on Optic Nerve Magazine."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "I beg to differ."
 Daria punched Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord and he responded by kicking her ten times before punching her six times.  She kicked him in return.
 He grabbed Daria and tried to strangle her from behind.  She rammed her elbow into his stomach causing him to release his strangulation grip against her.  She spun around to kick him twice.
Daria kicked him five times.  He tried to punch her and she blocked the blow.  She kicked him twice before she punched him.  He kicked her again.
 He struggled to stand up as she walked towards him with a smile on her face.
Daria asked, "Are you ready to give up and die."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "I'll never give up to the likes of you."
Daria replied, "That's your loss." 
Daria punched him five times.  She blocked his attempt to punch her and she punched him seven more times before she kicked him twice. 
 Daria kicked him again with an enthusiastic smile on her face.
 He struggled to stand up as she walked towards him.
 She punched him twice as he struggled to his feet.  He fell down again.
 Daria kissed him before she punched him twice.
 Daria kissed him five more times before she kicked him five times before she punched him.
 Daria hugged him.  She kissed him twice as she hugged him.
 He punched her twice, she kicked him five times, punched him before she lovingly kissed him.
Daria ran towards him and he grabbed her and tossed her aside like a rag doll. 

 Daria flew a few feet before she crashed to the floor and she instantly died.  He checked for a pulse and he found none.  Daria was no longer breathing as her dead body lay silent and motionless.  At last, it was done.  Daria Spiridonova is no longer alive.  Daria is legally dead. 
Yao Jinnan, Sui Lu, Huang Qiushuang, He Kexin and Deng Linlin wore their street clothing as they stood outside the Dandelion Gymnasium.  All five girls were dressed in their street clothing.
Yao said, "Well, this is it.  This could be the moment in which all five of us girls are brought to justice and killed once and for all."
Deng said, "You can't talk like that.  There's a chance that we'll survive.  We survived so far."
He Kexin said, "But still, it has to be entering your mind which of us five girls will be the first to die and which of us five girls will be the last to die."
Sui said, "I always assumed that I would be the first to die."
Huang said, "We shouldn't be entering the Dandelion Gymnasium if all five of us girls are convinced that all five of us will die in this building."
He Kexin said, "If we don't die in the Dandelion Gymnasium, then we'll die somewhere else.  We might as well get it over with."
Yao Jinnan, Sui Lu, Huang Qiushuang, He Kexin and Deng Linlin entered the Dandelion Gymnasium and then entered the women's locker room.  A secretly hidden camera recorded the five girls as they slowly undressed.  The secretly hidden camera recorded the five girls as they slowly dressed in their leotards.  Now it's time for all five girls to die and stay dead forever.  Yao Jinnan exited the Dandelion Gymnasium to guard the building against intruder who are already inside the building.  Yang Yilin and Jiang Yuyuan joined Huang Quishuang, Sui Lu, He Kexin and Deng Linlin.  The six girls stood outside the women's locker room.  Yang Yilin, Huang Quishuang, Sui Lu, He Kexin, Jiang Yuyuan and Deng Linlin had no idea that Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord was secretly watching them. 
Yang asked, "There's already dead bodies inside the gymnastics gymnasium."
Huang said, "That can't be good.  We already came a few minutes too late."
Jiang said, "It's more like coming a few hours too late."
Sui said, "The rest of you girls stand guard outside the Gymnastics Gymnasium.  I'll stand guard outside the lobby.  Make sure that one of you five girls reenters the building and guard the lobby in case I fail and end up getting murdered."
Deng said, "There has to be a better way."
He Kexin said, "Sui is correct when she says that there is no better way.  I'm afraid that Sui has no choice but run the risk of being the first of us six girls to die."
Sui replied, "The first of us seven girls to die.  Yao Jinnan is already outside."
He Kexin said, "I hope Yao Jinnan isn't lured inside and murdered before me and the other four girls succeeds in finding her."
Yang Yilin, Huang Quishuang, He Kexin, Jiang Yuyuan and Deng Linlin exited the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium to stand guard outside the building.  Time for Sui Lu to be the first of the seven sexually seductive teenage girls to die.
Rebecca Bross wore her street clothes as she looked at Alicia Sacramone from a distance.  Alicia tripped and fell on top of Rebecca.  The only sensation the two teenage girls felt was awkward embarrassment before climbing off each other rather quickly.  And Rebecca watched Alicia from a distance not quite certain what she should say.
 It was Alicia who slipped and fell and it was Rebecca who was in the way.  So technically, she didn't need to explain anything.  But Alicia didn't say much either.  The two girls still talked like they're friends so she guessed it was all still cool between the two of them.
 Rebecca figured the reason why she's not legally dead yet was because she needed to wear her leotards and then accidently end up in a lethal deathtrap she can never escape.  Then perhaps she'll get to die and stay dead.
 Still, part of her wanted to prove she could wear her skin tight leotards, accidently end up in a lethal deathtrap and still survive to see the light of the next day.  And it was her foolish belief that she had the chance for survival that compelled her to walk towards the women's locker room to change into her skin tight leotards.
And Rebecca didn't see the hidden cameras videotaping her undressing to her bra and panties before putting on her skin tight leotards.  She didnt' see hidden cameras videotaping her final minutes of life before she's murdered by the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse once and for all.
Charlie Cheerleader attempted to enter the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium.  His effort to enter the building was blocked by Mackenzie Caquatto.  Mackenzie was dressed in her skin tight leotards with her athletic sweat clothes over her leotard.  Everytime Charlie Cheerleader tried to walk around Mackenzie, the girl shifted position to block his entry.
Mackenzie asked, "Pardon me, but what are you doing here?"
Charlie Cheerleader said, "I want to practice gymnastics."
Mackenzie replied, "It doesn't look as if you're here to practice gymnastics.  It appears as if you want to murder me instead."
Charlie Cheerleader said, "That's not true.  I honestly want to practice gymnastics."
Rebecca Bross walked behind Mackenzie and looked at Mackenzie and Charlie Cheerleader before she walked off.
Mackenzie said, "I'll be forced to attack and kill you if you don't walk away from here now!"
Charlie Cheerleader grabbed Mackenzie and he roughly tossed her aside to the floor and he walked into the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium.  Mackenzie stood up and followed him.  She once again blocked his path as she slowly nudged him back towards the exit.
Mackenzie said, "Perhaps you didn't understand me.  You're not entering the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium.  The only way you can stop me from forcing you out is to kill me and you don't have the courage to kill me.  You can only succeed in killing everybody except for me, but you'll never succeed in actually killing me."
Rebecca Bross walked behind Mackenzie and looked at Mackenzie and Charlie Cheerleader before she walked off.
Charlie Cheerleader said, "I'll be forced to kill you if you continue to be unreasonable."
Mackenzie said, "Then go ahead and kill me.  Don't just talk about it and never do it damn coward."
Rebecca Bross walked behind Mackenzie and looked at Mackenzie and Charlie Cheerleader before she walked off.  Mackenzie Caquatto finally forced him to walk backwards towards the exit and she gave him one final push.  Charlie Cheerleader fell out of the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium and fell backwards onto the parking lot face up. 
Alicia entered the Dandelion Gymnasium and she paused before entering.  She had a haunting feeling that she's about to die senselessly.  And after a few minutes of hesitation, she found the courage to swing the door open and to walk inside.  She entered the women's locker room and slowly stripped to her underwear before dressing in her skin tight leotards.
 Samantha Peszek wore tight blue jeans, a tee shirt and a sweat shirt.  Alicia Sacramone approached Samantha.  The two girls stood outside the gymnastics gym.
Alicia said, "You need to get dressed in your leotard."
Samantha said, "I got a problem with that.  First, there are cameras to record the two of us undressing to our underwear and dressing in our leotards.  Second, there are dead girls scattered across the gymnastics gym.  I don't want to be the next Dandelion Girl to get herself murdered in there."
Alicia said, "I don't want to die either, but I won't let those jerks ruin our chances to enjoy this building either.  I'm going to practice gymnastics no matter what."
Samantha said, "You better be right about this.  It would be better if we both escaped justice."
Alicia said, "I'll repay the money that I owe you if you get dressed in your leotards."
Samantha sighed before she said, "Ok, I'll do it.  But you better be right about this."
Samantha Peszek entered the women's locker room.  She slowly undressed to her underwear to be recorded on camera and slowly dressed in her leotards also recorded on camera.
Ksenia Semenova and Ksenia Afanasyeva walked side by side towards the Dandilion Gymnastics Gym.  Both girls were confident that despite that more than seventy percent of the Dandelion Girls were being wiped out one by one, that both of them will be able to survive the Dandelion Girl massacre that the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse were afflicting against them both.
Ksenia Semenova said, "What were you going to be if you were allowed to grow up to adulthood?"
Ksenia Afransyeva said, "You shouldn't talk like that.  Even though most of the Dandelion Girls are ages eight years old to twelve years old, ourselves included, we will get the chance to grow towards adulthood.  I have confidence that we shall survive the night while most of our fellow sorority sisters at the Dandelion Girls proved to be easy to murder."
Ksenia Semenova said, "Oh Goddess, I certainly hope so." 
Ksenia Semenova and Ksenia Afanasyeva entered the Dandelion Girls Gymnastics Gymnasium and entered the women's locker room.  Both girls slowly undressed before changing into their leotards.  Aliya Mustafina was already in the Women's Locker Room as Ksenia Semenova and Ksenia Afanaseva were busy getting undressed from their street clothing, standing in their lingerie before changing into their leotards.  Ksenia Semenova bent over Aliya Mustafina as she sat next to Ksenia Afanaseva.
Ksenia Semenova asked, "Are you going to practice gymnastics with Ksenia Afanaseva and myself?"
Aliya said, "Eventually I plan on doing so, but I have to make a few telephone calls first."
Ksenia Semenova asked, "Are you sure?  Ksenia Afanaseva and myelf sure can use your help."
Ksenia Afanaseva said, "It's true.  Your assistance could be the difference between life and death.  You could help backup Kenia Semenova in case I'm knocked unconscious."
Aliya said, "I wish I could help.  I really could, but these phone calls needs to be done first."
Kenia Semenova tripped and she fell on top of Aliya Mustafina breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina.  Ksenia Afanaseva pulled Ksenia Semenova off of Aliya Mustafina.
Aliya said, "I guess I needed to lie on top of Skenia Semenova breasts on spine and vagina on rear end.  Then it would've been permanently fatal."
Ksenia Semenova said, "Such a pity.  Another time then."
Ksenia Afanaseva said, "Don't take too long with your phone call."
Aliya said, "With my luck, the girl I'm trying to make a cell phone to is already dead."
Ksenia Semenova said, "That's always a possibility with the number of Dandelion Girls who are ending up murdered."
Ksenia Afanaseva said, "I only hope that we don't end up getting murdered too."
Both Ksenia Semenova and Ksenia Afanaseva entered the gymnasium to see legally dead girls scattered across the gymnasium floor.
Ksenia Semenova said, "I guess it's a good thing that we arrived late."
Ksenia Afranasyeva pointed at Skunk Lord lying down on top of Drama King groin on rear end and chest on spine while Drama King lay on Ice Skating Lad groin on rear end and chest on spine.  The sexually seductive girl said, "It would've been better if we never showed up at all.  Now that we see them dance on top of each other, both of us now must die in order for such a secret to remain hidden. Perhaps we can slip away unnoticed."
Ksenia Semenova and Ksenia Afanasyeva entered the Dandelion Girls Gymnastics Gymnasium and entered the women's locker room.  Both girls slowly undressed before changing into their leotards.  Boh girls entered the gymnasium to see legally dead girls scattered across the gymnasium floor.
Ksenia Semenova said, "I guess it's a good thing that we arrived late."
Ksenia Afranasyeva pointed at Skunk Lord lying down on top of Drama King groin on rear end and chest on spine while Drama King lay on Ice Skating Lad groin on rear end and chest on spine.  The sexually seductive girl said, "It would've been better if we never showed up at all.  Now that we see them dance on top of each other, both of us now must die in order for such a secret to remain hidden. Perhaps we can slip away unnoticed."
 Rebecca Bross was changed into her leotards when she exited the Women's Locker Room to the Dandelion Gymnastics Gym.  The Women's Locker Room was still a safety zone to the Dandelion Girls and will continue to be so until enough Dandelion Girls are killed that it is changed into territory used only by the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.  When a Dandelion Girl dies, the death is permanent and can't be reversed.  Dandelion Girls can use a resurrecting device, but only for a limited number of time and then the device stops working forever.  Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Serial Killers can never die and has unlimited resurections.  When the Dandelion Girls lose property to the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse, the loss of property is permanent.  Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Serial Killer are never allowed to lose property to the Dandelion Girls.  When a Dandelion Girl prove to be difficult to kill, she must tell her murderer the best way to kill her.  Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Serial Killers are never allowed to tell the Dandelion Girls the best way to kill them.  And yes, the rules is geared against the Dandelion Girls.
Rebecca Bross wasn't thinking such thoughts right now.  Her thoughts concerned other matters instead.  She calmly walked across the gymnastics gym with the confident assurance of a woman who expected to see the next day.  She had a plan to accomplish exactly that.
 Rebecca Bross stood behind Aliya Mustafina, Ksenia Semenova and Tatiana Nabieva.  Rebecca was tempted to approach the three girls, but she didn't know what she was going to say.  So she just stood behind the three women without really knowing what they were talking about or how she would join in.  Whatever was going on, Aliya Mustafina, Ksenia Semenova and Tatiana Nabieva appeared to be enjoying themselves.  Rebecca wasn't sure she wanted to interrupt that.

Rebecca Bross paused before she turned around and walked off toward a different direction.  There was stuff to do and Rebecca felt that she delayed for far too long.
Aliya realized that Rebecca Bross was clearly feeling upset and she followed with Jiang following close behind.
Aliya said, "What is wrong?"
Rebecca cried out, "Just get away from me damn it."
Jiang said, "You can't talk to Aliya like that.  What if all three of us girls die and the final conversation we have is one of anger."
Rebecca cried out, "I honestly don't care at this point."
 Jiang Yuyuan was standing nearby when Aliya Mustafina tried to put her arm around Rebecca Bross' shoulders.  Rebecca stepped back noticeably startled.
Jiang said, "Aliya and I noticed that you were looking at Aliya with a sad expression on your face.  It was my idea that Aliya reassure you that no ill will exist between the three of us girls."
Rebecca said, "Trust me, nothing of the sort ever entered my mind."
Aliya said, "Still, you look like you need a hug."
 Aliya continued to step towards Rebecca with the intention of wrapping her left arm around Rebecca's shoulders.  Aliya was forceful and wrapped her left arm around Rebecca's shoulders.  Rebecca resisted, but then stopped struggling and learned to enjoy it.
Aliya said, "You see, it wasn't so bad."
Rebecca said, "You needed to give me some warning next time."
Aliya said, "Us Dandelion Girls don't get the luxury of advanced warning."
Jiang said, "Admit it Rebecca, it wasn't so bad."
Aliya said, "Hold on ladies, I see something that needs to be checked out."
Aliya Mustafina walked away from Jiang Yuyuan and Rebecca Bross towards an unknown noise that she heard nearby.  Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord was hiding nearby and he might need to kill Aliya if she checked her surroundings too closely.  Sadly for Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord, he doesn't get to kill Aliya because she didn't check her surroundings too closely.
Aliya walked away without realizing how close she came to getting herself murdered.
 Aliya Mustafina and Tatiana Nabieva walked off leaving only  Ksenia Semenova and Ksenia Afanasyeva.  The two girls faced each other as they casually talked without realizing that soon one of the two girls will be legally dead forever. 
Ksenia Semenova thought she spotted Rebecca Bross, but she turned around and didn't find the girl.  Ksenia emenova frowned as she turned her attention to Ksenia Afanasyeva once again.
Ksenia Semenova noticed that there was a Micro Sized Sexual Orgasm Enhancement Sonic Wave Machine between the breasts of a dead girl's body.  Ksenia Semenova winced from the sight of the corpse and she backed away with a mixture of pain, hurt and anger on her face.
Ksenia Afranasyeva wrapped her arms around Ksenia Semenova's shoulders in comforting solidarity.  Ksenia Afranasyeva said, "It's allright.  We'll avenge the deaths of all the girls these jerks have murdered."
Ksenia Semenova replied, "I certainly hope so."
The Micro Sized Sexual Orgasm Enhancement Sonic Wave Machine was turned on as Ksenia Afranasyeva hugged Ksenia Semenova.  Skunk Lord's left foot accidently touched Ksenia Afranasyeva's rear end and accidently kicked her towards Ksenia Semenova so that the two girls were pressed against each other---Breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina.  Ksenia Afranasyeva came seconds from dying when her lips nearly touched Ksenia Semenova's lips, but the two women parted from each other barely in the nick of time.  Ksenia Semenova roughly kicked Skunk Lad.  Ksenia Afranasyeva roughly kicked Sunk Lord. 
Ksenia Afranasyeva kicked Skunk Lord five more times as she looked down upon her victimizer with hate and anger.  The victim kicked her victimizer ten more times with arrogance.
Ksenia Afranasyeva bent over Skunk Lord before she said, "I want to see you in pain as all of your fellow Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse buddies die one by one before I finally take your life once and for all.  I want you to feel all the hurt and pain that I'm feeling right now."
Skunk Lord accidently kicked Ksenia Afranasyeva in her vagina with his left foot and the doomed sexually seductive girl crumpled to the ground unconscious.
Skunk Lord said, "I'm sorry young lady, you were saying something to me."
Ksenia Afranasyeva stirred and it was obvious that the doomed sexually seductive girl will recover.  But there's a chance to murder Ksenia Semenova before Ksenia Afranasyeva fully recovers.  Ksenia Semenova will soon be dead.  Ksenia Semenova has ten minutes of life left before she dies.
Ksenia Semenova said, "So you're not going to talk to me because lying down in that awkward position is much more interesting.  You are a sad excuse of a human being."
Skunk Lord stood up and he said, "You're going to wish you never said that young lady."
Ksenia Semenova will soon be dead.  Ksenia Semenova has nine minutes of life left before she dies.
Ksenia Semenova said, "I'm going to grow old and die of natural causes before you actually get the chance to murder me.  Losers such as yourself always gives up before the story ever begins."
Skunk Lord said, "That's where you're wrong.  I always complete the girl murdering sprees that I'm forced against my wishes to begin."
Ksenia Semenova will soon be dead.  Ksenia Semenova has eight minutes of life left before she dies.
Ksenia stepped aside and dodged the blow as Skunk Lord tried to punch her.  Skunk Lord tried to kick her and she dodged the blow before she blocked his attempt to punch her.
Ksenia Semenova said, "Oh come on, is this the best you got?"
Skunk Lord said, "Stop being so impatient.  I'll get around to murdering you."
Ksenia Semenova will soon be dead.  Ksenia Semenova has seven minutes of life left before she dies.
Skunk Lord punched Ksenia Semenova and she doubled over in pain.  She briefly lost her breath as she was knocked to her hands and knees before scrambling haphazardly to her feet.
Ksenia Semenova will soon be dead.  Ksenia Semenova has six minutes of life left before she dies.
Skunk Lord punched Ksenia Semenova and helplessly fell when her legs buckled and collapsed when she got the wind knocked out of her.  She tried to recover, but she found herself lying helplessly in a submissive pose as death nearly claimed her. 
Ksenia Semenova will soon be dead.  Ksenia Semenova has five minutes of life left before she dies.
Ksenia Semenova found the will and the courage to stand up again.  Her renewed capacity to recover from an almost near successful attempt to kill her was short lived.  Skunk Lord punched her in the stomach five times before he kicked her.  Another punch to the stomach was all that was needed to finish the doomed girl once and for all.
Ksenia Semenova will soon be dead.  Ksenia Semenova has four minutes of life left before she dies.
Her legs buckled and this time, she lost the will to keep on fighting.  Tears filled her eyes as she felt shame and humiliation as darkness clouded her vision.  She found herself lying down and it was impossible to compel her dying body to stand back up.  Ksenia Semenova is dying.  She has three minutes of life left before she dies.
She lay down and it became impossible for her to breath as death claimed the nubile sexually seductive girl.  She tried to speak, but her dying body no longer gave her the chance.  Ksenia Semenova is dying.  She has two minutes of life left before she dies.
Ksenia Semenova lay on her back as she tried to stand up.  She only managed to roll over on her stomach instead.  Ksenia Semenova is dying.  She has one minute of life left before she dies.
Times up!  Ksenia Semenova is no longer alive.  Ksenia Semenova is legally dead.
Ana Pograss attacked Skunk Lord from behind with a strangulation grip.  She pressed her vagina on his rear end while she pressed her breasts on his spine.  Her strangulation grip got tighter.
Ana said, "Go ahead and try to kill me.  I dare you."
 Ana continued her strangulation grip as she said, "What's the matter?  Are you suffering from a loss of words.  Oh how disappointing.  And I was getting used to a really neat conversation."
 Skunk Lord rammed his left albow into Ana's stomach causing the girl to double over in pain.  He broke from her strangulation grip and spun around to face her.  He punched her in the stomach ten more times as she continued to double over in pain.
Skunk Lord said, "I have no problems having a conversation with you as long as you agree to die."
Ana said, "I have no intentions of dying anytime soon.  Sorry to disappoint you."
 Skunk Lord punched Ana twice before kicking her.  Ana doubled over in pain as she fell face first to the floor in a defeated submissive pose.
 Ana slowly stood up.  She faced him.  He faced her.  She punched him twice and he doubled over in pain.  He walked backwards while she walked forward.  She punched him ten more times.
 Ana tried to punch him, but he blocked her blow.  Skunk Lord punched Ana and she doubled over in pain.  She barely recovered from the blow.
 Ana kicked him and he blocked the blow.  He punched her five more times.
 Ana punched him twice.  She smiled as she punched him again.
 Skunk Lord punched her twice and Ana punched him five times.
 Ana kicked him and he fell helplessly to the floor.
Ana said, "I guess you'll have to kill me some other time."
 Ana said, "I wish I could stay, but I must dash."
Skunk Lord said, "Stick around for a while and let me kill you."
 Ana said, "Perhaps later, I really must be escaping justice right now."
Skunk Lord said, "This changes nothing.  You're still doomed to die one way or another."
 Ana said, "Perhaps I'm doomed to die, but you're not the one to murder me."
Ana Pograss smiled as she escaped justice to live and fight another day.
Alexandra Raisman took a deep breath as she stood up and she walked towards the Women's Locker Room.  She was alone and she knew that was a dangerous thing to do.  Yeah, there were safety in numbers.  But when the number of surviving Dandelion Girls kept slipping lower and lower, it's difficult to find a Dandelion Girl to serve as an escort since a large number of them are legally dead.  And Alexandra wondered how long it would take before she too ends up getting herself murdered.
 Alexandra Raisman paused when she had the suspicion that she was being followed.  She spun around and failed to see anything.  Her heart pounded in her chest as she rested her right hand on her voluptuous breasts as she took a few steps towards the source of a suspicious noise.
 Nothing.  Alexandra stood alongside Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord's hiding spot.  If she turned her head left, then he would be forced to kill her in order to protect his hiding spot.  Alexandra is going to die anyway, but Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord would be forced to kill her earlier than expected.
 Alexandra didn't turn her head left.  She spun around and slowly walked towards the Women's Locker Room.  She paused for a few seconds before she entered the Women's Locker Room.
 Alexandra slowly removed her clothes without realizing that a hidden camera was recorded everything that went on in the Women's Locker Room.  Every conversation, each time a girl undressed from her street clothes and she stood in her underwear.  Everything was recorded for eternity by the secretly hidden camera.
 Alexandra was about to emerge from the Women's Locker Room towards Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord's hiding place in her underwear.  She was about to provoke Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord to kill her while she was dressed in her underwear.  She chose against such an action at the last second.  But her life nearly ended if she chose to investigate a strange sounding noise.
 Alexandra Raisman never realized how close she came to getting herself murdered.  She walked towards her locker to remove her leotard.
 Alexandra Raisman chose to be killed in her leotards instead of being killed in her underwear or her street clothing.  But she still needs to be killed in some way.  Either she'll provoke the Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord to kill her by discovering his hiding place or she'll provoke Skunk Lord, Drama King and Ice Skating Lad to kill her by interrupting their private time session.  The doomed sexually seductive girl must decide if she wants to die in the lobby at the hands of Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord or die in the gymnastics gym at the hands of Skunk Lord, Drama King and Ice Skating Lad.  Victoria Nguyen and Norah Flatley can't be the last girls standing until Alexandra Raiseman dies.
Alexandria Raisman put sweat pants and a sweat jacket over her leotards as she considered leaving the Women's Gymnastics Gym.  Such a move would allow the doomed nubile teenage girl to escape justice to live and fight another day.  Thankfully, the doomed voluptuous teenage girl chose to do no such thing.
 Alexandra Raisman took off her sweat pants and her sweat jacket and put both into her locker with her street clothes.  She slammed her locker shut before walking outside the Women's Locker Room to the Main Lobby.  Her locker wasn't locked because she wasn't allowed to do so.  Aly Raisman encountered Alicia Sacramone who was already dressed in her gymnastics leotards.
Alexandra said, "Have you seen McKayla Maroney?  There's rumors floating around that McKayla is already legally dead and the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse didn't have a chance to attack either of us two girls yet."
Alicia said, "I didn't see McKayla yet, but that doesn't mean that she's dead.  She could be somewhere else instead."
Alexandra said, "Who did this?  Did Ice Skating Lad murder McKayla?  Ice Skating Lad wrote some rather disturbing things.  I showed Mary Lou Retton those very disturbing stories that he wrote and she was horrified.  Mary Lou agreed with me that Ice Skating Lad was a scary acting weirdo who needs to die in an act of revenge."
Alicia said, "Easier said than done.  Have you seen all those Dandelion Girls who tried to seek revenge against the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse?  How many of the Dandelion Girls actually survived the battle to the death?  None?  Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of."
Alicia said, "I'm going into the gym in case the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse are there already.  Care to join me?"
Alexandra said, "I'll hang out here in the lobby a bit longer."
Alicia said, "Hanging around the lobby without a second Dandelion Girl to accompany you is a dangerous thing to do.  It would make it easier for you to be killed now that you're dressed in a leotard instead of being dressed in you street clothing.  Be careful.  Be safe."
Alexandra said, "You too."
Alexandra watched Alicia Sacramone walk towards the Gymnastics Gym so intensely, that she nearly walked backwards into a knife that Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord was holding.  Nastia Liukin walked towards Alexandra and ruined Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord's trail of thought.  Alexandra had no idea how close she came to getting herself murdered.  Nastia and Alexandra closely hugged.  Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord tried to stab both women while they hugged with the same knife, but his shoe laces came undone.  And when he finally retied his shoe laces, Alexandra and Nastia were no longer hugging each other.  Another effort to kill Alexandra and Nastia were ruined.
Nastia asked, "Have you seen Alicia Sacramone?"
Alexandra said, "You just missed her.  She walked into the gymnastics gym."
Nastia said, "Care to join me inside the gymnastics gym?"
Alexandra said, "I'm going to hang out here in the lobby a bit longer."
Nastia said, "Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord may find himself forced to kill you if you're the only person blocking him from entering the gymnastics gym.  Your death making it easy for Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord to kill me seconds before I nearly succeed in killing Skunk Lord.  Your failure and death will also produce my doom so be careful.  It's not just your life that's in danger."
Alexandra said, "I'll keep that in mind."
Alexandra Raisman watched as Nastia Liukin entered the Gymnastics gym.
Alexandra Raisman approached Rebecca Bross.
Alexandra asked, "What's going on?"
Rebecca replied, "I was looking for Alicia Sacramone."
Alaxandra said, "I thought I saw Alicia somewhere around here, but I'm not sure where.  Perhaps she's still in the Women's Locker Room."
Rebecca replied, "I already checked the Women's Locker Room and I couldn't find her."
Alexandra said, "You probably missed Alicia by only a few seconds.  Is it crucial or is it something that can wait.  If it's crucial, I'd be more than willing to assist you.?"
Rebecca replied, "I guess it's something than can wait."
Alexandra said, "I don't know how long I'll get to be alive before I'm murdered.  If there's anyway I can assist, now would be the time for you to call upon my assistance."
Rebecca said, "I understand that, but it's probably better if I wait for a bit longer.  Thanks for the help though.  It was very sweet of you to offer, but this is something that only Alicia and I can do alone.  Your presence might disrupt it.  Don't mind me.  I'm feeling a bit scrambled tonight."
Alexandra said, "It's better to feel a bit scrambled than it is to be legally dead."
Gabrielle Douglas was dressed in her leotard when she approached Kyla Ross and Jordyn Wieber.
Gabrielle said, "It's such a shame that I'm working alongside the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.  I'm going to miss you two girls when the both of you are finally defeated and killed."
Jordyn said with a moan, "Don't start with that again.  The Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse never accepted your petition to join them nor will they ever make the effort."
Gabrielle said, "What are you talking about?  The Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse love having me around.  That's always been the case."
Kyla said, "It may have always been the case in your imagination, but not in real life."
 Gabrielle said, "You have no sense of vision."
Kyla said, "I have a great sense of vision.  You don't have a sense of reality."
Jordyn said, "Gabrielle will have a better idea who her friends really are when Skunk Lord approaches her with a blood soaked knife in his hands."\
Gabrielle said, "That's why I hate conversing with you two girls.  You're no fun to talk to."
Jordyn Wieber watched as Alexandra Raisman walked towards her and stood next to Gabrielle Douglas and Kyla Ross.
Jordyn said, "Here comes the girl with the plan."
Alexandra faced Jordyn before she said, "I do have a plan that involves Gabrielle, Simone, Madison, Lauren, Kyla as well as the two of us.  But my plan will be ruined if our small little group is wiped out by serial killers all the way down to only three girls out of seven girls."
Gabrielle said, "You're assuming that Simone and I actually rank as murder victims."
Kyla faced Gabrielle and she said, "I hope that Simone and yourself rank as murder victims because a seven girl attack is better than a five girl attack."
Gabrielle said, "So there is an actual plan that actually requires seven girls or else it falls apart."
Alexandra said, "Of course there's a plan.  But if our group is wiped out from seven girls all the way down to three girls and I die before I could recruit four new girls, then it's all over for the other two girls left standing."
Kyla said, "That's an optimistic thought.  Thanks for helping me feel better about this."
Jordyn said, "Of course nothing wrong will happen to us girls.  How could anything wrong happen to us girls?  I feel good about tonight."
Gabrielle said, "I sure hope you're right about that."  Gabrielle paused before she added, "Hold on, there's somebody I need to talk to."
Aliya Mustafina watched as Gabrielle Douglas walked towards her.
Aliya Mustafina stood next to Gabrielle Douglas and Victoria Komova.
Aliya said, "Quite a turn out us girls have created."
Victoria said, "However, there are some dead girls already lying scattered in the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium.  I don't want to be among the dead women."
Gabrielle said, "That isn't going to happen if I have anything to say about it."
 Aliya said, "Suppose you're killed so that you won't have anything to say about it when it's time for Victoria and I to die."
Gabrielle said, "I'm confident that I'm not going to be among the dead."
Aliya said, "So Victoria and I will be the only deaths among the three of us girls."
Gabrielle said, "That isn't going to happen either."
Victoria said, "I like your confidence."
 Gabrielle said, "One of us three girls needs to be confident."
Victoria said, "Then why do I keep getting the perception that Gabrielle will be the first of us three girls to die and I'll be the last of us three girls to die."
Gabrielle said, "Because you need to have a sunnier optimism about tonight."
Aliya said, "Optimism is only going to take us girls so far and then it's up to our ability to kill before all three of us girls are wiped out."
Victoria said, "I'll adopt a sunnier optimism if Gabrielle doesn't die first as expected."
Gabrielle said, "Sounds like a fair enough deal."
Aliya asked, "And what happens if you die?  Then poor Victoria can't be optimistic anymore and it's going to be your fault."
Gabrielle said, "Sadly, dead girls can't feel regret about giving Victoria a false perception of optimism so my dead body will be free and clear."
Aliya said, "I'll miss you when you're defeated and killed."
Gabrielle said, "I'm not dead yet lady."
Gabrielle walked towards Simone Biles and Alexandra Raisman who were both seated.  Gabrielle also sat down.
Alexandra said, "I probably hugged Simone more times than I hugged Skunk Lord.  Is that wrong for me to say.  I hugged Simone more times than I hugged both Skunk Lord and Gabrielle combined."
Gabrielle said, "I don't have to stay and listen to this."
Simone said, "And why would that be?  Because you know it's the truth."
Gabrielle said, "I'm getting out of here."
Alexandra said, "You can't leave now.  All three of us girls are in this together."
Simone said, "Or rather, Alexandra and I are in this together more than you are because Aly and I hugged more often than you care to admit."
Gabrielle said, "No seriously, I don't need to put up with this."
Gabrielle stood up and walked of.  Alexandra followed close behind.
Gabrielle said, "You're having some fun at my expense."
Alexandra said, "I wish to apologize.  I'm out of line."
Gabrielle said, "You owe me a few more hugs."
Alexandra and Gabrielle looked to the left of them to notice that Aliya Mustafina and Victoria Komova are looking at the two of them.
Gabrielle said, "We're attracting quite an audience."
Alexandra said, "Yeah, I noticed."
Alexandra watched as Aliya Mustafina stood between Gabrielle and herself while Victoria Komova stood next to Gabrielle.
Victoria said, "You two girls are having quite a conversation."
Gabrielle said, "Nothing that can't be settled easily."
Victoria said, "That's good, because Aliya and I are willing to serve as mediators."
Alexandra said, "That won't be necessary, but thanks for the offer."
Aliya said, "Hey, what are friends for."
Alexandra said, "Gabrielle and I are setting up a really great plan of attack against Skunk Lord.  Gabrielle and I could use two more girls."
Victoria said, "Aliya and I are hoping to lie low for a bit longer."
Gabrielle said, "It would get harder to fly under the radar if seventy percent of us girls are wiped out."
Aliya said, "Victoria and I will deal with that when the time comes."
Gabrielle and Alexandra smiled as they walked away from Aliya and Victori.  Aliya ran after Gabrielle and Alexandra and she stood between the two women.
Aliya said, "I'm not saying that Victoria and I hoping to survive by flying under the radar won't fail because I have this suspicion that I'm also doomed to die.  However, I'm willing to bet you two girls ten dollars each that neither of you two girls are going to be alive and breathing when it comes time for Victoria and I to be attacked and killed."
Alexandra said, "You got yourself a deal lady."
Gabrielle said, "I'm looking forward to collecting ten dollars from Victoria and yourself."
Aliya said, "As if that's ever going to happen."
Gabrielle said, "I may be a cute girl, but I don't make a cute girl corpse."
Alexandra said, "Gabrielle and I have a lot to accomplish tomorrow and none of it will be of any use if Gabrielle and I dies before you die."
Aliya said, "I'll be sure to remind you two girls that when it comes time for Victoria and I to die and both of you two girls are legally dead."
Victoria faced Gabrielle before she said, "I'm sorry Aliya and I interrupted your hug with Alexandra."
Gabrielle said, "That's ok, I got the impression that Alexandra would rather hug Simone."
Victoria asked, "If you did got to hug Alexandra, what would it be like?"
Gabrielle hugged Victoria before she said, "My hug with Alexandra would've been like that."
 Victoria said, "I'll never get to hug Aliya like that."
Gabrielle said, "Hold on, did you see that?  I thought I saw Skunk Lord behind us?"
Victoria said, "We shouldn't let that interrupt our hug."
Gabrielle said, "We should investigate Skunk Lord.  I go first and you go second."
Victoria said, "Skunk Lord went that way."
Victoria walked off and vanished.  Gabrielle lost track of the girl.
Meanwhile, Alexandra walked forward and she didn't see where she was going.  She walked directly into Jordyn Wieber.  The two teenage girls ended up hugging each other tightly.

 Gabrielle hugged Alexandra from behind---Breasts on spine and vagina on rear end while Alexandra hugged Jordyn---Breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina.  The three girls separated.
Alexandra said, "I saw Skunk Lord nearby?"
Gabrielle said, "Victoria Komova and I were going to investigate."
Alexandra said, "Oh, Jordyn and I wasn't good enough for you."
Jordyn said, "Don't take it too personally."
Alexandra said, "I'm not taking it too personally."
Gabrielle said, "I'll attack Skunk Lord with the two of you girls instead if I can't find Victoria."
Jordyn said, "Gabrielle could try to ruin Skunk Lord's make out session with Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord while Alexandra and I try to ruin Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord's make out session with Skunk Lord.  Then the three of us girls will hug just like that afterwards when we succeed.  Hopefully, our efforts won't be ruined by all three of us getting killed one by one."
Gabrielle said, "What about Victoria?"
Alexandra said, "Aliya will have better luck trying to find Victoria."
Jordyn said, "Tatiana Nabieva will risk her life helping Aliya try to find Victoria."
Gabrielle said, "I sure hope you two girls are right about this."
Gabrielle and Alexandra walked away from both Aliya as well as Jordyn and they walked towards a small group of girls.  Simone Biles,  Gabrielle Douglas, Madison Kocian, Lauren Hernandez and Alexandra Raisman stood alongside each other.  Four out of five must die now before Jordyn and Kyla shows up to turn the five girl group into a seven girl group.  Five girls is already one girl too many and one of the five must die first right now!
Alexandra said, "Word around the campfire is that Gabrielle actually thinks her life will be spared."
Madison said, "I'll call Skunk Lord to come right away and have a conversation with us five girls."
Gabrielle said, "Don't you start with this too."
Madison said, "I bet you're going to die before my violent demise."
Simone said, "If Gabrielle truly belongs to the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse, she might say a nice word about me and recommend that I'll be spared too."
Lauren said, "So I guess only three of us five girls are going to end up getting murdered."
Simone said, "I'll miss you Lauren and Madison when your lives are finally ended in a murder attack.  Honestly, I'll be crying actual tears."
Gabrielle said, "I'll still get to hold court at Starbucks with my new buddies at the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.  Simone can be my right arm girl."
Simone said, "It will be a fun honor.  It's an honor for me to accept."
Gabrielle asked, "I wonder if the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse takes much selfies."
Simone replied, "The two of us will have to teach them how to take selfies."
Gabrielle said, "I guess that will have to be the case."
Madison cried out, "Hold on a second, you two girls isn't going to just stand there and watch while I'm attacked and murdered."
Simone said, "I'll have to watch you get murdered Madison if Gabrielle and I are joining the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.  Sorry."
Lauren said, "Perhaps I should slap some common sense into Gabrielle and Simone."
Alexandra replied, "You're doing no such thing.  Save your aggression for the Skunk Lord when he attempts to kill you once and for all."
Alexandra Raisman, Gabrielle Douglas, Simone Biles, Madison Kocian and Lauren Hernandez stood side by side in the lobby of the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium. 
Lauren asked, "How many of us girls were nearly kidnapped and taken hostage without ransom for over five years before escaping captivity?"
Madison asked, "Isn't that a requirement for joining the Dandelion Girls?"
Alexandra replied, "It's not always a requirement, but it helps."
Gabrielle said, "The Dandelion Girls is going to need to do a huge hiring and recruitment binge if we keep having our numbers drop like a rock everytime a Dandelion Girl like Madison and Lauren is needlessly killed."
Madison said, "Gabrielle and Simone could also end up getting murdered."
Simone said, "Let's hope not.  I'm too young to die."
 Lauren said, "All of us girls are too young to die.  Madison and I are too young to die, but everybody agrees that death is guaranteed for Madison and myself."
Madison said, "Let's not jump the gun.  I'm still alive and breathing and I intend to stay that way.  Let's focus on the positives."
Simone said, "I found it hard to focus with so many girls standing around alive and breathing."
Gabrielle said, "It will be easier when Madison and Lauren are finally killed as expected."
Alexandra said, "That's enough pessimism for one day.  We'll never survive if we keep picking ourselves apart like this."
 Gabrielle said, "I think I left something that I need in my locker.  Either Madison or Lauren needs to enter the Women's Locker Room, unlock my locker to find it."
Madison said, "I'm not doing this alone.  Lauren will help."
Lauren said, "I'd love to, but I need to do a few more texts first."
Simone said, "That's ok, Madison will be legally dead and it will be time for Lauren to die when Madison is finished tempting Skunk Lord to kill her while trying to get something from Gabrielle's locker.  Then Lauren will need to enter the locker room to get something from Gabrielle's locker because Madison was defeated and killed before she could do so.  Then it will be necessary to kill Lauren to prevent Gabrielle from getting something from her locker."
Gabrielle said, "I was hoping to get that item from my locker without Madison and Lauren getting killed in the process."
Alexandra said, "Gabrielle can get her beloved item from her locker since she's on good terms with Skunk Lord to start with."
 Gabrielle said, "Madison and Lauren should try to get something from my locker and die in the effort since both girls are the easiest to kill."
Madison said, "Hey, I'm not sure I like that suggestion."
Lauren said, "But it's true."
Madison said, "I still don't like it."
Simone replied, "Life isn't fair sometimes."
Madison looked at Alexandra and Gabrielle.
Madison said, "What do you think Alexandra?  Should I enter the locker room and risk getting killed in the process."
Alexandra said, "You need to stay here where it's safe."
Gabrielle said, "Don't listen to Alexandra.  She has no idea what she's talking about."
 Madison said, "Alexandra has never been wrong before."
Alexandra said, "At last, a girl with common sense."
Gabrielle said, "The Dandelion Girls invasion of the gym can't fail with all the invading Dandelion Girls wiped out one by one all the way down to zero without killing Madion and Lauren."
Madison looked at Lauren and Simone.
Madison said, "The Dandelion Gymnasium actually belongs to us girls."
Simone said, "That won't be the case if Dandelion Girls keep getting wiped out one by one all the way down to zero.  Then it becomes their building."
Lauren said, "That's not a good thought."
 Madison said, "I'm not budging."
Lauren said, "You go girl."
Simone said, "A girl needs to risk her life attacking Skunk Lord and die in the process.  Madison is closest to the Women's Locker Room."
Madison looked at Gabrielle and Lauren.
Madison said, "I don't have to stand close to the Women's Locker room if that's the only requirement needed to be attacked and killed."
Lauren said, "Show them who's boss around here Madison."
Gabrielle said, "I'll kill you Madison for disobedience if you don't enter the Women's Locker room to unlock my locker without getting attacked and killed in the process."
 Madison said, "Gabrielle isn't going to actually kill me."
Lauren said, "Gabrielle shouldn't be doing such a thing."
Madison said, "I thought so."
Gabrielle said, "There's a first for everything."
Lauren walked backwards until she pressed her spine on Madison's breasts and her rear end against Madison.  Madison walked backwards in return.
 Lauren said, "Watch out Madison, Simone is about to attack you for disobedience."
Simone tried to kill Madion for disobedience, but Madison blocked her attack.
 Gabrielle tried to attack Madison for disobedience, but Madison blocked the attempt.
 Gabrielle said, "Let's try again."
Madison said with a groan, "I'm not entering the Women's Locker Room and you can't kill me for disobedience so forget about it."
 Gabrielle punched Madison.  Madison punched Gabrielle.  Both girls fell to the ground alive and well.  Both girls helped each other to their feet.  Madison and Gabrielle hugged tightly.
Alexandra hugged Madison tightly breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina.
Alexandra said, "Perhaps you should enter the Women's Locker Room and get Gabrielle's item from her locker without getting killed in the process."
Madison said, "Don't ask me to do that.  Please have mercy.  Skunk Lord I going to kill me if I do that and I'm too young of a girl to die."
Alexandra said, "I'm going to kill you for disobedience if you disobey so you better go over there and let yourself get murdered since you're going to die anyway at my hands."
Gabrielle said, "I'll miss you when you're dead and defeated if that helps you feel better."
Madison and Alexandra parted from each other.  Madison turned away from Alexandra and Gabrielle and towards the Women's Locker Room.  Madison released a groan before she walked towards the Women's Locker room to get something from Gabrielle's locker without getting killed in the process.  Skunk Lord followed the doomed girl from a safe distance.
Skunk Lord followed Madison from a safe distance.  He pulled out his knife when he was certain that the doomed voluptuous sexually seductive girl wasn't looking.  Just when he was about to have Madison stabbed to death before she could enter the Women's Locker Room, there was the sound of female sounding footsteps forcing Skunk Lord to hide.
Alexandra said, "I thought you were ordered into the Women's Locker Room to investigate and to kill any male intruder or else you'll be killed for insubordination."
Madison said, "I was on my way over there before you interrupted me."
Alexandra said, "I don't want to detain you then."
Madison replied, "Yeah, I guess I shouldn't be detaining you."
Alexandra said, "Well go on then.  Enter the Women's Locker Room and closely inspect and violently attack any intruder until you're killed in self defense or you kill him."
Alexandra didn't realize that she was standing in the way when Madison walked into her and the two women ended up hugging each other.
Lauren asked, "Is this a private party or can I join along?"
 Alexandra said, "I was just leaving."
Alexandra walked off.  Lauren walked towards the Women's Locker Room with Madison standing behind her breasts feet from spine and vagina feet away from rear end.
Madison said, "I don't have to inspect the Women's Locker Room alone.  You can join me."
Lauren said, "It's better if I wait until you are dead before I make the effort."
Madion said, "It doesn't have to be that way."
 Lauren said, "In case I never said this before, you were a great friend and I'll miss you if you get yourself killed at the hands of Skunk Lord."
Madison said, "Hey, I'm still alive and breathing."
Lauren said, "But for how much longer before you too are killed."
Madison said, "I'm not going to be killed anytime soon."
Lauren spun around when Madison walked into her forcing the two girls to hug each other---Breasts pressed against breasts and vagina pressed against vagina.
Lauren released Madison
Lauren said, "I better get going."
Madison took off Lauren's lucky bracelet and put it behind her left bra cup.
Lauren cried out, "Hey, what's the big idea."
Madison said, "Now you'll have to inspect the Women's Locker Room and attack any intruder until either you die or he dies because you have to get your lucky bracelette back.  If that happens after my death, then so be it."
Madison smiled as she walked towards the Women's Locker Room.
Alexandra Raisman walked towards the Main Lobby of the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium.  She thought she heard male footsteps and forced her murderer to hide when she spun around.  Nothing.  Alexandra's breasts started to heave when she spun around and walked towards the Lobby of the
Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium.
 As Alexandra walked towards the Lobby, Simone Biles and Gabrielle Douglas were already there.
Simone said, "It's so nice that the two of us girls are in the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.  We get to see all of our friends die one by one from a safe distance."
Gabrielle said, "But it's also kind of sad to see all of our friends die one by one."
Simone said, "I'm fine with that as long as I'm not on the list of girls who need to die."
 Gabrielle said, "So what do you want to do for breakfast when morning arrives again."
Simone said, "I thought every single Dandelion Girl needs to be legally dead before the sun rises."
Gabrielle said, "But us two girls are in the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse so we get to see the morning.  I'm going to get myself some pancakes.  What about you?  Want pancakes too?"
 Gabrielle' cell phone started to ring.
Gabrielle said, "I need to get that."
Gabrielle walked directly into Simone---Breasts on breast and vagina on vagina and missed the cell phone call.
Simone said, "I guess we'll never know what that cell phone call was about."

 Gabrielle hugged Simone breasts tightly pressed on breast and vagina tightly pressed on vagina.  Alexandra ran into the two girls and ended up hugging Simone---Vagina on rear end and breasts on spine while Simone hugged Gabrielle breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina. 
 All three girls separated.
Simone said, "Oh Goddess, I almost passed out."
Gabrielle said, "I almost passed out too."
Alexandra said, "There's always a chance that I could do this to Madison Kocian and Lauren Hernandez instead of you two girls if Madison and Lauren isn't murdered right now."
Four out of five must die now before Jordyn and Kyla shows up to turn the five girl group into a seven girl group.  Five girls is already one girl too many and one of the five must die first right now!  Time for Madison to die first.
Madion Kocian had no idea that she's about to be murdered when she walked closer towards the Women's Locke Room to closely inspect and violently attack any intruder until she is killed in self defense or she kills Skunk Lord.  Time for Madison to violently die in a deadly murder attack.
Skunk Lord walked behind Madison.  His left hand rested on her left shoulder.  The girl paused for a few seconds before she turned around to face him.
Madison said, "Oh hello, I knew you were here somewhere."
Skunk Lord said, "I can't allow you to escape now that you've seen me."
Madison said, "I wasn't looking for friendly conversation with you anyway."
Skunk Lord punched Madison and she blocked his blow.  She punched him twice, he punched her once, she punched him three times, he punched her twice, he kicked her before she punched him.  Madison kicked him twice and he punched her once before kicking her.
Madison kicked him to the ground and he stopped moving.  Madison turned around to exit the Women's Locker Room.  Skunk Lord found the strength to stand up and walk behind the girl with intent to kill her once and for all.
 Madison spun around and she kicked him to the ground.  She stood over him with a grim smile as he lay there dazed by the blow.
 Skunk Lord stood up and he punched Madison, she kicked him, she punched him twice before he punched her.  He punched her.  He punched her again.  She kicked him before he punched her twice.
 He punched Madison and she fell backwards to the ground and lay without moving. 
 Madison stood up and she punched him.  He kicked her twice and she punched him once.  He punched her three times and she punched him twice.  She tried to punch him and he blocked the blow.  He punched Madison twice before kicking her.  Madison punched him before he kicked her twice and punched her four times.
 He kicked Madison and she fell face up to the ground.

 Madison stood up and he kicked her five times before punching her.  She tried to punch him and he blocked her blow. 
Madison said, "Please don't do it.  Give me a chance to survive."
Skunk Lord replied, "Sorry lady, but it's time for you to die."
Skunk Lord kicked Madison and she fell backwards face up to the floor.

 Madison was legally dead before her corpse hit the ground.  He checked for a pulse and found none. 
Madison Kocian is no longer alive.  Madison is legally dead.
Four out of five must die now before Jordyn and Kyla shows up to turn the five girl group into a seven girl group.  One girl is already legally dead.  Four girls is already one girl too many and one of the four must die first right now!  Time for Lauren Hernandez to die.
Lauren Hernandez paused before she chose to walk towards the Women's Locker Room.  Skunk Lord had nowhere to hide.  He had no choice but to kill Lauren while he had the chance.  Time for Lauren to die once and for all.
Lauren faced Skunk Lord and she smiled.  Skunk Lord looked at Lauren and he smiled.
Lauren said, "Hello there, how is your evening."
Skunk Lord said, "My evening will improve once you are killed."
Lauren said, "Well, one of us is delusional tonight and it isn't me."
Lauren tried to punch him and he blocked her blow.  He blocked five more blows delivered by Lauren before he kicked her twice and punched her three times.
Lauren punched him.  She kicked and punched him before punching him again.  He kicked her and she punched him twice before he punched her.  He punched her twice before she kicked him.  He punched her again before she tossed him against a wall and kicked him.  He punched her.
 Lauren punched him.  He tried to punch her and she blocked his blow before she kicked him twice and punched him.  He tried to kick her and she blocked the blow before she punched him twice.  He tried to punch her and she blocked the blow.  He tried to kick her and she blocked the blow.  She punched him before he kicked her twice.
 Lauren punched him and he kicked her.  He kicked her twice before punching her.  He tried to kick her and she blocked the blow before punching him.  He punched her twice before kicking her.
Lauren tried to escape, but he grabbed her right arm to yank her backwards.  He spun her around to face him before punching her twice before kicking her. 
 Lauren punched him twice and he kicked her.  Lauren punched him three times and he kicked her.  He kicked her four times before punching her.  He tried to punch her and she blocked his blow.  He kicked her twice before punching her.
Lauren punched him.  She punched him again.  She punched him five more times before he kicked her twice and punched her ten times.  Lauren punched him five more times and he kicked her.
 Lauren punched him.  She punched him twice.  He punched her six times before she kicked him.  She kicked him again before punching him.  He kicked the girl five times.  She tried to punch him and he blocked her blow before punching her twice.
 Lauren kicked him twice.  She smiled as she kicked him again.
Lauren said, "Are you ready to give up yet."
Skunk Lord said, "I'm willing to keep attacking until you die."
Lauren said, "That isn't going to happen."
Lauren kicked him five more times.
 He kicked Lauren five times and she doubled over in pain.  She tried to escape and he punched her five times causing her flying to the floor.  She stood up and he kicked her to the floor again.  The doomed girl slowly stood up again.
Lauren punched him and he kicked her.  She kicked him twice, he punched her, she punched him and she kicked him before he punched her.  He punched the girl five more times.
 She punched him.  She punched him, he kicked her, she punched him twice.  She kicked him twice, punched him, he punched her and she kicked him twice again.
 He kicked the girl and she doubled over in pain.  He kicked her again.
 He kicked her twice and she doubled over in pain.  He kicked her to the floor and she stood up before he punched her, she punched him and he kicked her to the floor.
He kicked her to the floor.  She stood up and he kicked her to the floor.  She stood up and tried to punch him only to have him block her blow.  He kicked her to the floor again. 
He kicked her to the floor.  She stood up.  Lauren tried to punch him and he blocked the blow.  He punched her, she kicked him and he kicked her to the floor. 
 He kicked her.
He kicked her five more times. 
He kicked her twice before punching her.  She tried to punch him and he blocked the blow.  He punched her twice before kicking her.  He kicked her again.   Lauren looked at him with a sluggish expression before he punched her twice and kicked her.
Lauren was still sluggish as he kicked her twice and punched her.  She was so sluggish that she was unable to fight back as he kicked her twice and punched her ten times. 
Lauren stopped breathing as she fell face first on top of Madison Kocian breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina.  Lauren closed her eyes as her lips rested on Madison's lips.  The life left Lauren as she stopped moving and slowly stopped breathing.  She was unable to stand anymore as death overwhelmed the doomed nubile sexually seductive girl.

Lauren fell dead on top of Madison's dead body---Breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina.  Lauren Hernandez is no longer alive.  Lauren is legally dead.  Skunk Lord walked over the dead bodies of both Dandelion Girls with a calm expression.
Four out of five must die now before Jordyn and Kyla shows up to turn the five girl group into a seven girl group.  Two girls is already legally dead.  Three girls is already one girl too many and one of the three must die first right now!  Time for Gabrielle to die.
Gabrielle Douglas approached Alexandra Raisman and the two women hugged each other tightly breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina.  Skunk Lord watched it all from a distance.

 Alexandra faced Gabrielle after the walked apart from each other before she said, "Madison Kocian and Lauren Hernandez hasn't returned.  One of us girls needs to go looking for her."
Gabrielle said, "Oh no, don't go looking at me.  It's your responsibility to go looking for Madison and Lauren.  Don't force me to go looking for those two girls instead."
Alaxandra said, "Listen, I wouldn't be asking this from you, but our leotard clad group is in serious danger of getting wiped out one by one all the way down to zero.  You need to risk your life trying to put a stop to the serial killing attacks against our leotard clad group."
Gabrielle said with a sigh, "Ok, but you owe me one if we manage to survive this mess." 
Gabrielle walked away from Alexandra and she walked towards the Women's Locker Room.  Skunk Lord followed Gabrielle into the Women's Locker Room close behind.
Gabrielle walked closer towards Skunk Lord's hiding place.  Skunk Lord will be forced to kill Gabrielle if she looks too closer for his hiding place.  Skunk Lord will be forced to kill Gabrielle if she blocks his ability to exit his hiding place even if she isn't aware of where he's hiding.  Skunk Lord will be forced to kill Gabrielle if she finds his hiding place.  Gabrielle walked closer to his hiding place and her doom may be getting closer than she would've preferred. 
 Gabrielle would've gotten the chance to survive a bit longer if she turned around and walked away.  Instead, she walked closer to Skunk Lord's hiding place.  It may be necessary for Skunk Lord to kill Gabrielle if she blocks his hiding place, looks too closely or finds his hiding place.  Which of the three becomes Skunk Lord's motivation for killing Gabrielle.  Gabrielle isn't allowed to survive!  The girl must die now!
Gabrielle unknowingly stood inches away from Skunk Lord.  He now must kill her.  Time for Gabrielle to die in battle against Skunk Lord.
Gabriella Douglas was about to walk inches closer towards Skunk Lord when she saw another leotard clad girl walk towards her.  Gabrielle Douglas greeted and warmly hugged Larisa Andreea Iordache.
Gabrielle said, "So you're going to help me out.  I could use a two girl team."
Larisa said, "Actually, I was hoping that you would contribute some money to a pizza party that the surviving Dandelion Girls who hasn't been killed yet is planning to have when morning arrives.  It's obvious that the Dandelion Girls isn't going to be 100% wiped out to non-existence when morning arrives.  A pizza party is a good way to prove that as fact."
Gabrielle said, "Oh yeah, I'll get some cash from my purse after I check out this section."
Larisa said, "That would be great.  I'll be organizing the pizza party so you know it's going to be cool and fun for all of us girls."
Gabrielle said, "You know that I'll never miss your pizza parties for anything."
Larisa said, "I certainly hope not."
 Larisa Andreea Iordache walked away from Gabrielle.  Gabrielle won't be able to get some money from her purse to give to Larisa's pizza party because Gabrielle is about to be murdered.  Larisa will never get the chance to throw her pizza party because she's about to die too.  But Gabrielle is going to be killed right now and Larisa will be killed later.  Time for Gabrielle to die in a murder attack.
Gabrielle walked towards Skunk Lord's hiding place and looked directly at her victimizer.  Now it's time for Skunk Lord to kill Gabrielle before she tells the rest of the Dandelion Girls where Skunk Lord is hiding.  Skunk Lord stood up and he punched Gabrielle.  Gabrielle punched Skunk Lord, he kicked her, she punched him twice, she kicked him, he punched her, she kicked him and he punched her twice before kicker her five times.
Gabrielle walked alongside the balance beam and he grabbed her left arm and pulled her backwards.  He punched her, she punched him and he kicked her twice, she punched him, he punched her, she punched him and he kicked her twice.
Gabrielle punched him, she kicked him before she punched him twice.  He tried to punch her and she blocked his blow before punching him.  Skunk Lord doubled over in pain before Gabrielle punched him five more times.
Gabrielle said, "I'm going to have so much fun telling the rest of the girls where you're hiding.  You'll never get the chance to kill me before I can alert the rest of the girls where you are."
Skunk Lord said, "I was going to let you go.  Now that's impossible.  I can't allow you to survive.  You must die now before it's too late."
Gabrielle said, "It's already too late because I have no intention of getting killed."
Skunk Lord kicked Gabrielle twice before punching her.  She tried to punch him and he blocked her blow before kicking her.  He kicked her twice before punching her.
Gabrielle punched him, he kicked her, she punched him, he kicked her, he punched her, she kicked him and he punched her twice.  He punched her five more times before blocking her attempt to punch him.  He punched her twice.
Gabrielle punched him and kicked him twice causing him to double over in pain.
Gabrielle punched him twice and he started to stagger.
Gabrielle punched him and he kicked her twice, she punched him, she kicked him, she punched him, she kicked him again before he punched her seven times before kicking her.
He blocked her attempt to punch him before he kicked her twice, punched her and kicked her.
He blocked her attempt to punch him, he kicked her, he blocked her attempt to punch him, he blocked her attempt to kick him, he punched her twice before kicking her.  He blocked another one of her punches before kicking her twice.
Gabrielle started to stagger as he kicked her.
Gabrielle was noticeably ill looking as he kicked her.  It was getting harder for her to breathe as he kicked her.  She staggered.  He kicked her twice before punching her.
Gabrielle tried to punch him and he blocked her blow before kicking her.  He punched her.  He punched her again.  He punched her twice, kicked her before he punched her.  He blocked her attempt to punch him before kicking her so hard that she lost her breath before kicking her again.
Gabrielle struggled to breathe as he kicked her.  The doomed girl is about to die.  He punched her twice before kicking her.  He punched her again.
Gabrielle punched him before she walked towards the balance beam. 
Gabrielle walked onto the balance beam.
Gabrielle tripped over her feet and she started to fall off the balance beam.  This is it.  Time for Gabrielle Douglas to die once and for all.

Gabrielle fell off the balance beam and her dying body struck the floor.  She rolled from her back and onto her stomach.  The dying girl pressed her breasts and vagina on the floor until she felt a masturbation orgasm.  After feeling an extreme burst of emotion, Gabrielle rolled face up as she looked upwards at her murderer as her eyes closed.  Gabrielle closed her eyes as death overwhelmed the doomed girl.  She lay before his feet in a defeated crumpled heap.  She lay in a submissive pose before the feet of her victimizer.  Hopelessness and doom overwhelmed her as she stopped breathing and died. 
Gabrielle Douglas is no longer alive.  Gabrielle Douglas is legally dead.
Four out of five must die now before Jordyn and Kyla shows up to turn the five girl group into a seven girl group.  Three girls is already legally dead.  Two girls is already one girl too many and one of the two must die first right now!  Time for Simone to die.
Larisa Andreea Iordache approached Simone Biles and Kyla Ross.  Oh no, Kyla is about to approach Alexandra Raisman and Jordyn Wieber and Simone Biles is still alive and breathing.  Simone must be lured away from Larisa and Kyla and murdered.  But how will Skunk Lord lure Simone away and kill her.  Continue to read this story to find out how Simone is lured away from Larisa and Kyla and murdered once and for all.  Larisa, Simone and Kyla are doomed to be killed.  One of the three girls is about to die now.  Two of the three girls will die later.
Larisa said, "I got Gabrielle to commit some money from her purse to my We Survived Long Enough to See Morning Pizza Party.  I was hoping that you two girls will contribute money from your purses too so we could really have fun with this."
Simone said, "Oh, you already know that I'll help you out with your pizza party.  It sounds like it's going to be lots of fun."
Kyla said, "You don't need to encourage me to contribute money and attend.  The only way to stop Simone and I are to kill both of us girls and no more girls will die tonight."
Larisa said, "That a girl, I know I could always depend on you."
Kyla said, "Oh Larisa, you should know by now that you can always depend on me."
Simone said, "I'll get some money from my purse for your pizza party Larisa, but first, I must find Gabrielle to make sure that she hasn't been attacked and killed."
 Larisa Andreea Iordache looked at Simone Biles before she said, "Take me along.  If Gabrielle has been attacked and killed, then you'll need me as reinforcement."
Simone said, "It's kind of you to ask, but I think I can handle this."
Larisa asked, "Are you sure?  Don't turn down life saving assistance when it's offered to you."
Simone said, "I'm sure, but I really appreciate your offer of assistance.  It's really kind of you to do so.  But I'm certain that I can handle this without getting myself killed in battle against Skunk Lord."
Larisa said, "I have a bad feeling about this, but if this is what you want, then I won't argue."
Larisa said, "We should hug to celebrate our friendship."
Simone replied, "I agree.  We need to hug to celebrate our friendship."
Larisa hugged Simone.  Skunk Lord nearly kicked Simone in her rear end to force the girl to press their bodies together breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina.  Doing so would've killed both girls.

 Larisa and Simone parted after hugging each other.  Simone tripped over her feet and nearly fell backwards to the floor.  If Simone fell after hugging Larisa. then Simone will die permanently. 
 Simone Biles doubled over as she nearly fell to the floor.
 Simone Biles nearly fell against Kyla Ross.  If Simone crashed against Kyla breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina, then both girls would've instantly died.
Simone regained her footing as Kyla nearly fell backwards.
 Simone Biles and Kyla Ross regained their footing and survived.   Larisa Andreea Iordache thought she saw Skunk Lord and she walked away from Simone and Kyla to inspect the area she thought she saw Skunk Lord vanish too.  Skunk Lord will be forced to kill Larisa if she inspects the area too closely.  Larisa must die now and this could be the chance to murder the girl.
Larisa walked closer to Skunk Lord's hiding place.  Is this the chance to kill Larisa?
Larisa didn't inspect the area closely enough.  Instead, she walked off.  Simone Biles approached Amy Tinkler.  The two teenage girls hugged each other tightly.
Amy asked, "Have you seen Charlie Cheerleader yet?"
Simone asked, "Why would I be looking for Charlie Cheerleader for?"
Amy said, "I'm trying to kill that jerk before he becomes a problem."
Simone said, "I wish you luck with that."
 Amy said, "I could use your help searching for Charlie Cheerleader."
Simone said, "Thank you, but I'm trying to find Alexandra.  Oh, there she is."
Simone walked away from Amy and she walked towards Alexandra Raisman.  The two teenage girls hugged each other tightly.
Alexandra asked, "Have you found either Kyla or Jordyn?  Please give me some good news.  I'm been needing some good news recently."
Simone said, "I found Kyla, but I didn't find Jordyn."
Alexandra said, "That's great, but Madison, Lauren and Gabrielle have vanished.  I need you to find all three girls and prevent all three from getting killed."
 Simone Biles said, "I shall let you know if Madison, Lauren and Gabrielle is dead and where their murderer is hiding.  The only way to stop me from doing so is to kill me in a murder attack."
Alexandra said, "I hope nothing of the sort will happen."
Simone said, "Nothing of the sort will happen."
Simone Biles walked away from Alexandra.  Time for Simone to die.
 Simone Biles approached Sanne Wevers.  Simone whispered into Sanne's ear.  Sanne smiled.  Sanne nodded.  Sanne approached  Skunk Lord and Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord.
 Sanne said, "I'm feeling so horny right now.  I need to hug somebody.  Can I hug you?"
Skunk Lord replied, "I guess we could hug each other."
 Sanne looked at Skunk Lord with a puzzled expression on her face.
Sanne asked, "Why are you refusing to hug me if you want to hug me."
Skunk Lord said, "I want to hug you, but your the enemy and I need to kill you instead."
 Sanne said, "We should be friends and lovers instead of enemies."
Skunk Lord said, "I'll get in trouble for doing this, but what the Hell.  Let's hug each other."
 Skunk Lord hugged Sanne Wevers.  Sanne smiled as she pressed her vagina and her breasts against Skunk Lord's body as she hugged him.
 Sanne Wevers approached Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord.  Sanne hugged Etreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord.  She pressed her vagina and her breasts against his body as they hugged.
 Sanne Wevers smiled widely as she approached Skunk Lord.  Sanne hugged Skunk Lord.  She smiled with even more enthusiasm as she pressed her vagina and her breasts against his body as they hugged even tightly.
 Sanne said, "You see, it wasn't so bad.  We can hug instead of fight each other to the death."
Skunk Lord said, "You're right.  It's fun to hug other people."
 Sanne Wevers nearly fell forward with shock as Skunk Lord tightly hugged Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord groin on groin.  She barely recovered in time.
 Sanne Wevers said, "I challenge Skunk Lord to walk across the balance beam without getting killed.  Then I walk across the balance beam without getting killed."
 Sanne continued, "Then you walk across the balance beam without getting killed.  Then I walk across the balance beam without getting killed."
 Sanne continued, "The game continued until one of us dies."
 Sanne said, "If I win, then I get to hug Simone.  Simone and I have to keep hugging each other until The Micro Sized Sexual Orgasm Enhancement Sonic Wave Machine was short circuiting and the only way the short circuit to be corrected was for The Micro Sized Sexual Orgasm Enhancement Sonic Wave Machine to kill both Simone and myself.   If you win, then you get to hug Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord."
 Sanne continued, "You can only win if I'm killed and I stay dead forever.  Then Simone walks across the balance beam without getting killed.  Then you walk across the balance beam without getting killed."
 Sanne continued, "Then Simone walks across the balance beam without getting killed.  Then you walk across the balance beam without getting killed."
Sanne continued, "The game continues until either Simone dies or you die."
  Sanne continued, "If simone wins, then she must lie down on my dead body and hug my dead body without getting killed in the process.  She has to keep hugging my dead body until she dies.  If you win, then you get to hug Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord."
 Sanne continued, "You can only win if Simone is killed and she's dead forever.  Then there are no girls left to challenge you."
 Skunk Lord said, "You got yourself a challenge young lady."
Skunk Lord walked across the balance beam without dying.  Sanne looked at Simone with a baffled expression on her face.
 Skunk Lord said, "Now it's your turn young lady."
And so Sanne Wevers walked across the balance beam.

 A hidden weapon that Simone placed while Sanne distracted both Skunk Lord and Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord fired a poison dart at Sanne's voluptuous breasts.  Sanne lay down on the balance beam as the sexually seductive teenage girl started dying.

Sanne Wevers closed her eyes and she died.  Sanne is no longer alive.  Sanne is legally dead.  Her dead body fell off the balance beam and lay in a crumpled heap.
Simone said, "I guess it's my turn to challenge Skunk Lord in a battle to the death."
 Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "Come on Skunk Lord, defeat and kill the girl."
Skunk Lord said, "I don't know.  I might need to forfeit the game and let the girl win."
Simone said, "That's fine.  Forfeit the game and I get to escape justice to live and fight another day.  Kill me now and I stay dead forever."
 Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "You can't allow Simone the chance to escape.  You must kill her now."
Skunk Lord said, "Simone is too cute for me to kill."
Simone said, "I'm about to escape.  You must hurry up and kill me before it's too late."
 Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "I'll kill you if Skunk Lord won't."
Skunk Lord said, "Don't kill her.  Simone is pretty."
Simone said, "I'll need a hostage before I escape.  I'll hold Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord hostage.  The only way to rescue the hostage is to kill me before I escape."
 And so Simone tied up Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord sadomasochism style.  The only way to rescue him is to kill Simone before she escapes.
 Skunk Lord said, "I can't allow you to escape with a hostage.  I must kill you now."
Simone said, "I'm willing to delay my escape with my hostage if you challenge me to walk across the balance beam without getting killed.  If I win, then I must keep hugging Sanne's dead body until The Micro Sized Sexual Orgasm Enhancement Sonic Wave Machine was short circuiting and the only way the short circuit to be corrected was for The Micro Sized Sexual Orgasm Enhancement Sonic Wave Machine to kill both Sanne and myself.  Then you get to rescue the hostage."
 Skunk Lord walked across the balance beam without getting killed.  Simone looked at Skunk Lord with a baffled expression on her face.
Skunk Lord said, "Your turn young lady."
Simone said, "A deal is a deal.  Here I go."
 And so Simone walked across the balance beam.

 A hidden weapon that Simone placed while Sanne distracted both Skunk Lord and Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord fired a poison dart at Simone's voluptuous breasts.  Simone lay down on the balance beam as the sexually seductive teenage girl started dying.  Simone Biles lay face down on top of Sanne Wevers' dead body---Breasts on spine and vagina on rear end.  Simone pressed her breasts on the spine of Sanne's dead body.  Simone pressed her vagina on the rear end of Sanne's dead body.  Simone felt an extreme burst of emotion as she reached a masturbation orgasm as she slowly died.

Simone closed her eyes and she died.  Simone Biles is no longer alive.  Simone Biles is legally dead.  Simone's dead body fell off the balance beam and lay in a crumpled heap.  Simone's dead body lay on top of Sanne's dead body---Breasts on spine and vagina on rear end.  Skunk Lord untied and rescued Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord.  Skunk Lord and Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord pressed their groins together as the tightly hugged each other next to the dead bodies of both Sanne and Simone.
Four out of five must die now before Jordyn and Kyla shows up to turn the five girl group into a seven girl group.  Four girls is already legally dead. One girl is already one girl too many and she must die first right now!  Time for Alexandra Raisman, Jordyn Wieber and Kyla Ross to die.
Rebecca Bross approached Sabrina Vega and Alexandra Raisman.  Rebecca, Sabrina and Alexandra did a three way hug before they talked.  All three girls blocked Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord from reaching Skunk Lord which made him want to kill all three girls one by one.
Rebecca said, "The Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse isn't doing a good job if they're supposed to be wiping out us Dandelion Girls one by one.  Too many of us leotard clad girls are still alive."
Sabrina said, "I always knew those jerks was all talk and no action."
Rebecca said, "I'm almost getting bored.  Us girls could be doing something else instead."
Alexandra said, "We should hang around the Dandelion Gymnastics Gym a few more minutes.  Just to be on the safe side."
Rebecca said, "It's almost not worth sticking around here, but I'll do as you request anyway."
Sabrina said, "What the Hell, I'll stick around too.  It's worth a laugh to see what happens."
Alexandra said, "Besides, not only have I just got here, but I also want to be the girl who succeeds in killing Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord.
Mattie Larson and Rebecca Bross approached Alexandra Raisman as the doomed nubile sexually seductive voluptuous teenage girl was standing guard outside the gymnastics gym while Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord waited for an opportunity to kill her. 
Mattie asked, "Hey girl, what are you doing?"
Alexandra replied, "I'm standing guard outside the gymnastics gym.  Care to join me?  There's safety in numbers."
Rebecca said, "I'm actually heading towards the gymnastics gym instead."
Mattie said, "Actually, I might help you out.  You look like you might need help."
Mattie said, "I left something in my locker and I need to retrieve it."
Rebecca said, "You can retrieve that item from your locker later."
Mattie said, "I can't wait until later.  I need to retrieve it now."
Alexandra said, "Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord might succeed in killing me if you're not alive to help me kill him."
Mattie said, "That's a risk that I'm willing to take."
Rebecca said, "Good luck ladies.  Keep in mind that Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord can't enter the gymnastics gym until both of you girls are legally dead.  Don't do anything that would make it easy for both of you girls to get yourselves killed."
Mattie said, "I'm a tough girl for anybody to kill."
Alexandra said, "I survived one murder attack.  I'll survive another one too."
Rebecca said, "That's good to know.  Well, I'm off.  Wish me luck."
Rebecca entered the gymnastics gym.
Mattie said, "Well I'm off to check my locker to retrieve the item that I'm looking for.  Then I'll help you guard the gymnastics gym or die trying."
Alexandra said, "Hurry back.  Keep in mind that it would be easier for Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord to kill me if he isolates and kills you first."
Mattie said, "Don't worry, I won't forget that.  I won't do anything stupid that would get me murdered first to make it easy for you to get murdered second."
Mattie Larson entered the women's locker room and walked towards her locker.
Mattie thought she heard somebody stand behind her as she tried to figure out her locker combination.  She bent over in an effort to remember her locker combination.
Finally remembering her locker combination, Mattie swung open her locker to pull out her iPod.  She turned her IPod on to listen to music as she looked through her purse for her smart phone.  Finding her smart phone was harder than looking for her iPod. 
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord stabbed Mattie from behind as she finally found her smart phone and picked it up.  She looked at her locker with a blank expression as she dropped her smart phone back into her purse.  Mattie was still breathing so it was necessary to stab her from behind ten more times.
Mattie said, "This can't be happening.  Alexandra and I were supposed to live longer than Rebecca."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "But Alexandra and yourself are guarding the gymnastics gym.  I can't enter the gymnastics gym until Alexandra and yourself are legally dead.  Only Skunk Lord is able to murder Rebecca Bross."
  Mattie said, "Please don't kill me.  I beg you to spare my life."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord stabbed Mattie from behind before dropping her to the floor.  Mattie fell face down towards a puddle of her blood and she died.  Mattie Larson is legally dead.
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "Sorry, but you're already dead.  Such a shame."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord exited the women's locker room and he stood behind Alexandra Raisman.  Alexandra failed to look behind her as Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord held his blood stained knife steady for another murder attack against a cute sexually seductive teenage girl in an unprovoked act of murder one.  Shayla Worley approached Alexandra Raisman and ruined Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord's murder attack against Alexandra.
Shayla said, "You're guarding the gymnastics gym alone?"
Alexandra said, "Mattie Larson is supposed to be helping me, but she has vanished."
Shayla said, "Don't let him lure you into the women's locker room to get murdered."
Alexandra said, "Letting him lure me into the women's locker room to be murdered after killing Mattie in the women's locker room might be the only way to kill me once and for all.  Then I won't be able to stop Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord from killing you to stop you from killing Skunk Lord.  Then both of us will be dead forever."
Shayla said, "Oh Goddess, I hope that doesn't happen.  I'm too young to die."
Alexandra said, "Both of us are to young to die.  That's the whole point."
Shayla said, "Well good luck.  Be careful.  Try to get another girl to help out."
Alexandra said, "I certainly will try to make the effort.  Maybe you can help me."
Shayla said, "I'm going into the gymnastics gym in an effort to kill Skunk Lord.  Remember, the only way to stop Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord from killing me to save Skunk Lord from being killed by me is not to let yourself get lured into the women's locker room to be killed."
Alexandra said, "Don't worry, I'll keep that in mind.  It appears that both Nastia and yourself is doomed to die the same way if I'm lured into the women's locker room to be killed."
Shayla said, "That's a hideous thought.  Let's hope it doesn't happen.  Good luck."
Alexandra said, "You too."
Shayla Worely entered the gymnastics gymnasium.  Sui Lu, Kseniia Afanaseva walked towards Alexandra Raisman
Kseniia said, "Good news Alexandra, Sui Lu has agreed to help you."
Sui Lu said, "I didn't agree to help Alexandra guard the gymnastics gym."
Alexandra said, "Mattie Larson was supposed to help me, but she's dead.  I'll feel better if I have a second girl to help me prevent Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord from entering the gymnastics gym.  I'm the only Dandelion Girl who can prevent Drama King from murdering Kseniia."
Kseniia said, "I'm not about to let Drama King murder me in an unprovoked act of murder one."
Alexandra said, "Mattie never intended to get herself killed, but she's legally dead."
Sui said with a sigh, "I guess I'll help you out."
Kseniia said, "Then it's settled.  Good luck ladies.  Don't let yourselves get killed."
Alexandra said, "Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord hasn't lured me into the women's locker room to get myself murdered yet."
Sui said, "Good luck Skeniia."
Kseniia said, "You too lady."
Kseniia entered the women's gymnasium.  Sui Lu looked behind her at the women's locker room.  It's Sui Lu's turn to be lured into the women's locker room to be killed.  Then it will be Alexandra's turn to be killed.
Sui said, "Perhaps I should check to make sure that Mattie is legally dead."
Alexandra said, "Not without me to accompany you."
Sui said, "One of us should guard the entrance to the gymnastics gym.  The other should check to see if Mattie is legally dead."
Alexandra said, "I strongly urge that you don't do it."
Sui said, "Oh yes, you promised me that I could borrow you favorite bracelet.  I'll wear it now."
Alexandra said, "But if you get yourself killed in the women's locker room, then I'll have to enter the women's locker room to retrieve the bracelet from your arm and die in the process.  Since I'm going to be in the women's locker room anyway, I should join you."
Sui said, "It's better if I check the women's locker room alone and wear your favorite bracelet in the process.  I'm never wrong about these things." 
Yao Jinnan was lured inside when Sui Lu got closer towards her unavoidable death scene inside the women's locker room.  Yao Jinnan stood next to Sui Lu and Jordyn Wieber who emerged from the women's locker room to join the ill fated all girl posse to guard the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium Lobby.
Yao said, "Where are you going Sui?"
Sui said, "Mattie Larson has vanished.  I need to enter the women's locker room to find out where she has vanished to."
Jordyn said, "I just left the women's locker room.  There isn't anybody there except for Mattie Larson's dead body."
Sui said, "Then you need to join me inside the women's locker room to help me investigate the disappearance and possible death of Mattie Larson."
Yao said, "Jordyn already told you that Mattie is legally dead and nobody is in there."
Jordyn said, "Please don't ask me to enter the women's locker room a second time.  I don't want to run the risk of being killed alongside Sui Lu."
Sui Lu turned to face the recently arrived Deng Linlin and Luiza Galiulina.
Luiza said, "I'd be more than happy to join you in the Women's Locker Room."
Sui said, "At last, I won't have to face my would-be victimizer alone."
Deng said, "I need to talk to Sui first before she can join Luiza in the Women's Locker Room."
 Luiza said, "That's ok, I'm a patient girl.  I can wait."
Deng said, "I need Sui's help in checking out the Hidden Utility Closet.  I heard that three girls need to die in front of it in order for it to be unlocked once all of us girls are wiped out."
Sui said, "I don't want to die in front of the Hidden Utility Closet when I'm needed to help prevent Luiza from getting herself killed in the Women's Locker Room."
 Luiza said, "I'll help you girls inspect the Hidden Utility Closet."
Sui said, "Helping Deng check out the Hidden Utility Closet will take a few seconds.  You go ahead into the Women's Locker Room and I'll join you."
Deng said, "Shit For Brains Lad would be released from captivity inside the Hidden Utility Closet sooner than expected if three dead leotard clad Dandelion Girls are needed to release him and all three of us girls ends up getting ourselves killed."
Sui Lu rested her left hand on her voluptuous breasts as she walked alongside Deng towards the Hidden Utility Closet.  Sui tripped and she fell face first.  Deng tripped and she almost fell on top of Sui, but fell face first next to her instead.  Sui's left leg brushed against Deng's right leg as she slowly rose to her feet.  Sui helped Deng to her feet.
Sui said, "That was close.  Both of us girls nearly died."
Deng said, "Thank Goddess that we didn't die."
 Sui said, "Both of us girls would already be legally dead if Luiza fell on top of us with her left breast on my back, her right breast on your back and her vagina on both of our rear ends."
Deng said, "We need to hurry back so that you can join Luiza inside the Women's Locker Room and save the girl from getting herself killed."
Luiza Galiulina entered the Women's Locker Room.  She looked around her and she didn't see Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord.  She walked towards her locker and opened it up.  She checked her purse for her makeup to adjust her lipstick.
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord stabbed Luiza before she can use her lipstick.  Luiza dropped her purse to the floor as he stabbed her from behind five more times.
Luiza said, "What are you doing?  I'm not even attacking you."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "I won't be able to rescue Shit For Brains Lad from captivity in the Hidden Utility Closet until you are legally dead."
 Luiza broke free and she tried to race towards the exit.  Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord grabbed the girl from behind and pulled her towards her locker.  He tossed her against the row of lockers that her locker belonged to and stabbed her between her breasts.  He smiled as she winced in pain before he stabbed her again.
 Luiza stumbled as she started to fall forwards to the ground.
 Luiza held on to an open locker door before she was stabbed from behind ten more times.  Luiza's vision got blurry and clouded in darkness as it got harder to breathe.  Her muscles betrayed her need to escape getting herself killed.
 Luiza fell backwards to the ground and she lay face up in a puddle of her blood.
 Luiza somehow found the extra strength to pull herself back up to her feet.
Luiza said, "I'll pay you for the chance to escape justice."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "I'd rather murder you instead."
 Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord stabbed Luiza between her breasts and she fell backwards to the ground.  Luiza tried to stand up, but her muscles no longer cooperated.  The dying girl felt the urge to close her eyes as she lost too much blood in the knife attack against her.
 Luiza tried to speak, but she was stabbed between her breasts as she lay above a puddle of her blood face up and facing her attacker.  He stabbed her between her breasts five more times.
Luiza Galiulina is no longer alive.  Luiza is legally dead.
Alexandra Raisman stood next to Jordyn Wieber and Kyla Ross who just emerged from the women's locker room.  Both Jordyn and Kyla were dressed in their leotards.
Alexandra said, "There is no fear of Sui Lu being killed inside the women's locker room if the women's locker room is empty except for a dead body."
Jordyn said, "But still, it's a bad idea for us girls to keep pushing our luck until we all die one by one all the way down to zero.  We must leave this building while we have the chance."
Kyla said, "Nobody is escaping justice to live and fight another day.  We're all staying put."
Alexandra said, "Well, the decision to investigate the women's locker room belongs to Sui Lu."
Jordyn said, "All of us girls should have a say in that decision."
Kyla said, "But it's Sui Lu's decision if she wants to run the risk of being the second of us girls to die.  Plus, as long as Jordyn and myself isn't lured outside to die after seven more girls are killed, Alexandra has a fighting chance of surviving this rather dreadful evening."
Sui Lu said, "Well, wish me luck ladies.  Hopefully, I'll emerge from the women's locker room alive and breathing instead of being the second of us girls to die."
And so Sui Lu took a deep breath before she entered the women's locker room.
Sui Lu looked around he women's locker room after entering it.  She saw the dead body of Matie Larson and Luiza Galiulina laying on the women's locker room floor only a few inches from her bare uncovered feet.  Sui frowned as she walked around Mattie's legally dead body.  She walked over Mattie's dead body with her left foot resting on Mattie's right side and her right foot resting on Mattie's left side.  Sui bent towards Mattie's locker to inspect the contents of the locker with her back turned towards the entrance to the locker room.  Sui swayed her hips back and forth as she continued to check the Mattie's locker contents in detail.
Alexandra Raisman was tempted to enter the women's locker room and sexually tempt Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord to kill her in self defense.  However, there were too many girls gathered around her and preventing her from doing so.  And the part of Alexandra who secretly wanted to be murdered by Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord was disappointed that there were so many leotard clad teenage girls holding her back from being punished and killed by Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord inside the women's locker room.  And part of Alexandra was relieved that so many leotard clad teenage girls were holding her back from being punished and killed by Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord inside the women's locker room.  And her mind was at war at herself while the final minutes of her life kept moving unavoidably towards the moment of her defeat and death.  Alexandra turned her back to the women's locker room as if the chance to be murdered inside it didn't matter to her.  But she knew she can't avoid being killed inside the women's locker room forever.
Alexandra spun around to face the women's locker room.  The thought of dying trying to save Siu Lu from getting herself entered her mind once again.  Alexandra rejected such thoughts from her mind just as quickly.  And with that, Alexandra turned her back to the women's locker room in a futile attempt to avoid her unavoidable death from a murder attack. 
Sui Lu unlocked before opened Alexandra's locker and removed her favorite bracelet from the locker.  Alexandra's favorite bracelet was placed on Sui Lu's wrist.  Now Alexandra has to risk her life getting her favorite bracelet or die in the process if Sui Lu dies.  Now it's necessary to kill Sui Lu to make sure that Alexandra is doomed to die.  Sui Lu was so  fascinated by the contents of Mattie Larson's locker room locker that she didn't see Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord as he quietly entered the women's locker room.  Sui Lu saw a broken IPod smashed on the floor nearby Mattie's dead body.  She checked the locker a tiny bit longer before considering inspecting the broken IPod.
Sui Lu bent over Mattie's dead body as the corpse lay on the floor face down.  Sui was inches away from sitting down on Mattie's dead body as she inspected the broken IPod.  Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord walked closer to the girl as she slowly started to stand back up again.  He pulled out a knife and was ready to murder her from behind in a sneak attack against the doomed nubile sexually seductive teenage girl.
 Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord stabbed Sui Lu from behind as she tried and failed to stand up while bent over Mattie's dead body.  Sui Lu found herself crashing face down on top of Mattie's dead body---Breasts on spine and vagina on rear end.  Sui started to drool blood as she struggled to rise to her feet as Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord stabbed her from behind five more times.
Sui said, "Please have mercy.  Whatever I did against you, I would like to apologize for."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord, "Sorry lady, but you still need to die no matter how sincere your apology is.  That's just the way it is lady."
 Sui said, "Please spare me and I promise you the greatest sex you ever had."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "The need to kill you is far greater than the need to have sex with you.  But thanks for the offer anyway."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord stabbed Sui Lu as she struggled to stand up.  The dying girl collapsed on top of Mattie Larson as her muscles betrayed her efforts to stand up to face her attacker.
 Sui Lu stood up.  Her legs wobbled as she stumbled closer towards her attacker. 
Sui said, "No seriously, let's have sex and I'll forget this ever happened."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "Well, you are cute enough for me to kiss."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord and Sui Lu started to kiss each other as Sui walked backwards towards Mattie's locker.  Sui pulled out a knife from Mattie's locker and hid the weapon behind her back as she lovingly kissed her victimizer a few more times. 
 Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord stabbed Sui Lu between her breasts before lovingly kissed her five times.  Sui tried to attack him with her knife and he blocked her blow.  He responded by stabbing Sui between her breasts five times.  The dying girl dropped her knife and it clattered on the floor.
 Sui Lu punched Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord and she tried to exit the women's locker room.  Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord stabbed the dying girl from behind and she started to stumble as she left a trial of blood behind in her wake.
 Sui Lu fell face first to the floor a few inches away from Mattie Larson's death.  Sui tried to stand up and her muscles refused to respond.  Her eyes started to close as it got harder for the dying girl to breathe normally.  He stabbed her from behind ten times when her left hand moved.
Sui Lu opened her eyes for a few second before closing her eyes for the last time.  Sui Lu is no longer alive.  Sui Lu is legally dead.
Meanwhile, outside the women's locker room, a few more girls joined the gathering of doomed sexually seductive girls.  Bridget Sloan, Alexandra Raisman, Jordyn Wieber, Sabrina Vega, Rebecca Bross and Kyla Ross stood next to each other outside the women's locker room in the main lobby of the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium. 
Kyla said, "Sui Lu appears to have vanished.  We need to send another girl into the women's locker room to find out what happened to her."
Jordyn said, "Oh no, don't start with that again.  We're going to run out of girls at the rate we're going.  We need to start being a bit smarter if we're going to survive this serial killing attack being launched against us."
Bridget said, "Rebecca and I don't have to stand guard in the lobby so Rebecca and I won't have to worry about serial killers killing us both off one by one in order to enter the gymnastics gym itself."
Rebecca said, "Yeah, Bridget and I gets to die inside the gymnastics gym itself."
Sabrina said, "Yeah, but I'm standing guard in the lobby and I'm the girl who needs to be killed in order for these girl killing creeps to enter the gymnastics gym itself.  I'm not in a rush to die."
Kyla said, "That's too bad because you need to enter the women's locker room to fight our victimizers one against one until a murder is incurred."
Alexandra said, "Do you even know what the word incurred actually means?"
 Bridget said, "Rebecca and I will need to return to the gym soon.  It won't be a good idea for Rebecca and I to die trying and failing to guard the lobby to the Dandelion Gymnastics Gym."
Rebecca said, "Don't get me wrong, I don't want to see any of you girls getting yourselves killed either.  We can't afford anymore Dandelion Girl casualties."
Sabrina said, "Well I'm going into the women's locker room even if nobody else is going to do so."
Alexandra asked, "Hold on a second, don't we even get to vote on this?"
Kyla said, "I'll enter the women's locker room first if you don't want to go first."
Jordyn said, "We don't need any girls going first and any girls going second.  We need to stop anymore of us girls getting wiped out one by one.  We need to come up with a strategy that actually works before we all end up dead.
Rebecca said, "You do realize that any Dandelion Girls guarding the lobby to the Dandelion Gymnastics Gym who doesn't get murdered is free to practice gymnastics inside the gym itself.  The more girls to challenge these four jerks, the better.  I don't want to find out that you're the only girl who can save me from getting killed and you're already legally dead."
Alexandra said, "I have no intentions of getting myself murdered."
Alexandra Raisman and Rebecca Bross hugged each other.
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord almost kicked Rebecca Bross in the rear end forcing her to kiss Alexandra while pressing her body against Alexandra's body breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina.  However, both girls were so cute and sexually seductive, that he lost his nerve allowing both girls to separate alive and well.  Bridget Sloan and Rebecca Bross entered the gymnastics gym.
Alexandra chased after Rebecca Bross, but she bumped into Imogen Cairns breasts pressed against breasts and vagina pressed against vagina. 

Both girls are doomed to die.  Both girls will die before it's morning.  Both girls isn't going to survive.  Alexandra Raisman and Imogen Cairns hugged each other.  Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord almost kicked Imogen in the rear end forcing her to kiss Alexandra while pressing her body against Alexandra's body.  However, once again, both girls were so cute and sexually seductive, that he lost his nerve once again allowing both girls to spate alive and well.  Both girls were hugging each other as they talked.
Imogen said, "Where are you off to in a hurry?"
Alexandra said, "I was trying to find Rebecca Bross, but I found you instead."
Imogen said, "I'm about to enter the gym.  I could send Rebecca Bross a message for you."
Alexandra replied, "That's ok, I'll try to find Rebecca later."
Imogen said, "That's cool.  I guess I'll catch you later."
 Imogen Cairns entered the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium."
Sabrina Vega took a deep breath as she entered the women's locker room alone.  Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord followed the doomed girl into the women's locker room.
 Sabrina Vega thought she heard somebody behind her and she spun around.  She saw nobody.  Sabrina frowned as she turned around to look at three dead girls lying on the floor nearby a row of lockers.  Two of the lockers were wide open and unlocked.
Sabrina said, "Damn, this isn't good.  I need to tell the rest of the girls that the women's locker room is no longer safe for girls to step inside anymore."
 Sabrina Vega had no idea that she doomed herself simply by saying so.  Now it's necessary for the girl to be killed before she tells the rest of the Dandelion Girls to avoid using the women's locker room so that more Dandelion Girls can have the chance to die inside the women's locker room.
 Sabrina turned around to face Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord. 
Sabrina said, "Oh there you are.  I was worried that you won't show up."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "I can never turn down the chance to kill a Dandelion Girl if that's what's needed to preserve truth and justice."
 Sabrina said, "You're the bad guy who's threatening truth and justice."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "Keep saying that and you might eventually believe it too.  But it doesn't matter because one of us needs to die."
 Sabrina said, "My condolences on your impending death."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "We both know which of us needs to die.  We both know it's a mistake to let you escape justice without a scratch."
 Sabrina punched Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord and he doubled over in pain.  She kicked him as he tried to rise to his feet.  He crashed back down to the floor in defeat.
Sabrina said, "I gave you a chance to walk away from this.  Now I must kill you."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "I can't allow you to succeed.  I must kill you now."
 Sabrina kicked him five more times and he squirmed in defeat.
Sabrina said, "You got problems if this is your idea of killing me."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "The only way you can kill me is to bend over me and try to strangle me before I stab you to death."
 Sabrina kicked him ten more times.
Sabrina said, "I don't need to do that."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "Trust me when I say that I know what it takes to murder a person.  Bending over me and strangling me before I can stab you to death is the only way."
 Sabrina kicked him five times.  She bent over and moved closer towards her victimizer.
 Sabrina bent over her victimizer so that her vagina rested on his rear end and her voluptuous breasts rested on his spine.  Sabrina started to strangle her victimizer with her right arm.
 Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord spun around so that Sabrina bent over her victimizer breasts on chest and vagina on groin.  He stabbed Sabrina five times between her breasts.  Sabrina gasped in pain as he stabbed her between her breasts ten more times.
 Sabrina tried to crawl away from her victimizer as he stabbed her from behind twice.
Sabrina said, "Please let me go.  Surely we can bargain for my life."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "We both know that you must die now."
 Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord stabbed Sabrina from behind and she collapsed to the floor in defeat.  A puddle of blood emerged from the dying girl as he stabbed her from behind five more times.  It got harder for Sabrina to breathe as death overwhelmed the dying girl.
Sabrina Vega closed her eyes and she died.  Sabrina Vega is legally dead.
Time for Yao Jinnan to die inside the women's locker room.
Yao Jinnan knew that it was time for her to enter the women's locker room and challenge her victimizer to a battle to the death. 
 Huang Huidan, Yao Jinnan, Daria Spiridonova stood alongside each other in the lobby of the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium.
Yao said, "I'm going to inspect the women's locker room for any Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse murderers.  I'd feel better if I had two more girls coming along with me."
Huang said, "Daria and I will wait until after you die before we both enter the women's locker room."
Yao said, "Us girls will get a lot more accomplish if all three of us attacks as a single unit."
Daria said, "I'd like to help you out, but I'm having trouble getting the right tunes on my IPod.  Huang is helping me with my IPod."
 Yao said, "Your inability to take this threat against the Dandelion Girls seriously could end up dooming all three of us."
Huang said, "Getting the right tunes on Daria's IPod is just as important."
Daria said, "Don't worry, Huang and I will help out the second my IPod is figured out properly."
Kyla Ross, Huang Huidan and Aliya Mustafina stood nearby Daria and looked at her disapprovingly. 
Kyla said, "Forget the IPod and help out Yao so she doesn't have to worry about getting herself murdered.  We can't afford to lose anymore Dandelion Girls."
Daria said, "I can't be of much use to anybody without my IPod."
Huang said, "I hope your addiction to your IPod doesn't lead to my premature demise."
Daria said, "I'm sorry, but my IPod is my good luck charm."
Aliya said, "You don't need a good luck charm Daria."
Kyla said, "A good luck charm fails to be a good luck charm if Daria gets herself killed regardless of if her IPod ever got fixed."
Aliya said, "That's the problem that could lead to my demise if Daria isn't around to save me from getting myself killed because she too has died."
Huang said, "Thankfully, all three of us girls are still alive."
Aliya said, "I'm hoping to keep it that way."
Kyla said, "Nobody in the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse has ever gotten close to killing me so I'm not worried about a thing."
Victoria Komova and Jordyn Wieber approached Yao.
Victoria said, "Is Daria still using her broken IPod as an excuse to avoid responsibility?"
Yao said, "What else is new."
Victoria said, "Don't let it get to you.  Just make sure that the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse is afflicted with their first ever casualty."
Yao said, "You better believe that's exactly what I'll do."
Jordyn said, "It'll be better if you simply waited until Daria got her IPod figured out."
 Yao said, "I'm impatient to start wiping out the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse right now."
Victoria said, "I know the feeling.  It would be great to make those jerks pay for all those innocent girls who needlessly died."
Jordyn said, "Don't worry, one of us girls will survive long enough to actually kill one of those jerks once and for all."
 Yao said, "Well, I'm off to the women's locker room.  Wish me luck."
Victoria said, "I'd love to help out, but I'm needed in the Dandelion Gymnasium.  Which means that both of you girls will never get to see me die since both of you girls needs to die in order for the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse to wipe out the girls guarding the lobby."
Jordyn said, "The Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse will never get to wipe out all of the girls guarding the lobby.  I'll personally make sure of that."
Tatiana Nabieva entered the Lobby of the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium.  The doomed nubile teenage girl stood next to Victoria Komova and Huang Qiushuang.
Tatiana said, "You're needed in the Gymnastics Gymnasium."
Victoria said, "I think I'll stay here in the Lobby instead of the Gymnastics Gymnasium."
Tatiana said, "But it will be impossible for us girls to be wiped out one by one if we're all spread out across the Gymnastics Gymnasium, the Women's Locker Room and the Lobby."
Victoria said, "I don't mind making it impossible for Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord and his buddies to kill me.  I get to stay in the Lobby for as long as I want as long as Huang Quishuang hasn't been killed in a manner that no longer makes the Lobby a safety zone for us girls."
Huang Quishuang said, "Oh great, now you made it necessary for Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord to have me murdered."
Tatiana said, "It's not going to fall apart for us girls until you die.  I have confidence that no serial killing murders will be afflicted against you this evening.  All three of us girls will get to see the daylight of morning a few hours from now."
 Victoria said, "You only need to prove your bravery by entering the Women's Locker Room first to prove that nobody will succeed in wiping out all three of us girls one by one."
Huang Quishuang said, "I think it's better if I wait for a few more girls to get themselves wiped out one by one first before I go in there to die."
Tatiana said, "Drama King has been looking at me kind of weirdly.  He thinks that he'll get the chance to murder me.  Perhaps I should blow him a kiss."
Victoria replied, "Don't encourage the lunatic."
Huang Quishuang turned her attention to He Kexin and Koko Tsurmi. 
He Kexin said, "Victoria and Tatiana should blow kisses to Drama King."
Huang Quishuang said, "You're only saying that because you want Victoria and Tatiana to die before your death scene."
Koko said, "It's only going to fall apart for us girls if we allow it to fall apart for us all."
He Kexin said, "Well, it's almost time for one of us girls to step inside the Women's Locker Room.  Which one of us gets to enter the Women's Locker Room and never emerge from that place ever again.  My money is on Yao Jinnan."
Koko said, "We shouldn't be so fatalistic.  We should encourage our teammates to survive with strength and dignity."
Huang Quishuang, "That and also it will be impossible for me to die without Yao Jinnan dying first."
Tatiana Nabieva, Aliya Mustafina and Victoria Komova reentered the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium.  Yao Jinnan entered the women's locker room.  She looked around her to see four legally dead girls scattered across the floor.  She looked around the women's locker room and failed to see her murdering victimizer.  Yao rested her left hand on her voluptuous breasts as her chest heaved as she took another look around the women's locker room.  She frowned as she walked towards a row of lockers.
 Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord walked behind Yao and proceeded to strangle the girl from behind.  Yao struggled to squirm from the strangulation grip without success.  The strangulation grip was much too strong.  Yao kicked from behind without success.  She rammed her left elbow into her victimizer as he stood behind her with his strangulation grip around her neck and failed.  The lack of oxygen was killing Yao and soon the nubile girl will be legally dead.
 Yao's knees buckled as she fell to her knees before she found herself lying down face down on the ground.  She struggled to stand up, but the strangulation grip against her neck made it impossible for the dying girl to breath.  She was dying and her attempt to guard the lobby was failing badly.
 Yao Jinnan closed her eyes and she died.  Yao Jinnan is no longer alive.  Yao is legally dead.
Kyla Ross dropped her bracelet under a wooden bench.  She bent over to grab the bracelet and failed to reach it.  So Kyla lay down face down on the floor with her breasts and vagina pressed on the floor looking for her bracelet.  It could've been a great opportunity for Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord to kill the teenage girl, but he's stuck in the women's locker room killing off teenage girls entering the women's locker room with intent to kill or be killed.  So the chance to murder Kyla Ross was ruined.  Kyla Ross grabbed her bracelet from under the wooden bench.
Kyla Ross stood up and looked directly at the women's locker room.  Once again, the doomed teenage girl gets to survive another nearly successful murder opportunity against her.  Kyla smiled with pride as she got to live for a few more minutes before the need to kill her becomes too irresistible to possibly turn down.
Huang Huidan was impatient.  The doomed girl walked towards the women's locker room regardless of if Daria was ready to join her or not.  Huang may not be aware of it, but the doomed girl is about to be murdered and nothing can prevent the nubile girl from getting herself murdered.
And as Huang walked towards the women's locker room, Daria Spiridonova continued to fiddle with her IPod without Huang's help.  Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord has to hurry up and kill Huang before Daria enters the women's locker room for her chance to be murdered.  Huang entered the women's locker room without saying anything to the rest of the doomed Dandelion Girls.  Yao saw five legally dead teenage girls on the floor and now it's necessary to kill her from telling the rest of the girls what she saw.
Huang said, "I thought you would try to attack and kill me before you attacked and killed Sabrina."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "I got impatient."
Huang said, "Your impatience will be your last mistake."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "I was hoping that you would say that."
Meanwhile, in the lobby of the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium,  Daria Spiridonova continued to fiddle with her IPod.  The girl was about to enter the women's locker room for her chance to be murdered with or without a fixed IPod.  She needs to fiddle with her IPod a tiny bit longer.
 Daria thought she got her IPod fixed, but the IPod was broken right back again.  Daria groaned with frustration as she struggled in futility with her IPod.
Huang Huidan looked at Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord.  Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord looked at Huang Huidan.  Time for Huang to die before Daria enters the women's locker room for her chance to die.  The problem was that Huang didn't leave an opening to make it possible for the doomed teenage girl to be murdered.
 Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord stabbed Huang between her breasts.  The doomed dying girl walked backwards causing Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord to walk forward.  He stabbed the doomed teenage girl ten more times.
 Huang fell backwards against a row of lockers.  She smeared her blood across the lockers as she slowly slid alongside the locker all the way to the floor.  A puddle of blood started to form under Huang as the dying girl started bleeding to death.  Huang tried to move her right hand and was rewarded for her effort by being stabbed in the back as she lay face down on the ground in a puddle of her blood.  Her right hand crashed to the ground and she was unable to move her body further.
 Huang found it difficult to breathe as he checked for her pulse.  Not satisfied with finding a pulse on the dying nubile teenage girl, he stabbed her in the back ten more times.
 Huang Huidan closed her eyes and she died.  Huang is no longer alive.  Huang is legally dead.
Daria Spiridonova finally succeeded in fixing her IPod.  The doomed teenage girl entered the women's locker room for her chance to die in a senseless murder attack.  She faced her murderer Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord.  She knew then that it's impossible for her to walk away without getting killed because she knows too much that could save her girlfriends in the Dandelion Girls from getting wiped out one by one all the way down to zero.
Daria placed the earbuds attached to her IPod into her ears before her IPod started to malfunction again.  The girl was so concerned about her malfunctioning IPod, that she failed to realize that Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord was standing in front of her.  Her failure to see Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord will be the fatal mistake that will lead to her unavoidable demise.
 Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord stabbed Daria between her breasts.  The cute sexually desirable nubile teenage girl fell against him.  The dying skin tight leotard clad teenage girl pressed her voluptuous breasts against his chest and her vagina against his groin.  Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord found himself hugging Dara as she slowly started to die in his arms.  Daria dropped her IPod to the floor and the device broke apart into several unfixable pieces.
 Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord hugged Daria tightly as he stabbed her in the back. 
Daria said, "Please spare my life.  I promise that I'll reform.  I promise that I'll be better."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "It's too late.  You're dying young lady.  I must complete the kill in order for Shit For Brains Lad to be rescued from the Hidden Utility Closet."
 Daria said, "So you're telling me that the need to save Shit For Brains Lad from captivity and almost near death is more important that sparing my life in a serial killing attack against me?"
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord stabbed the doomed nubile teenage girl in the back as he tightly hugged the dying girl. 
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "I have no choice but to end your life forever."
 Daria pulled herself away from her attacker.  She stumbled backwards and she nearly fell dead.  She tried to stand, but the dying girl was losing too much blood.  She slowly fell face first to the floor in a growing puddle of her blood.
 Daria tried to crawl to her hands and knees only to be stabbed from behind.  The girl found it impossible to breathe as she found herself closing her eyes against her wishes.  She felt shame and humiliation for the crime of being born a girl as she closed her eyes and slowly started to die.
Daria Spiridonova is no longer alive.  Daria is legally dead.
Time for He Kexin to be murdered in a serial killing attack.
Shawn Johnson walked alongside Alexandra Raisman towards the Hidden Utility Closet.  Alexandra looked at Shawn.  Shawn looked at Alexandra.
Alexandra asked, "What are we doing here?"
There is a rumor floating around that three leotard clad Dandelion Girls needs to die in front of the Hidden Utility Closet once all of the leotard clad Dandelion Girls inside the Gymnastics Gymnasium have been wiped out all the way down to zero.  In other words, if we die in front of the Hidden Utility Closet, then the three leotard clad Dandelion Girls who are supposed to die here gets to survive."
 Alexandra said, "We can't keep acting as if it's impossible for us girls to survive."
 Skunk Lord approached the two girls as they stood in front of the Hidden Utility Closet.
Skunk Lord said, "You two girls should be acting as if it's impossible for you to survive."
Skunk Lord grabbed Alexandra's bracelet and walked backwards. 
Skunk Lord said, "Now it's necessary for Alexandra to risk her life trying to get her bracelet back."
Shawn said, "Don't do it.  You'll get yourself killed if you make the effort."
Alexandra said, "I have no choice but to risk getting myself killed."
 Alexandra punched Skunk Lord and he fell to the floor face down.  Alexandra smiled as she knelt next to, but not over Skunk Lord and she grabbed her bracelet back from her victimizer.
Shawn said, "You got your victory.  Now walk away before you are killed."
 Shawn said, "Don't do anything foolish that will get you killed."
Alexandra said, "I feel like sitting within kicking distance of Skunk Lord.  The only way he can prevent me from standing up is to kick me in the vagina while sitting down while he's still lying face down on the floor.  Promise me one thing Shawn.  You'll have to jump on top of Skunk Lord if he succeeds in killing you and keep attacking until he kills you in self defense."
 Alexandra Raisman stood up when Jordyn Wieber entered the room.
Alexandra said, "Ooops, Jordyn was supposed to be the third dead girl to release Shit For Brains Lad from being imprisoned inside the Hidden Utility Closet.  Too late.  Shawn and I get to survive after all.  Shawn and I were supposed to be already legally dead before Jordyn arrived."
 Alexandra said, "Jordyn and I should hug to celebrate my survival."
Jordyn said, "Let's wait until the two of us girls are the last girls alive inside the lobby before we start hugging.  Hugging right now won't be the right time."
Jordyn tripped and she fell face first to the floor.  But because she didn't fall on top of Alexandra Raisman, Jordyn Wieber was never killed.
Alexandra helped Jordyn to her feet.  Shawn Johnson, Alexandra Raisman and Jordyn Wieber walked towards the Gymnastics Gymnasium.  Alexandra Raisman and Jordyn Weiber walked towards the lobby of the Gymnastics Gymnasium.
  Nastia Liukin, He Kexin and Yang Yilin were unaware that all three of them are about to be killed one by one by the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.  Yang looked at He Kexin.  He Kexin looked at Yang.  One of the girls needs to die first and the other one of the girls needs to die second so that Nastia will have the chance to enter the Gymnastics Gym alive and breathing.  He Kexin and Yang Yilin needs to die now in order for Nastia Liukin to escape alive and well---At least for right now.
Nastia said, "I'm about to escape justice into the Gymnastics Gymnasium.  The two of you girls must cover my escape by entering the Women's Locker Room to kill Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord before he kills anymore Dandelion Girls."
He Kexin said, "I shall do so with pleasure."
Yang said, "I will help out."
Nastia said, "Only one of you girls needs to risk your life covering my escape.  There is no point in both of you girls risking your life."
He Kexin said, "Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord is going to attack and try to kill me anyway.  I might as well get it over with."
Yang said, "Besides, there is a chance that one of us girls might actually succeed in killing him."
Yang said, "I might need to do some texting on my smart phone before joining He Kexin.  She'll have to enter the Women's Locker Room before me until I finish texting."
He Kexin said, "You can text later."
Nastia said, "There won't be any Dandelion Girls left for He Kexin to text to if us Dandelion Girls keeps getting wiped out one by one."
Yang said, "But it's important that I text important information before it's too late."
He Kexin said, "But I'll die in the Women's Locker Room if I don't have reinforcement."
Nastia said, "One of you two girls needs to enter the Women's Locker Room to cover my escape now. Time is running out."
He Kexin said, "I guess I have no choice but to run the risk of getting myself killed."
Yang said, "My texting isn't going to take too long."
He Kexin said, "It better not."
Nastia said, "He Kexin's sacrifice won't be in vain.  I shall survive to bring victory to the Dandelion Girls at long last."
Nastia said, "Oh cool, here comes Rebecca Bross. Now we know us girls will get something accomplished. No girl is tougher and more formable than Rebecca Bross."
He Kexin said, "That's what you said about the previous Dandelion Girls who ended up getting themselves killed."
Nastia said, "This time I'm serious about our chances for victory now that Rebecca Bross is around."
Yang said, "We could use whatever advantage us girls has at our disposal."
Jiang Yuyuan stood next to Aliya Mustafina as Rebecca Bross approached them both.
Aliya said, "At last, the Calvary has arrived. Now us girls can finally get something accomplished."
Rebecca said, "People has been referring to me as the Calvary? I never knew I scared the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse that intently."
Jiang said, "No Dandelion Girl has killed more Girl Killing, Woman Hating Operatives without getting herself killed in the process."
 Rebecca said, "We'll see if any of us three girls will get to become the last girls standing."
Aliya said, "Oh come now, us girls are expecting you to prevent anymore Dandelion Girls from getting themselves killed.  What's the point in being called the Calvary if you fail to prevent us girls from getting ourselves wiped out one by one?"
Jiang said, "Don't hold back.  Tell us your grand design to save us girls from getting wiped out."
Rebecca said, "I don't have a plan to save us girls from getting wiped out. Not yet at any rate."
Aliya said, "Well, you better get a plan set up and ready to go because Dandelion Girls are getting killed off one by one around here."
Rebecca said, "Yeah, I can see that. Not very hopeful if you ask me."
Jiang faced Aliya and Rebecca before she said, "Don't worry, I'll do whatever I can to prevent you two girls from getting yourselves killed. The only way my efforts to prevent you two girls from getting killed could fail is if I'm murdered, Rebecca dies second and Aliya dies third. And I don't believe that will happen anytime soon."
Rebecca said, "That's the spirit. We need more optimism."
Koko Tsurumi, He Kexin, Ana Pograss and Rebecca Bross stood alongside each other.  Now it's necessary for Koko, He Kexin, Ana and Yang to die one by one so that Nastia and Rebecca can escape into the Gymnastic Gymnasium to delay their necessary deaths by a few minutes.  It should be remembered that even Nastia and Rebecca needs to die so that Shit For Brains Lad can be rescued from the Hidden Utility Closet.
Koko said, "Should I enter the Women's Locker Room first or should He Kexin should be the first to enter the Women's Locker Room instead."
Rebecca said, "Three of us four girls must enter the Women's Locker Room and run the risk of getting killed to prevent me from getting killed in the Women's Locker Room and allow me to run the risk of getting killed in the Gymnastics Gymnasium instead."
Ana said, "Oh come on, Koko, He Kexin and I would love to have the chance to run the risk of getting killed in the Gymnastics Gymnasium instead of running the risk of getting killed in the Women's Locker Room instead."
He Kexin said, "Easy for you to say.  I'm the first of the three to risk getting killed so that Rebecca can be allowed to run the risk of getting killed in the Gymnastics Gymnasium instead."
 Rebecca faced He Kexin before saying, "The sacrifice of your life won't be forgotten."
Ana said, "I'll race you to the Gymnastics Gymnasium Rebecca."
Koko said, "Can I borrow your necklace Ana."
Ana said, "Don't borrow my necklace.  Then I'll be the third to risk getting killed inside the Women's Locker Room while Rebecca wins the race to the Gymnastics Gymnasium."
Rebecca said, "I'm sorry, but only one of us four girls are allowed to survive long enough to reach the Gymnastics Gymnasium."
He Kexin said, "There's no point in delaying this any further.  Time for me to risk getting killed in the Women's Locker Room.  Wish me luck ladies."
He Kexin wore skin tight leotards and athletic sweat pants as she entered the Women's Locker Room.  He hid from view as she walked towards her locker.  Time for He Kexin to die.
He Kexin saw seven legally dead girls lay scattered across the women's locker room and realized that she's about to become the next nubile sexually seductive teenage girl to die in a serial killing attack.  He Kexin's voluptuous chest heaved as she took a deep breath as she took a look around her.  Nothing.  She frowned as she walked towards her locker.  Her doom was getting closer and closer.
 There were the sound of female footsteps behind her as He Kexin walked backwards.  He Kexin walked backwards into Jessica Lopez rear end into vagina and spine into breasts.  Jessica took a step backwards as He Kexin spun around to face the new arrival.
He Kexin said, "You're here to help me out?  I certainly hope so."
Jessica said, "I figured that the two of us will succeed in killing Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord once and for all as a two girl fighting force unit.  The only way to stop us both from succeeding is to kill me first and nobody will succeed in killing me."
 Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord grabbed Jessica from behind in an embrace before stabbing the doomed girl between her breasts.  Jessica tried to squirm free as he stabbed her between her breasts ten more times.  Jessica started to drool blood as she slowly started sinking downward to the floor into a lying down position.
 Jessica tried to stand up, but she found herself lying down on the floor face down instead.  It was a struggle for the dying girl to keep breathing as a puddle of blood poured out of her body and across the floor.  She lost the battle and closed her eyes in defeat as tears rolled from her eyes.
 Jessica Lopez is no longer alive.  Jessica Lopez is legally dead.
He Kexin said, "That was a nasty and rude thing to do.  You need to apologize."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "I'd rather murder you instead."
 He Kexin said, "How will you succeed in killing me when all you've done so far is talk."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "This is how I was planning to murder you."
 Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord stabbed He Kexin between her breasts.  He Kexin sank to her knees before she was stabbed between her breasts five more times.  He Kexin tried to speak as she helplessly found herself falling face first on top of Jessica Lopez' dead body against her wishes---Breasts on spine and vagina on rear end.  He Kexin found herself kissing the back of Jessica's neck and the shock of kissing the back of Jessica's neck was causing He Kexin's body to shut down as death overwhelmed the dying girl.
 Her left arm moved and he stabbed her from behind twice.  He Kexin closed her eyes and she stopped breathing as her left arm stopped moving.  He Kexin has been defeated.
 He Kexin is no longer alive.  He Kexin is legally dead.
Yang Yilin was surrounded by nine legally dead Dandelion Girls dressed in skin tight leotards as she entered the Women's Locker room.  Time for Yang to die.  Yang faced her victimizer as he stood up to face his victim.  Yang frowned.
Yang said, "I successfully escaped the Secret Commander of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse and I'll successfully escape from you too."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "I'll tell you what.  I'll allow you to escape justice a second time if you succeed in unlocking your locker without getting yourself killed."
Yang said, "So you can play around with my purse and my clothing after I die."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "Dead girls has no need for such items."
 Yang said, "You got yourself a challenge.  It would feel good to get the upper hand against you."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "Don't be so confident young lady."
And so Yang bent over and started to unlock her locker.
 The second that Yang unlocked her locker was the second he started stabbing her from behind in a deadly knife attack.  Yang slowly sank to the floor as she started dripping blood on the floor below her.  The dying girl looked at him blankly as she dropped her combination lock to the floor as she slowly lay down face down on the floor and started to die.
 Yang tried to say something, but the dying girl was too weak to say anything.  Her confidence was devastated as she felt ashamed for the crime of being born a girl.  She stopped breathing as her eyes slowly started to close.
 Yang felt trapped in a dying body that was no longer responding to her wishes.  He was prepared to stab her again if she recovered, but she never recovered from the knife attack.  Yang's eyes closed.
 Yang Yilin is no longer alive.  Yang is legally dead.
Jiang Yuyuan was the next teenage girl to enter the Women's Locker Room.  Jiang Yuyuan is the next teenage girl to needlessly die.
Jiang Yuyuan said, "There is no point in hiding.  I know that you're in here."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "Don't force me to murder you lady.  Walk away while you still can."
 Jiang said, "I'm not walking away from absolute certain victory.  Not when you're so scared of me, that you're acting like you're suffering from post traumatic stress disorder.  Imagine what folks will say when I tell them that a girl's sexuality caused you to suffer from post traumatic stress disorder."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "I've been bullied so intensely that I'm suffering from post traumatic stress disorder.  I'm solving that problem by killing you."
Jiang said, "No, you're solving the problem by hiding like a damn coward."
 Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord cried out, "Help, I'm in danger.  Somebody save me by killing Jiang now before she succeeds in killing me."
Jiang said with a laugh, "That's it?  You're solving the post traumatic stress disorder that my sexuality caused you by waiting to be rescued?"
 Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "I gave you a chance to escape justice and you never took it.  So now it's time for you to die."
Jiang said, "Guess what, nobody is rescuing you.  So I get to kill you instead.  But first, I need to know where you're hiding.  Come out and die you damn coward!"
 Skunk Lord stabbed Jiang Yuyuan from behind.  Skunk Lord stabbed Jiang from behind seven more times.  Jiang started to drool blood as she got closer to the attached Women's Bathroom Toilet Stall that Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord was hiding from Jiang in.
 Jiang leaned against the wall as she staggered closer towards Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord's hiding place.  Jiang started to smile.
Jiang said, "I know where you're hiding.  I'm close to killing you off.  You better run while you still can because I'm about to finish you off."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord cried out, "For GOD's sake, kill her before she gives me anymore post traumatic stress disorder with her continued antics."
Skunk Lord cried out, "I'm trying to kill her, but she simply won't die."
 Skunk Lord stabbed Jiang ten more times.  She nearly fell forward.  It was getting harder for the girl to lean against the wall as a puddle of her blood started to form below her.  Jiang is dying and soon the girl will be dead.  She walked closer to Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord's hiding place anyway despite the fact that she's dying.
 Jiang fell forward and she lay still and immobile face down.  The girl struggled to her hands and knees in a failing attempt to stand up again.
 Jiang fell forward and she lay face down on the ground a second time.  This time, her effort to stand up was failing as her muscles stopped cooperating with the dying girl.
 Jiang tried to speak, but no words came out.  She struggled to keep her eyes from closing and it was a lost cause.  Her eyes slowly started closing.
 Jiang closed her eyes and she slowly stopped breathing.  Skunk Lord walked over the dying girl to rescue Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord in his hiding place in the attached Women's Bathroom Toilet Stall.  Both Skunk Lord and Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord hugged each other as Jiang stopped breathing and lay motionless on the floor face down.
Jiang Yuyuan is no longer alive.  Jiang is legally dead.
Koko Tsurumi, Huang Qiushuang and Deng Linlin are still alive and are guarding the outside of the Dandelion Gymnasium and the Lobby of the Dandelion Gymnasium.  Alexandra Raisman, Jordyn Wieber and Kyla Ross will either die violently before the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse gets the chance to kill Koko Tsurumi, Huang Qiushuang and Deng Linlin.  Or perhaps Alexandra Raisman, Jordyn Wieber and Kyla Ross will die violently after the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse gets the chance to kill Koko Tsurumi, Huang Qiushuang and Deng Linlin.  Whatever happens, six more teenage girls are about to be murdered and nothing will stop the murders from happening.  Alexandra looked at Jordyn and Kyla as their short lives came closer and closer to being ended in a violent murder attack.
Alexandra said, "Guess what Kyla, it's your turn to enter the Women's Locker Room."
Kyla said, "Heck no, I thought it's your turn."
Jordyn said, "I'm not entering the Women's Locker Room either."
Alexandra said, "Well, somebody has to enter the Women's Locker Room to stop this creep before more teenage girls gets needlessly killed and it isn't going to be me."
Kyla said, "Don't look at me, I lost my bracelet again and I need to get it back."
Jordyn said, "You and your bracelet."
Kyla said, "That bracelet is my good luck jewelry.  Good things always happen when I wear it."
 Alexandra said, "Good luck with your lucky bracelet.  Don't get yourself killed trying to get it back.  It would be hard for Jordyn and I to survive a murder attack if you're not able to rescue us both because you were the first of us three girls to die."
Jordyn said, "Don't tell the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse how to kill us off.  Are you nuts.  We might have a chance to survive this mess without getting killed off."
Kyla said, "I'm getting my lucky bracelet back no matter what."
Kyla looked directly at the women's locker room as her right hand rested on her voluptuous breasts.  Once again, the doomed teenage girl gets to survive another nearly successful murder opportunity against her.  Kyla smiled with pride as she got to live for a few more minutes before the need to kill her becomes too irresistible to possibly turn down
Kyla Ross made a mistake and she dropped her bracelet under a wooden bench.  She bent over to grab the bracelet and failed to reach it.  So Kyla lay down face down on the floor with her breasts and vagina pressed on the floor looking for her bracelet.  It could've been a great opportunity for Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord to kill the teenage girl, but he's stuck in the women's locker room killing off teenage girls entering the women's locker room with intent to kill or be killed.  So the chance to murder Kyla Ross was ruined.
 Kyla Ross pressed her vagina and her breasts on the floor as her fingertips came close to grabbing the lucky bracelet. 
Emma White sat on the same bench that Kyla Ross was crawling under while pressing her vagina and her breasts on the floor at the same time.  Emma unzipped her purse and looked through all the contents.  Kyla looked up to see Emma's leotard clad rear end on top of the bench while pressing her vagina and breasts to the floor while crawling under the bench trying to grab her lucky bracelet.  Emma accidently dropped her purse from the top of the bench and on top of Kyla's head.
Kyla said, "Ouch.  That hurts."
Emma said, "Sorry about that.  Are you ok."
Kyla didn't respond.
Emma White crawled under the bench to retrieve her purse and Kyla's bracelet.  Emma lay side by side next to Kyla Ross and the two teenage girls pressed their bodies together.  That and seeing Emma's leotard clad rear end sitting on the bench above her caused Kyla to slowly die from the shock of it all.  Plus having the purse fall on her head caused some serious damage to her. 
Emma pressed her vagina and her breasts to the floor as her body was pressed side by side with Kyla on Kyla's final seconds of life. 
Kyla said, "Please wait before getting your purse."
Emma said, "I need to get my purse now."
Emma pressed her right breast on Kyla's left shoulder blade after getting both her purse and Kyla's bracelet.  Emma accidently dropped her purse on Kyla's head and killed her in the process.  Kyla Ross is no longer alive.  Kyla Ross is legally dead.
Emma White retrieved her purse and Kyla's bracelet and pulled from under the bench and stood up.  The chance to kill the sexually seductive teenage girl was ruined. 
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord exited the Women's Locker Room and approached Alexandra Raisman and Jordyn Wieber.
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "Time for both of you girls to die."
Alexandra said, "Not if I can have anything to do about that."
Alexandra kicked Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord before punching him.  Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord fell into a crumpled heap.
Alexandra said, "It's been an exhausting day.  I'm going to sit down."
Jordyn said, "Be careful.  You don't want to get yourself murdered."
Alexandra said, "No girl ever got herself killed from sitting down."
Jordyn said, "Do you want to take that risk?"
Alexandra said, "I'm going to sit down and you can't stop me.  I'll kill you right now if you prevent me from sitting down."
Jordyn said with a groan, "Ok, sit down.  Be my guest.  I'm just trying to prevent you from getting killed in a serial killing attack."
Alexandra Raisman spun around to face the women's locker room.  The thought of dying trying to saveKoko Tsurumi from getting herself entered her mind once again.  Alexandra rejected such thoughts from her mind just as quickly.  And with that, Alexandra turned her back to the women's locker room in a futile attempt to avoid her unavoidable death from a murder attack.
Alexandra smiled as she knelt next to Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord to check for a pulse.  She didn't find anything.  Alexandra smiled with joy as she became convinced that everything is working in her favor at long last
Alexandra sat on a chair nearby Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord as he lay on the floor.  He kicked Alexandra in the vagina.  Alexandra looked at him with an empty expression on her face as it got harder for the dying girl to breath.  It was getting harder for the dying girl to stay seated on the chair as her life quickly came to a violent end.  He kicked Alexandra in the vagina two more times.
Alexandra Raisman lay down on the floor and she died on top of Gabrielle's dead body---Breasts on spine and vagina on rear end.  Alexandra is legally dead.
Time for Jordyn Wieber to die.
Jordyn looked at Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord as he stood up.
Jordyn asked, "What is it going to take to murder you."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord replied, "Actually, you're the one who needs to die."
Jordyn said, "Ok, try to kill me.  I dare you."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "Never challenge my ability to murder girls or else you'll end up becoming my next serial killing target."
Jordyn attempted to punch Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord and he blocked her blow.  She made two more attempts to punch him which equally failed when he blocked the blow.
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "This doesn't have a promising start young lady.  Last chance to bail out and escape."
Jordyn said, "There is no way I'm bailing out when I'm this close to victory."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "Fine, have it your way.  But don't say I didn't warn you about the deadly and dire consequences."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord punched Jordyn three times and she doubled over in pain.  The doomed teenage girl nearly fell over dead, but she recovered in time.
Jordyn said, "You were close, but still not close to killing me."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "Then I need to try a bit harder to kill you."
Jordyn said, "Fine, I was about to get warmed up anyway."
Jordyn tried to punch him five times and he casually blocked her blow.
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "I believe it's my turn."
Jordyn said, "You don't get any turns."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord, "I'm taking my turn anyway regardless of your feelings."
Skunk Lord punched Jordyn five times and she fell backwards to the ground.  Jordyn lay unmoving for a few minutes before she recovered.
He kicked Jordyn as she was about to stand up.  Jordyn fell backwards and she lay immobile face up for a few more minutes.
Jordyn slowly staggered to her feet only to be punched five times and kicked three times.  Jordyn got the wind knocked out of her as her feet slowly gave way from under her.
Jordyn fell face down to the ground and she lay immobile.  It got harder for her to breathe as she tried to stand up again.  He kicked her in the stomach as she struggled to her hands and knees.
Jordyn fell face down to the ground again.  He kicked her in the stomach when he saw her left arm moved.  Jordyn closed her eyes as she looked at him blankly.  Her muscles gave up on her.
Jordyn tried to say something.  Her efforts to speak made Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord want to kick her and that's what he did.  He kicked her in the stomach five more times until she stopped trying to speak and slowly lost the ability to breathe either.
Jordyn made one last effort to stand up only to be kicked in the stomach one last time.  Jordyn stopped breathing as she lay down on the floor face down without moving.  Jordyn lay dead on top of Alexandra's dead body---Breasts on spine and vagina on rear end. Alexandra lay dead on top of Gabrielle's dead body---Breasts on spine and vagina on rear end.
Jordyn Wieber is no longer alive.  Jordyn Wieber is legally dead.
Emma White said, "Excuse me while I try to escape."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "You don't get the chance to escape."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord proceeded to strangle Emma.  Emma struggled to ply his fingers from her throat as he throttled the oxygen from the dying girl.  His grip on her throat was so tight, that no oxygen was getting in.  She sank to her knees as he continued to strangle the doomed dying teenage girl.
Emma lay down face up and he bent over her as he continued to throttle the dying teenage girl.  Emma closed her eyes as death overtook her.  The doomed teenage girl never had a chance as his strangulation grip finally killed the girl once and for all.
Emma White is no longer alive.  Emma White is legally dead.  Trying to pull her out of the way so he could reach Skunk Lord, Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord dragged Emma's dead body under a bench so that her dead body lay on top of Kyla's dead body---Breasts on spine and vagina on rear end.  Skunk Lord and Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord masturbated on top of each other by wiggling non-stop fully clothed while hugging---Groin on groin and chest on chest.
Rebecca Bross lead the way as Ana Pogras followed.
Rebecca said, "That's it. I'm entering the Women's Locker Room."
Ana said, "You can't enter the Women's Locker Room. You'll be killed if you enter the Women's Locker Room. It's better if I entered the Women's Locker Room instead."
Ana felt doom overwhelm her as she realized the consequences of what she just said. The only way to delay Rebecca Bross' death would be for Ana Pogras to die instead. Time for Ana Pogras to die.
Ana Pogras isn't aware of it yet, but her life is about to end in a violent unprovoked murder attack.
 Rebecca said, "You can't go into the Women's Locker Room.  I can't allow you to sacrifice your life so that I can escape into the Gymnastics Gymnasium alive and well."
Ana said, "I'm determined to enter the Women's Locker Room instead of you and it's final."
Ana Pograss hugged Rebecca Bross and lightly kissed her cheek. 
 Rebecca Bross continued to hug Ana Pograss.  Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord kicked Ana Pograss in the rear end causing the two girls to press against each other---Breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina.  Both girls narrowly kissed each other, but that didn't matter.  The Micro Sized Sexual Orgasm Enhancement Sonic Wave Machine was short circuiting and the only way the short circuit to be corrected was for The Micro Sized Sexual Orgasm Enhancement Sonic Wave Machine to kill Ana Pograss with an overdose of sexual pleasure related to narrowly kissing Rebecca Bross despite being born heterosexual.  Ana Pograss slid from Rebecca Bross' grip and she lay lifelessly on the floor in a submissive pose.
Ana Pograss is no longer alive.  Ana Pograss is legally dead.
Alicia Sacramone looked at Rebecca Bross with a shrug.  Rebecca shrugged in return.
Alicia said, "Ana just died in your arms like that."
Rebecca said, "I hate it when that happens."
Alicia said, "What are you going to do when Ana died in your arms and your still alive."
Rebecca replied, "I'm just hoping that a second girl dying in my arms doesn't lead to my death."
Alicia said, "Let's hope for the best."
Mary-Anne Monckton, Elsabeth Black and Georgina Hockenhull stood alongside each other.
Mary-Anne said, "I bet my crew of girls will get wiped out before your crew of girls."
Georgina said, "I seriously doubt it.  My crew of girls are much more frail and easier to kill than your crew of girls."
Mary-Anne said with a scoff, "Oh, I seriously doubt that."
Elsabeth said, "Will you two girls listen to yourself.  This is crazy talk.  Us girls will never survive this night if we keep talking like this."
 Georgina said, "It's hard not to talk like this.  Us girls are getting killed off one by one all the way down to zero much too easily."
Elsabeth said, "That's still no excuse.  We need to work together a bit better in order to get this task accomplished.  Us girls can prevail against the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse."
Mary-Anne said, "Just in case Elsabeth is wrong, my crew of girls are easier to get themselves wiped out all the way down to zero than your crew of girls."
Georgina said, "Keep dreaming lady, keep dreaming."
Elsabeth said, "Oh I give up.  This is exasperating."
 Georgina said, "It's not my fault that you're not realistic enough."
Elsabeth said, "It's not my fault that you're not optimistic enough."
Mary-Anne said, "We'll see if optimistic is better than being realistic when all three of us girls are lying down on the ground lifeless, eyes closed, not breathing and unmoving."
Elsabeth said, "You two girls fight each other to the death over this.  I'm getting out of here."
Elsabeth Black rested her left arm under her voluptuous breasts and pressed her right arm on her right breast as she walked away from Mary-Anne and Georgina.  She thought she saw Skunk Lord behind her.  Elsabeth spun around and she didn't see anything.  Elsabeth frowned as she continued to walk forward across the Main Lobby of the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium.
Angel Romaeo, Georgina Hockenhull, Elizabeth Beddoe, Raer Theaker and Jessica Hogg stood alongside each other as they talked among each other.
Angel said, "We made it this far without any fatalities.  How long can we keep up the run of good fortune?  We need to send out Georgina and Elizabeth to test the water."
Georgina cried out, "I just tested out the water.  I hung out with Mary-Anne Monckton and Elsabeth Black to discover that nothing happened."
Angel said, "But there were dead girls lying all over the place."
Georgina said, "But I wasn't one of those dead girls lying all over the place and I want to keep it that way thank you so very much."
Elizabeth said, "But you're safe as long as other leotard clad girls are standing among you and I'm a leotard clad girl standing among you."
Raer said, "I guess I'm the first of the five girls to test the waters to see if the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse is nearby."
Jessica said, "Oh no, that job shall be mine."
Elizabeth said, "I insist on going first and I'm taking Georgina with me."
Georgina said, "Thanks for volunteering me."
Elizabeth replied, "You're welcome kind lady."
 Raer said, "Good luck.  Don't get killed."
Jessica said, "You fool, a girl always dies when her girlfriend says that."
Raer said, "Ooops, sorry about that."
Angel said, "Let's not spook Elizabeth and Georgina."
Elizabeth said, "Let's go Georgina before I change me mind."
Georgina said, "I must as well go along with you."
Georgina held Elizabeth's hand as the two girls walked away from Raer, Jessica and Angel, until she lost her grip of Elizabeth's hand.  Georgina looked around and she couldn't see any girl anywhere.  She entered the portion of the Dandelion Gymnastics gymnasium which has been taken over by the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse as the Dandelion Girl controlled Lobby of the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium gets smaller and smaller as more girls ends up dead.  Georgina took a deep breath as she continued to walk forward.  One of the two is about to die and it isn't Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord.
 Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord grabbed the portion of Georgina's bra strap that rested on her spine and flung her against the wall before he kicked the girl.  Georgina collapsed, then she slowly stood up before she kicked him five times and then she punched him.  He punched her and she kicked him before he punched her five times and then kicked her.
 Georgina kicked him, he punched her, she kicked him, she punched him and she kicked him before he punched her five times and then kicked her.
 Georgina punched him and she watched as he fell to the ground in a crumpled heap.  She wasn't sure if she killed him, but she had her suspicions that he was playing dead to lure her into a false sense of security.  She wasn't going to drop her guard to allow him the chance to kill her.
 Georgina walked forward and she bent over to check for a pulse.  He punched Georgina causing the girl to collapse to the ground unconscious.
Extreme Universe Skunk Lord walked over Georgina when he heard sounds attributed to a second girl standing nearby.  Georgina gets to live a few minutes longer as Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord figures out who the second girl intruder is and figures out the chance to kill her.
 Meanwhile, Elizabeth Beddoe walked closer to where Georgina lay unconscious.  Elizabeth still wore her sweat clothing over her leotards.  She took a deep breath as she walked closer towards Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord.  One of the two is about to die and it isn't Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord. 
 Elizabeth unknowingly walked closer towards her victimizer.
 Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord wasn't sure how to kill Elizabeth, but she soon needs to figure out a way to do so.  The girl is walking closer and he needs to kill her right now.  But how will he kill her when he also needs to kill Georgina and she's also nearby.
 Elizabeth is pushing her luck and the need to kill her is immediate.  He can't wait any longer.  Elizabeth is about to die right now.  But how will he kill her.  He still isn't sure how to do it.
 Elizabeth stopped only inches away from his hiding place.  He will be forced to kill her if she finds his hiding place.  The girl is pushing her luck.  The need to kill her is right now.
Elizabeth removed her sweats and she only wore her skin tight leotards as she found his hiding place.  Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord kicked Elizabeth and she punched him twice before kicking him.  He punched her and she kicked him twice before punching him.
 Elizabeth punched him.  She kicked him twice, blocked his punch before she punched him five times.  She blocked his kick before she punched him nine times.
 Elizabeth punched him, blocked his kick before she punched him twice and kicked him.  She smiled as she kicked him before she punched him.  She blocked his punch before she kicked him.
 Elizabeth punched him, she kicked him before she punched him again.
 Elizabeth punched him, she punched him again, she blocked his kick, she punched him, she blocked his punch before she kicked him five times and then she punched him twice.
 He fell to the ground in a crumpled heap.  Elizabeth noticed Georgina and she ran toward Georgina.  Elizabeth struggled to wake up Georgina before Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord woke up to attack and kill both girls. 
Georgina woke up.  Elizabeth helped Georgina to her feet and hugged her---Breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina. 
Elizabeth asked, "Are you feeling ok."
Georgina said, "I'm feeling great.  Thanks for the rescue."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord grabbed Elizabeth's head and forced her to lovingly kiss Georgina.  Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord grabbed Georgina's head and forced her to lovingly kiss Elizabeth.  The Micro Sized Sexual Orgasm Enhancement Sonic Wave Machine was short circuiting and the only way the short circuit to be corrected was for The Micro Sized Sexual Orgasm Enhancement Sonic Wave Machine to kill Georgina Hockenhull and Elizabeth Beddoe with an overdose of sexual pleasure related to narrowly kissing each other despite being born heterosexual.  The life went out of Elizabeth's eyes as she sank to the ground and legally died face up.  The life went out of Georgina's eyes as she sank to the ground and legally died on top of Elizabeth---Breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina.  Georgina is legally dead. 
Georgina Hockenhull and Elizabeth Beddoe is no longer alive.  Both girls are legally dead.
Angel Romaeo was the third girl out of five doomed girls to enter the area in a futile search of Georgina and Elizabeth.  Angel needs to die before she gets the chance to escape.  And this is how Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord succeeded in killing Angel Romaeo.

Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord and Skunk Lord had a choice.  They can kill Lauren Mitchell, Beth Tweddle, Deng Linlin one by one before killing Koko Tsurumi or they could kill Koko Tsurumi before killing   Lauren Mitchell, Beth Tweddle, Deng Linlin one by one.  Not knowing how close they are to getting themselves murdered, Lauren Mitchell, Beth Tweddle, Deng Linlin stood side by side alongside each other.
Lauren said, "Dear Goddess, what a mess.  I never saw this many legally dead girls in my life."
Deng said, "It's my fault.  I tempted Skunk Lord and Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord to kill me and now both of you must die alongside me."
Beth said, "Nobody else is going to die."
 Deng said, "I'm not sure you have much of a choice.  Jordyn claimed that she'll kill Skunk Lord and Extreme Universe Skunk Lord before they kill me and now she's legally dead."
Lauren faced Deng and said, "Then Beth and I will have to challenge the creep before he kills you."
Beth said, "Don't worry, Lauren and I have a great plan that will help us both survive a violent attack launched against us by Skunk Lord and Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord."
 Beth looked down upon the dead body of Emma White and she said, "I need to get Emma's purse and Kyla's bracelet and keep it for myself."
Lauren said, "Don't do it Beth, you'll get yourself killed in the process."
Beth took Lauren's necklace and her left arm brushed across Lauren's breasts while removing her necklace.  Beth put the necklace around her own neck."
Beth said, "You'll have to bend over my dead body to get your necklace, Kyla's bracelet and Emma's purse before Skunk Lord kills you to get all three items for himself instead."
Deng said, "Don't do it Beth, you'll doom me to a murder attack if you do that."
Beth said, "It's too late, it's already been done.  Us girls shouldn't be fighting.  Us girls should be hugging each other instead."
Lauren said, "I agree.  Us girls should be hugging instead.  Let's hug to celebrate our friendship."
And so Lauren Mitchell hugged Beth Tweddle causing both girls to press their breasts together and press their vaginas together.
 Beth nearly fell backwards while hugging Lauren in a manner which pressed their breasts together and pressed their vaginas together.  Lauren closed her eyes while nearly falling forward while hugging Beth in a manner which pressed their breasts together and pressed their vaginas together.
 Beth took a step back and corrected herself in time.  Lauren Mitchell and Beth Tweddle separated as they stood alongside each other.
Beth said, "You could check the Women's Locker Room instead of waiting for me to get myself killed.  But then, you'll have to borrow my bracelet instead.  Then I'll have to enter the Women's Locker Room to get your bracelet back."
Lauren replied, "Too late Beth, I already borrowed your bracelet without your permission."
Beth said, "Damn it, I knew there was something missing from my jewelry box."
Lauren said, "You'll get your bracelet back when I get my necklace back."
Beth said, "That's a fair deal."
Beth sat down and she nearly lay down on top of Emma White's dead body.  Lauren picked up Beth and hoisted her to her feet.  Lauren pressed her breasts on Beth's spine and pressed her vagina on Beth's rear end in the process of hoisting her up.  Both girls nearly fell backwards, but Lauren corrected herself in time.  Lauren Mitchell was satisfied that she saved Beth from getting herself killed before standing next to Deng Linlin and Ivana Hong.
Lauren said, "That was close.  Beth and I nearly died."
Deng said, "That was a bit too close.  I'm not ready to die this quickly."
Ivana said, "Oh great, now it's either Koko or me who has to die first."
Deng said, "We could attack Skunk Lord and Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord as a united crew of girls.  That way, there is no more fatalities."
Ivana said, "I'd rather attack Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord alone in the Lobby while Koko attacks Skunk Lord in the Women's Locker Room.
Lauren faced Ivana and said, "I'd feel better if  you two girls brought either Beth or myself along."
Ivana faced Lauren and said, "That won't be possible if Beth and you died over a necklace, a bracelet and a purse."
Rebecca Bross watched from a distance as going to die forever soon.  Part of Rebecca was horrified that she's going to die forever soon.  But the truth is that Rebecca is both invincible and unkillable.  The only way that she will be murdered and stay dead forever would be if she died on top of another girl in a sexual manner.  When a boy isn't aware that girls isn't a natural gender, but instead is an evil parasite pretending to be drag queens, then a girl making out with another girl is harmless fun.  But when a boy is aware that girls isn't a natural gender, but instead is an evil parasite pretending to be drag queens, then a girl making out with another girl becomes lethal that murders a girl who otherwise would've been unkillable.
And so for the part of Rebecca who was horrified that she's going to die forever soon to be removed so that she'll be 100% turned on by the reality that she's going to die forever soon, she needs to find another girl to forever die in a sexual manner on top of.  But all the cool girls who are impossible to kill already found another girl to die in a sexual manner on top of.  Poor Rebecca can't die forever because she's unkillable and she can't find another girl to die in a sexual manner on top of by a guy who is aware that girls isn't a natural gender, but instead is an evil parasite pretending to be drag queens.
Rie faced Koko before she said, "Rebecca is looking at us."
Koko said, "Let her look at us.  Hug me."
Rie said, "I can't hug you when Rebecca is looking at us."
Koko said, "You're impossible.  What am I going to do with you?"

Koko Tsurmi approached the three girls.  Rie Tanaka approached the three girls.
Rie said, "Will we even get a funeral when both of us girls ends up getting murdered."
Koko said, "Girls are not allowed to have a funeral.  We're just going to be left lying down exactly where we legally died.  But I have a healing factor that will bring me back to life.  The only way those boys will stop my healing factor forever is if I legally die on top of you in a sexual manner.  And if you won't hug me so that I'll legally die on top of you in a sexual manner, then Rebeccca Bross will legally die on top of me in a sexual manner so that she won't be able to resurrect herself anymore instead.  Then you'll have to find some other girl to die on top of in a sexual manner in order for your healing factor to be forever ended."
Rie said, "Goddess, this is a depressing conversation.  I'm getting out of here."
Rebecca Bross walked closer towards Koko.  Rie backed away from Koko.
Koko said, "Last chance to hug me and die while I'm still alive.  If you succeed in beating Rebecca on the chance to die on top of me in a sexual manner, then I would've died first.  You'll never get to hug and die on top of me while I'm alive and breathing beyond this second.  Don't back away.  Please don't."
Rebecca said, "I'll die on top of you Koko."
Koko said, "I'm about to hug and die on top of Alicia Sacramone.  Rie will end up dying on top of Rebecca Bross if she doesn't take charge and hug and die on top of me."
Rebecca said, "I want to hug you Koko.  I want to hug no other girl but you."
Koko said, "Die first and then he'll kill me before I die on top of Alicia Sacramone in a sexual manner.  Then Rie will have to die on top of Alicia Sacramone in a sexual manner instead."
Rebecca said, "I'm afraid to die."
Rie said, "I'm afraid to die."
Koko said, "I'm sorry ladies, but one of you girls has to die on top of me in a sexual manner in order to end my healing factor.  The other one of you girls has to die on top of Alicia Sacramone in order to end her healing factor.  Which of you two girls dies first?"
Koko said, "Well, one of us girls needs to enter the Women's Locker Room.  It might as well be me."
Rebecca Bross and Bridget Sloan approached and stood next to Koko Tsurumi.
Rebecca said, "You were going to toss your life away in a futile attempt to kill Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord without talking to me first?  We've been girlfriends for the longest time.  Too much girls have been dying.  It would hurt me if you ended up getting killed too."
Koko said, "I can't let Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord escape either."
Bridget said, "Besides, if our run of bad luck continues, Rebecca might end up getting herself killed before it's time for me to die."
Rebecca said, "Oh please don't talk like that.  It's possible for us girls to succeed if we work hard enough.  Us girls can accomplish anything."
 Koko faced Rebecca before she said, "Ok, I'll give you a chance and die instead of me and I'll take over your destined moment of death instead."
Bridget said, "Both of you girls exchanging death scenes is a fair and equitable exchange."
Rebecca said, "Hold on a second, I'm thinkin about it."
Rebecca placed her left hand on her breasts as she thought about entering the Women's Locker Room to die instead of Koko.  Rebecca was tempted by the thought of dying early, but she didn't have the courage to follow through with a possible premature demise earlier than expected.
 Skunk Lord stood behind Rebecca Bross.  Skunk Lord was tempted to stab Rebecca Bross to death in a knife attack while standing behind her.  He walked closer towards the doomed girl with the intention of murdering her.  Just when he was about to swing his knife, Rebecca Bross looked behind her forcing her victimizer to hide from sight.  What could've been the permanent punishment and murder of Rebecca Bross will have to be delayed instead.
Rebecca said, "I can't die instead of you Koko, I can't follow through.  I'm sorry.  Please forgive me."
Time for Rie Tanaka to die.
Rie faced Rebecca Bross and Koko Tsurumi.  Rie said, "Pardon me ladies, one of us has to confront him.  I'm not afraid to die first anymore."
Rebecca said, "Think about what you're doing.  Us girls can join together and stop him."
Rie said, "And delay our unavoidable deaths.  Punishing the boys and killing them only delays our unavoidable deaths.  Then we talk like we're fierce and brave.  That's not bravery.  That's cowardice.  I'm not a coward.  Not anymore.  It's time for me to die first.  Either Rebecca dies on top of me and her healing factor ends or Koko dies on top of me and her healing factor ends.  But preventing him from killing us by acting brave in a cowardly manner won't be done anymore.  Rebecca is afraid to die.  I'm not afraid to die anymore.

Koko faced Rie before she said, "Ok, I'll give you a chance and die instead of me and I'll take over your destined moment of death instead."
Bridget said, "Both of you girls exchanging death scenes is a fair and equitable exchange."
Rie said, "Hold on a second, I'm thinkin about it."
Rie placed her left hand on her breasts as she thought about entering the Women's Locker Room to die instead of Koko.  Rie was tempted by the thought of dying early, but she didn't have the courage to follow through with a possible premature demise earlier than expected.
Skunk Lord stood behind Rie Tanaka.  Skunk Lord was tempted to stab Rie Tanaka to death in a knife attack while standing behind her.  He walked closer towards the doomed girl with the intention of murdering her.  He swung his knife into her left side.  Rie was unable to look behind her as he swung his knife into her left side five more times.  Rie was unable to force her victimizer to hide from sight.  The permenant death and punishment of Rie Tanaka is happening right now.  The cute sexually adorable girl is dying and nothing will stop her from dying.  Her invincible healing factor which she always hid behind is about to fail her.   Rebecca didn't have the courage to die, but Rie did have the courage to die.  Rebecca was afraid to die, but Rie wasn't afraid to die.
Rie staggered as she started to drool blood.  She spun around to face Skunk Lord.  She tried to form a fist.  He swung his knife into her stomach twice and he swung his knife into her left side five times.  Rie stagged some more as it got harder for the doomed girl to breath.  Rie was dying and nothing was going to prevent her death.  Oh yes, Rie wasn't afraid to die anymore.  She was dying right now.
Rie tried to say something.  He wasn't sure if she was trying to make an apology or a threat.  Her throat was so full of blood, that she was choking on her own blood.  She was drooling blood as she continued to stager towards him.  She tried to make a fist.  He stabbed her in the stomach since she wouldn't lie down and die---Not yet at any rate.  But her permenent death is now unavoidable at this point.  Rie finally found a girl she wanted to die underneath in a sexual manner.
Rie dropped to her knees.  She tried to stand up, but she was dying and losing way too much blood.  And he just stood there watching her die without emotion.  He just stood there as calm and lacking emotion of any kind.  She tried to say something.  He wasn't sure if she was trying to say an apology or a threat.  He didn't care.  All he cared about was killing the girl.  He kicked the girl and she fell backwards face up with a blank expression on her face.  Rie was dying and she just lay there without emotion as her life slowly drained away.  
Rie closed her eyes and she stopped breathing.  A girl who was once lively and energetic now lifelessly lay without motion nor breathing.  He was pretty sure that she was either legally dead or getting closer to being legally dead.
Rie Tanaka is no longer alive.  Rie is legally dead.

Time for Koko Tsurumi to die.
Koko walked over Ana Pograss' legally dead body as she walked into the Women's Locker Room.  The sexually seductive voluptuous girl is about to die and nothing can save her from getting killed.
Koko approached Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord and she punched him.  He fell and the girl kicked him as he fell.  She kicked him five more times.
Koko said, "I don't know what Rebecca was worried about.  You creeps are easy for me to kill."
Skunk Lord approached Koko and she punched him.  It took ten more punches to send Skunk Lord falling helplessly to the ground.
Koko said with a smile, "I only need to defeat two more of you and I'm done."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord stood up and Koko punched him five times and kicked him once before he fell to the ground. 
Koko said, "Just fall down and stay down damn it."
 Skunk Lord stood up and Koko punched him twice and she kicked him three times before punching him.  Skunk Lord fell down again.
Koko said with a groan, "What will it take for me to finally kill both of you?"
 Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord stood up and she punched him five times.  Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord fell down.
Koko asked, "Are you guys finally finished?  Because I'm finished constantly fighting you two."
 Koko rested her right hand on her breasts while her left hand rested on the right side of her body as she looked down at her attackers.  Skunk Lord stood up and she punched him twice before he fell back down once again.
Koko said, "You guys are on drugs if you think this is going to stop and kill me once and for all."
 Skunk Lord stood up.  Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord stood up.  Koko faced them both.
Koko said, "Ok, one more time before one out of the three of us dies once and for all."
Skunk Lord said, "Ladies first."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "Come on lady, try to kill me."
Koko said, "Ok, I'll try to kill you first."
 Koko ran towards Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord with intent to kill him.
 Skunk Lord grabbed Koko and flung her towards Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord.
 Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord caught Koko and prepared to toss her across the room.
 Koko tried to escape, but her effort was futile.  Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord's grip was much too tight for her.
 Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord flung Koko across the Women's Locker Room.
 Koko found herself being flung across the room...
...Before she struck a row of lockers directly face on.
 Koko struck the lockers and she felt the life leave her body as she crashed to the ground in a crumpled heap.  Koko Tsurumi lay face down on top of Rie Tanaka's legally dead body which lay face up.  Koko's breasts was pressed on Rie's breasts and Koko's vagina was pressed on Rie's vagina.  Koko's lips was inches away from Rie's lips.  Both girls had an invincible healing factor.   Both Koko and Rie were is both invincible and unkillable.  The only way that she will be murdered and stay dead forever would be if she died on top of another girl in a sexual manner.  When a boy isn't aware that girls isn't a natural gender, but instead is an evil parasite pretending to be drag queens, then a girl making out with another girl is harmless fun.  But when a boy is aware that girls isn't a natural gender, but instead is an evil parasite pretending to be drag queens, then a girl making out with another girl becomes lethal that murders a girl who otherwise would've been unkillable.  And Koko and Rie is no longer invincible and unkillable.  Both girls have been murdered and they will both stay legally dead forever.  Rebecca Bross lost on on yet another teenage girl to die on top of.  Poor Rebecca Bross has no choice but to remain alive until she could find a girl to die on top of in a sexual manner.  Rebecca Bross is afraid to die and her cowardice caused her to lose out on on the chance to die on top of Koko Tsurumi.  Rie Tanaka isn't afraid to die and her bravery caused her to die on top of Koko Tsurumi.  Rie's bravery was rewarded with her death.  Rebecca's cowardice was punished by losing out on the chance to die.  
Koko was dying.  Her body was filled with pain.  Her body was in extreme pain as it got harder for the dying girl to breathe.
 Koko tried to stand up, but her muscles failed to cooperate.  She struggled to prevent herself from closing her eyes.  She knew that if she closed her eyes then she would never be able to open her eyes ever again.  Koko ended up closing her eyes against her wishes anyway.
Koko Tsurumi is no longer alive.  Koko is legally dead.
Deng Linlin was seated on the floor when she spotted her girlfriends and her teammates dying one by one all around her.  It got to a point that Deng wasn't able to handle it anymore.
Deng cried out, "What the Hell is wrong with you."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "Go ahead and try to kill me if you disagree."
Deng replied, "Don't worry, I plan on doing so."
 Deng stood up only to be stabbed between her breasts seconds after standing up.  With blood soaking her leotards and dripping into a puddle of blood on the floor, Deng felt the urge to sit back down on the floor.  However, Deng realized the second she allowed herself to lie down and close her eyes, that she'll die and never stand back up anymore.  So she willed herself to remain standing.
 Deng said, "So your answer to all of your problems is to stab me to death?  That's sick.  You're sick.  Get some help you jerk."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "I'd rather stab you to death instead."
 Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord stabbed Deng between her breasts.  She staggered as she attempted to punch him.  He stabbed Deng between her breasts as she realized that her life was about to come to an end.  She thought that the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse was coming to an end, but it was really her life that was ending.
 Deng said as she felt light headed and weak from the excessive knife wound injuries, "What?  You thought you would get away with this?  As if that were possible.  Your punishment has been fated by destiny.  You can't fight destiny."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "Fighting against you is much better than fighting against destiny."
 Skunk Lord stabbed Deng in the back before approaching Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord.
Skunk Lord, "I'll race you to the gymnastics gymnasium after you kill these girls."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "You go ahead of me.  I'm almost done killing this girl."
Deng said, "Hey jerks, I'm still standing here."
 Skunk Lord stabbed Deng between her breasts before walking into the gymnastics gymnasium.  Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord stabbed Deng between her breasts.  Deng staggered before she fell back into a seated position against her wishes due to extreme blood loss.
 Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord stabbed Deng from behind fifteen times before she looked at the floor with blank emptiness before falling face first to the floor.
 Deng lay down unmoving on the floor.  The dying girl stopped breathing and closed her eyes when the severe blood loss became impossible for her to survive.
Deng Linlin is no longer alive.  Deng is legally dead.
Huang Qiushuang considered running for her life.  Both of her hands was on the door handle ready to fling the door open.  She looked behind her at Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord.  He didn't realize that Huang was still alive and she could still use that to her advantage.  Time for Huang to die.
 Huang removed her hands from the door handle and she walked closer towards Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord as he continued to turn her back to her.  She smiled as she got ready to strangle her victimizer from behind.  The only way to prevent the girl from doing so is to kill her.  Time for Huang to die.
 Huang strangled Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord from behind with a smile on her face.  The only way Skunk Lord can save Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord is to kill her.  Huang was confident that she'll never get the chance to die.  Such feelings would never be realized because Huang is doomed to die.  Time for Huang to die.
 Huang strangled Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord from behind.
Huang said, "I was going to escape from this building without attacking you.  Thankfully, for girls everywhere, I have changed my mind."
 Skunk Lord cried out, "No, I must kill you."
Huang said, "It's too late!  Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord is dying.  You'll never save him by killing me fast enough."
Skunk Lord said, "I must attempt to kill you regardless."
Time for Huang to die.
 Skunk Lord stabbed Huang as she strangled Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord from behind.  She continued her strangulation grip as she was stabbed from behind five more times.  Time for Huang to die.
 Huang said, "This can't be happening."
Skunk Lord said, "It is happening."
Skunk Lord stabbed Huang from behind ten more times.
Time for Huang to die.
 Huang started to drool blood as her strangulation grip got weaker.
 Huang had trouble standing up as Skunk Lord stabbed her from behind five more times.
 Huang fell to the ground as Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord fell into Skunk Lord's embrace.  Huang lay on the ground face down as the dying girl formed a puddle of her blood on the floor.
 Huang closed her eyes as she slowly stopped breathing.  It's over.  Huang is dying and nothing will save the doomed girl from death.
Huang Qiushuang is no longer alive.  Huang is legally dead.
Steliana Nistor, Nastia Liukin, Shawn Johnson, Beth Tweddle, Vanessa Ferrari and Jade Barbosa encountered Charlie Cheerleader as he stood outside the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium. Wearing a male version of a cheerleader outfit, Charlie Cheerleader faced all six girls with grim determination. He walked towards the assembled girls.
Charlie Cheerleader said, "I'm sorry, but Shit For Brains Lad won't be able to escape from being locked up in the Hidden Utility Closet until every single one of you girls practicing gymnastics in the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium has been wiped out one by one. I've been instructed to kill all six of you if you try to escape from the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium before your scheduled serial killing death scenes."
Shawn said, "I'm sorry, but your feelings on the matter isn't relevant, but thank you for your concern."
Jade added, "Shit For Brains Lad might as well die of thirst and hunger in the Hidden Utility Closet as far as I'm concerned. My life is much more important."
Charlie Cheerleader said, "You six girls wouldn't even need to have been killed at all if you didn't insist on kidnapping Shit For Brains Lad like that."
Beth said, "Kidnapping Shit For Brains Lad and letting him die of hunger and thirst was the whole idea. You should see the death scene us girls have in mind for you."
Shawn said, "Us girls should show Charlie Cheerleader what his death will be like."
Nastia said, "I'm all in favor of that."
Steliana said, "Nastia and Beth should be the first girls to attack Charlie Cheerleader."
Beth said, "Hold on a second, I thought we were going to attack as a six girl unit."
Vanessa said, "Yeah, that's what I thought too."
Nastia said, "It's ok, I don't mind Beth and I being the first two out of six girls to attack first."
Charlie Cheerleader said, "Think about what you girls are saying. Only three of you girls might survive this battle. Are you ready to choose which three of you need to die right now?"
Nastia cried out, "Hell no, we're not going to choose which of us girls dies now!  Are you crazy?  Why should a sexist pig like you get to defeat us girls for?
Charlie Cheerleader, "Fine, then I get to chose which of you girls dies now and who gets to be the three surviving girls."
Jade said, "Us girls won't have to choose which three out of six of us girls needs to die because no more girls are going to die anymore."
Steliana said, "Come on girls, lets get back into the building."
Charlie Cheerleader said, "Not without you six girls choosing which three of you gets to die now and which three of you gets to die later."
Beth said, "That's such a sexist thing for you to say."
Nastia said, "Come on Beth, don't you want to see this creep suffer and die."
Beth said, "Of course I want to see this creep suffer and die, but I don't want to die in the process of trying to kill this creep."
Shawn said, "Come on Nastia and Beth, hurry up and attack so that it will be Steliana and myself's turn to attack and try to kill this creep."
Vanessa said, "Steliana is right.  We should go back into the building."
Jade faced Vanessa and said, "What?  You want me to attack and kill Charlie Cheerleader alone after four out of six of us girls has been defeated with possibly two of us killed once and for all?  I'll be killed for certain if you're not offering to die instead of me."
Rebecca Tunney, Elizabeth Tweddle, Jennifer Pinches, Hannah Whelan and Imogen Cairns stood side by side.  All five girls needs to be lying down lifelessly on the ground like five dead bodies instead.  Which of the five doomed girls gets to die first.
Rebecca said, "Jennifer needs to attack Charlie Cheerleader first."
Jennifer said, "Why should I attack first?  Beth and Hannah should attack first."
Hannah said, "Beth and I isn't allowed to attack and die until Jennifer, Rebecca and Imogen dies first.  Otherwise, it would've been impossible for Beth and I to die if the three of you girls are able to prevent Charlie Cheerleader from killing us both."
Beth said, "Damn it, don't tell Charlie Cheerleader the best way to kill all five of us.  We need to survive the evening somehow."
Imogen said, "Trust me when I say that Charlie Cheerleader will blow the perfect opportunity to wipe out all five of us girls."
Beth said, "I only hope you're right about that."
Rebecca said, "If Charlie Cheerleader murders us girls from five to just Beth and Hannah, then I won't be able to join in on anymore conversation."
Beth said, "All five of us girls will be lying motionless on the floor unable to talk or breath when he's finished wiping all five of us girls out."
Imogen said, "Something like that isn't going to happen.  We have a plan to survive getting wiped out.  Right?  We have a plan to survive this."
Jennifer said, "I didn't create a plan because I thought you had a plan."
Imogen said, "Funny you said that because I didn't create a plan because I thought you had a plan."
Hannah said, "Stay strong ladies, here comes Charlie Cheerleader to kill off the first of us five girls."
Charlie said, "Come on Nastia and Beth, I'm ready to fight the two of you girls first.  One of you two girls might need to die right now."
Nastia Liukin didn't wait for Beth to make up her mind as she walked closer towards Charlie Cheerleader.  She was determined to kill him no matter the consequences.
Nastia punched Charlie Cheerleader and he fell backwards.  Nastia kicked him twice with a smile on her face.
Nastia said, "Come on Charlie Cheerleader, get up and try to kill me."
Charlie Cheerleader said, "I'm trying, but you're not making it simple for me."
 Nastia kicked Charlie Cheerleader as he struggled to stand up.  She walked halfway around him before kicking him five more times.  Charlie tried to stand up and she kicked him down again.
Nastia said, "You'll never get to kill Beth Tweddle at the rate you're going."
Charlie said, "I know that, but you need to give me an opening to kill you with."
Nastia kicked him before she asked, "Why should I do that?"
 Nastia tried to kick him, but Charlie Cheerleader grabbed her right foot.  Nastia was thrown off balance and she fell backwards while he continued to grab her right foot.  Nastia tried to yank her right foot free and kicked him in the face in the process.  He kicked Nastia as she rolled to the right while still in physical pain.
 Nastia stood up to face him.  Charlie Cheerleader smiled.  Nastia Liukin smiled.  Nastia punched him twice and he punched her five times.  Her punch was countered by him punching her twice and kicking her once.  Nastia doubled over in pain.
 Charlie Cheerleader grabbed Nastia's left arm and flung her against a brick wall and he kicked her twice before punching her ten times.
 Nastia Liukin slid to the floor and was about to fall unconscious.
 Nastia stood up again.  She faced her victimizer with a smile.
Nastia said, "Nice try jerk, but I'm still alive."
Charlie Cheerleader said, "I'm sorry to hear that, I'll try harder to kill you."
 Charlie punched Nastia and she doubled over in pain.  She tried to punch him, but he blocked her blow before punching her five more times.
 Nastia looked at her victimizer and she was about to unleash an avalanche of swear words against him.  Nastia staggered closer towards Charlie Cheerleader.
 Nastia Liukin fell to the ground unconscious instead. 
Beth Tweddle approached him before he got the chance to kill Nastia Liukin.  Beth chose to force Charlie Cheerleader to kill her as Skunk Lord grabbed an unconscious Nastia Liukin and dragged her back to the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium.  Nastia Liukin's attempt to escape the building to avoid her necessary death scene failed.  Time to kill Beth Tweddle because she refused to allow herself to be knocked unconscious and forced back into the Dandelion Gymnastics gymnasium.
Charlie Cheerleader said, "So you chose to die so that Nastia Liukin can survive and be dragged back into the building.  Distracting me from killing Nastia by offering to die instead won't change anything.  Nothing will prevent Nastia Liukin from getting killed and your sacrifice will be in vain."
Beth said, "I don't know, I might succeed in killing you."
Charlie said, "Then we should find out.  I'll let you throw the first punch before I murder you."
Beth said, "You might think that I'm an easy girl for you to kill, but this is how it's going to go and you're going to go along with it regardless of your feelings on the matter.  You see, because I got my crew of girls along to back me up.  You're not just fighting me to the death, but you're fighting me crew of girls to the death too."
Rebecca Tunney, Hannah Whelan, Beth Tweddle, Jennifer Pinches and Imogen Cairns faced their victimizer firm and strong. 
Rebecca asked, "So which of us five girls gets to attack first?"
Jennifer faced Rebecca before she said, "I can be the first to attack if you're not willing."
Beth said, "It's all fine as long as I'm the fifth girl who gets to attack."
Hannah said, "So it's up to Imogen and myself to make sure that nobody murders Beth."
Imogen said, "I guess that's what it will end up becoming if Jennifer and Rebecca are murdered first."
Beth said, "I'm not expecting Jennifer and Rebecca to get themselves murdered first."
 Imogen said, "It's out of your control if Jennifer volunteered to be the first of us five girls to attack."
Rebecca said, "I never volunteered to die alongside Jennifer."
Hannah said, "So I don't get to die alongside Imogen, but I have to die alongside Jennifer instead."
Beth said, "No girl has been murdered yet so calm down and relax."
Jennifer said, "Easy for you to say Beth, you get to be the fifth of us girls to die."
Charlie Cheerleader said, "Wow, you girls have a balance beam placed outside the gymnastics gymnasium.  Does it even work."
Jennifer said, "Yeah, it works.  Us girls left it outside because it was too heavy to drag into the building.  So stop hassling me about it."
Charlie Cheerleader said, "I'll keep hassling you because I don't think the outdoor balance beam works.  I want you to prove to me that the outdoor balance beam works.  If it works, you get to live."
Jennifer said, "That sounds like a fair agreement to me."
 Charlie Cheerleader said, "So get on the balance beam already."
Jennifer said, "I'm going to do so.  Stop being so impatient."
 Charlie Cheerleader said, "I'll stop being impatient when you actually do it."
Jennifer said, "I'll do it.  I'll do it.  I'll do it.  Stop rushing me."
 Jennifer Pinches got on the balance beam.  He started to fondle her left leg as she tried to walk across it.  Jennifer lost her balance and she started to fall off the balance beam.
 Jennifer tried to hang on the balance beam, but it got harder for her to do so.
Jennifer cried out, "Get back Rebecca before I end up killing you as I fall to my death." 
Rebecca Tunney said, "Hold on Jennifer, I'll save you."
 Rebecca Tunney grabbed  and hugged Jennifer Pinches.  Rebecca fell to the ground face up while Jennifer fell on top of Rebecca face down---Breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina.  Rebecca continued to hug Jennifer.  Jennifer's head rolled towards Rebecca and started to kiss her.  Rebecca died from the shock of having Jennifer on top of her, hugging Jennifer and kissing her.  Rebecca is legally dead.  Jennifer died from the shock of having Rebecca under her, Rebecca hugging her and kissing her.  Jennifer is legally dead.
Beth Tweddle looked down upon the legally dead bodies of Rebecca Tunney and Jennifer Pinches.  The voluptuous sexually seductive and nubile teenage girl can't die until Hannah Whelan and Imogen Cairns are murdered.  Beth's voluptuous chest heaved as her unavoidable death got closer and closer.
Beth was still confident that she had a chance for survival.  And that was why she continued to stay calm when facing her victimizer face to face.  Beth smiled as she contemplated her next strategy.  Beth wasn't alone when facing against him though.  Hannah Whelan, Beth Tweddle and Imogen Cairns were united in wanting to kill Charlie Cheerleader.  The only way Charlie Cheerleader had any hope of survival is to murder all three girls one by one until all three girls are lying down on the ground lifeless and dead.
Beth faced Hannah before she said, "Either you attack him next or Imogen should be the next girl to attack him.  One of us three girls must attempt to kill the jerk."
Imogen said, "Easy for you to say.  You get to be the third and the final of us three girls to die."
Hannah said, "Don't be so hasty Imogen.  Us three girls are still alive.  We can surround him and attack simultaneously.  My plan depends on Imogen standing behind him as Beth and I face him directly.  The only way my plan could fail is if Imogen is attacked and killed first before I'm attacked and killed with Beth being the third of us three girls to die."
Imogen said, "How often will Charlie Cheerleader look behind him, realize my presence and then kill me?  Our plan could fail if Charlie Cheerleader looks behind him frequently.  Unless I'm attacked and killed from behind as I'm standing behind Charlie Cheerleader and he never realizes my presence until I'm attacked and killed."
Hannah said, "I considered all the ways we can be wiped out one by one, but it's still the best strategy for us three girls to consider when trying to kill Charlie Cheerleader."
Beth said, "I'm in favor of the plan if you two girls are in favor of the plan."
Imogen took a deep breath as her doom got closer and closer.
 Hannah said, "It's a shame that Rebecca and Jennifer are legally dead, but I'm sure that Imogen will be much more successful."
Beth faced Hannah before she said, "Imogen better be successful because I'm the fifth and the last of us five girls to die if Imogen and you fail and die against Charlie Cheerleader."
Imogen faced Hannah and Beth before she said, "Don't worry ladies, I won't allow Charlie Cheerleader to murder me as easily as he murdered Rebecca and Jennifer."
Charlie Cheerleader punched Elizabeth and she doubled over in pain.
Elizabeth said, "Oh Goddess, I'm going to enjoy killing you."
Charlie Cheerleader said, "Go ahead and attack me next so that I can finally succeed in killing you once and for all."
Elizabeth said, "Let's give Imogen the chance to attack and kill you first and then I'll attack you next unless Hannah wants to attack you after Imogen is defeated and killed."
Imogen said, "That's ok, I'll murder Charlie Cheerleader for you."
Imogen walked away from both Hannah and Beth not feeling the optimism that she so easily projected to both Hannah and Beth.  Deep down inside the doomed girl knew how doomed she really was.  Imogen knew that she's only seconds away from getting herself murdered." 
 Imogen faced Charlie Cheerleader before she said, "I guess it's you and I who are going to be dancing.  Don't worry.  I won't be merciful as I proceed to murder you."
Charlie Cheerleader said, "Oh you wish you actually had a chance of surviving against me."
Charlie Cheerleader punched Leotard Clad Dandelion Girl #1 and she legally died, Charlie Cheerleader punched Imogen, Charlie Cheerleader punched both Leotard Clad Dandelion Girl #2 and Leotard Clad Dandelion Girl #3 causing both girls to legally die.  Charlie Cheerleader kicked Imogen, kicked Leotard Clad Dandelion Girl #4 before punching Leotard Clad Dandelion Girl #5 causing both girls to legally die before kicking Imogen and then punching her twice.
 Charlie Cheerleader punched Imogen five times.  Charlie Cheerleader kicked Leotard Clad Dandelion Girl #6, punched Leotard Clad Dandelion Girl #7 and kicked Leotard Clad Dandelion Girl #8 causing all three girls to legally die.  He punched Imogen before kicking Leotard Clad Dandelion Girl #9 causing her to legally die.  He kicked Imogen before kicking Leotard Clad Dandelion Girl #10 causing her to legally die.  He punched Imogen three times before kicking her.
 Imogen punched him five times and he kicked her once.  He punched Leotard Clad Dandelion Girl #11 causing her to die before punching Imogen.  Imogen kicked him twice before punching him once.  He kicked both Leotard Clad Dandelion Girl #12 and Leotard Clad Dandelion Girl #13 before punching both Leotard Clad Dandelion Girl #14 and Leotard Clad Dandelion Girl #15 causing all four girls to lie down legally dead.  Imogen punched him and he kicked her twice before punching her.  She punched him and he blocked her blow before kicking her to the ground.
 He punched Leotard Clad Dandelion Girl #16 before kicking both Leotard Clad Dandelion Girl #17 and Leotard Clad Dandelion Girl #18 before punching Leotard Clad Dandelion Girl #19 and kicking Leotard Clad Dandelion Girl #20 causing all five girls to lie down legally dead.  Imogen stood up and she punched him twice, he punched her, she kicked him twice, she punched him and she kicked him before he punched her five times before kicking her.
 Charlie Cheerleader stabbed Imogen in the back and she winced in pain.
Imogen sputtered, "What the hell is wrong with you.  All of your favorite television shows will fail because you have murdered the wrong girl."
Charlie Cheerleader said, "There is no such thing as murdering the wrong girl as long as you are born female and threatening my life in the most effeminate manner."
 Charlie Cheerleader stabbed Imogen from behind when the doomed girl refused to die.  She tried to pry the knife from his right hand and he stabbed her from behind twice in retaliation.  Imogen found it impossible to breathe as he finally started to bring the doomed dying girl to justice at long last.
 Imogen said, "You were never supposed to murder me.  You were supposed to murder a different girl.  Now it's too late.  Your favorite television shows will fail and it's all your fault."
Charlie Cheerleader said, "I can live with the consequences of my actions.  The point is that you still need to die whatever the consequences."
Imogen looked at her murderer with a blank expression before she fell backwards face up.  The dying girl lay motionless face up as she slowly stopped breathing.  He checked for a pulse and found none.  The girl has finally been defeated and murdered.
 Imogen Cairns is no longer alive.  Imogen is legally dead.
Charlie Cheerleader can't kill Beth Tweddle until Imogen Cairns and Hannah Whelan is legally dead.  Imogen Cairns is legally dead.  Now it's time to kill Hannah Whelan.  Beth looked at Charlie Cheerleader with a smug expression on her face.  The girl is about to escape justice and the only way to stop her from doing so is to kill her.  Beth was smug because efforts to kill her has so far failed.
 Hannah Whelan was visibly distraught when she saw Imogen Cairns permanently die.  So it was a relief to Hannah Whelan when Beth Tweddle hugged her.  Beth knew that she was risking her life and giving Charlie Cheerleader the perfect chance to kill her.  However, Hannah Whelan was visably distraught and she needed to be comforted, even if that could've given him the perfect chance to kill both girls once and for all.  Hurry up and kill Hannah.  Hurry up and kill Beth.  The chance to kill both sexually seductive girls was quickly slipping away.
Charlie Cheerleader could've kicked Beth in the rear end forcing the two girls to press their bodies together in such a way that they would end up kissing each other and die in the process.  However, both girls were so cute and sexually adorable that Charlie Cheerleader lost his nerve when the two girls separated.
Beth said, "You need to murder Charlie Cheerleader for me."
Hannah replied, "I shall murder that jerk for you with pleasure."
Beth said, "I knew I can rely on you."
Hannah said, "Oh yeah, killing Charlie Cheerleader will be the easiest thing ever."
Charlie Cheerleader grabbed Elizabeth Tweddle from behind by grabbing her left arm and yanked her backwards.  He wrapped his right arm around her throat and attempted to strangle the girl.  Elizabeth rammed her left elbow into his chest which caused her victimizer to release his strangulation grip against the girl.  Elizabeth spun around to face her victimizer.
Elizabeth cried out, "What the fuck is wrong with you?"
Charlie Cheerleader said, "I can't wait any longer.  You must die now!"
 Elizabeth punched Charlie Cheerleader and she kicked him twice.  Charlie Cheerleader tried to kick her and she blocked the blow.  She punched him five more times.
Elizabeth said, "You're going to wish you never said that to me."
Charlie Cheerleader replied, "My only regret was that I failed to kill you earlier."
 Charlie Cheerleader tried to kick Elizabeth and she blocked his blow.  She punched him twice and he doubled over in pain.  He tried to punch the girl and she blocked the blow and she kicked him twice.
 Elizabeth punched him twice.  She blocked his kick and she punched him.
Charlie Cheerleader said, "You must tell me the easiest way to kill you since you're having better luck attacking me."
Elizabeth said, "Do you get to tell me the easiest way for me to kill you if you're having better luck attacking and killing me?"
Charlie Cheerleader said, "I don't have to tell you the easiest way for you to kill me if I'm close to killing you.  You have to tell me the easiest way for me to kill you if you're close to killing me.  The only thing that happens is that I earn a point from killing you."
 Elizabeth kicked him, blocked his attempt to punch her and she kicked him twice.
Elizabeth said, "I guess you won't earn a point from killing me."
Charlie Cheerleader said, "We'll see about that young lady."
Charlie Cheerleader tried to punch her and she blocked the blow.  She punched him twice before kicking him.  She smiled as she kicked him again.
 Elizabeth punched him.  She blocked his attempt to kick her and she punched him twice.  She smiled as she kicked him again.
 Elizabeth blocked his attempt to kick her.  She punched him.  She blocked his attempt to kick her and she punched him five more times.  She kicked him twice before punching him.
 Elizabeth kicked him.  She punched him twice before kicking him.  She kicked him again.
 Elizabeth slapped him in the face, kicked him, punched him twice, blocked his attempt to kick her and she kicked him five times before punching him.
 Elizabeth said, "Just fucking die already."
Charlie Cheerleader said, "It won't do any good.  Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse deaths are permanent while Dandelion Girl deaths are permanent.  Even if you kill me, I rise from the dead the second you're defeated and killed."
Elizabeth said, "Then I don't plan on getting murdered."
Charlie Cheerleader said, 'That's already a guaranteed impossibility."
 Charlie Cheerleader tried to kick her and she blocked the blow.  She punched him twice before blocking his attempt to punch her and blocked both attempts to kick her.  She kicked him ten times before punching him and kicking him again.
 Elizabeth smiled as she punched him.
 Elizabeth punched him again.  She kicked three times and punched him twice before blocking his attempt to kick her and she punched him nine times.
 Elizabeth blocked his attempt to punch her before she kicked him twice and punched him seven times.  She kicked him again.
 Elizabeth punched him.
 Elizabeth punched Charlie Cheerleader again.
 Elizabeth tossed him against a tree and she kicked him twice.
Elizabeth said, "To hell with the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.  I'm going to do what I entered this building to do which is to practice gymnastics on the uneven bars."
Charlie Cheerleader said, "I can't allow that to happen Elizabeth.  You must die now!"
 Elizabeth punched him twice before she said, "You can't hurt a fly let alone a girl."
 Elizabeth said, "I shall practice uneven bars gymnastics regardless of your feelings."
Charlie Cheerleader said, "You better pray you didn't make a tragic mistake that will result in your permanent death."
 Elizabeth punched him as she entered the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium.
 Elizabeth punched Charlie Cheerleader as she walked across the lobby.
 Elizabeth punched him twice and then kicking him while watching closer to the gymnastics gymnasium portion of the building.
 Elizabeth kicked him twice as she walked closer to the uneven bars.
 Elizabeth reached the uneven bars.
 Charlie Cheerleader banged on the uneven bars as Elizabeth practiced gymnastics on the uneven bars.  The cute sexually seductive girl is about to die.

 Both of Elizabeth's hands slipped when Charlie Cheerleader constantly banging on the uneven bars caused the girl to lose her grip.
 Elizabeth fell face first to the ground and she closed her eyes as death claimed the doomed nubile sexually seductive girl.  Elizabeth fell dead on top of the dead bodies of Rebecca Tunney and Jennifer Pinches.  Rebecca and Jennifer lay dead on top of each other---Breasts on breasts and vagina on vaginal.  Elizabeth pressed her breasts on Jennifer's spine and she pressed her vagina on Jennifer's rear end until she felt an extreme burst of excitement from a masturbation orgasm.  Elizabeth tried breathing and she lost the ability to do so.  She couldn't stand up either as her muscles gave up on her.  Elizabeth involuntarily closed her eyes before she died.

Elizabeth Tweddle is no longer alive.  Elizabeth Tweddle is legally dead..
Charlie Cheerleader exited the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium to face the all girl gathering.  He must attack and kill as many girls in the all girl gathering as possible before some other guy makes the kill and makes it impossible to claim the girl killing point.
Hannah Whelan looked at Charlie Cheerleader.  Charlie Cheerleader looked at Hannah Whelan.  Time for Hannah to be senselessly killed once and for all. 
 Hannah Whelan smiled as she approached Ruby Harrold and Claudia Fragapane.  All three girls are doomed to be violently murdered one by one until all three girls are dead.  Ruby Harrold, Claudia Fragapane and Hannah Whelan were feeling confident that they will murder the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse before all three of the girls are murdered once and for all.
Ruby kissed Claudia on her right cheek while Hannah kissed Claudia on her let cheek at the same time.  All three girls didn't die from it.  Only guys can do that to themselves without dying.  For girls, it was unnatural and fatal. 
Hannah Whelan smiled as she stood next to Ruby Harrold and Claudia Fragapane
Claudia asked, "Where's Elizabeth?"
Charlie Cheerleader said, "I murdered Elizabeth.  Now I must kill all three of you girls too."
Ruby said, "I need to attack him first."
Hannah said, "Actually, I'm the girl who needs to attack him next."
Ruby said, "Not without fighting against me first."
 Ruby punched Charlie Cheerleader and he fell down unconscious.  Ruby looked at Hannah and Claudia with a confused expression on her face.
Ruby said, "That couldn't have been it.  Us girls is on our way to wiping out the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse intrusion if that's all it took to kill Charlie Cheerleader."
Claudia looked at Ruby and Hannah.
Claudia said, "Don't bend over him to check for a pulse.  If he comes back to life, then it would be much easier for him to kill you.  Don't turn your back while bragging excessively.  It will be easier for him to kill you if you do that."
Ruby said, "I'll do whatever I want to do goddamn it."
Hannah stood to the left of Claudia.  Ruby stood to the right of Claudia.  Claudia stood in the middle.
Hannah said, "You need to be smart about this.  Right now, you're the only one of us girls who actually succeeded in killing a Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Serial Killer.  Your death will ruin it for the rest of us girls."
 Claudia continued to look at Ruby and Hannah.  Claudia continued to stand in the middle with Hannah to the left of Claudia and Ruby standing to the right of Claudia.  Ruby and Hannah looked directly at Charlie Cheerleader as he lay dead.  Claudia's back was turned to Charlie Cheerleader as he lay dead.  Ruby must die in order for Charlie Cheerleader to return from the dead, but Claudia is in the way of Ruby's need to be killed with her back turned to her victimizer.
Claudia said, "Sorry Ruby, but I'm not going to let you bend over Charlie Cheerleader to check for a pulse.  The only way to prevent me from stopping Ruby is to kill me.  Charlie Cheerleader can't kill me because he's dead and Ruby must die in order for him to be resurrected.  Ruby's death will remove the best hope us girls has to ending the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse forever."
Ruby said, "I'm going to bend over him to check for a pulse and nothing you say or do will stop that.  Don't force me to afflict violence against you Claudia."
Hannah said, "I wouldn't worry about anything Claudia.  Ruby isn't going to have you punched to death.  Not if I have anything to say about it."
Ruby said, "Then I'll punch Claudia and Hannah to death if that's the only way I'll get to bend over Charlie Cheerleader to check for a pulse."
Claudia said, "Now you're talking foolishness Ruby."
Hannah said, "Be sensible Ruby.  This is our best hope for survival.  Don't blow it."
 Hannah said, "Perhaps we should carry Charlie Cheerleader away.  We need to lock up his dead body inside a closet somewhere.  I'll need two girls to help me carry the corpse."
Ruby said, "You have two girls standing right here.  Allow me to bend over the dead body to check for a pulse."
Claudia said, "Oh please don't blow it.  If one of us girls dies, then all three of us girls dies."
Ruby said, "There has to be a compromise that us girls can agree to."
 Hannah stood in the middle with Ruby standing to the right and Claudia standing to the left. 
Ruby said, "I'll tell you what.  I'll hold up the head.  Hannah and Claudia will hold the feet.  We'll carry the dead body to a closet to lock it up.  If Hannah and Claudia accidently dies while we're trying to carry the dead body, then I'll bend over the dead body to check for a pulse."
Hannah said, "I don't like it, but it's the best thing that all three of us girls can agree to."
Claudia said, "I suppose it will have to be sufficient."
And so Ruby held Charlie Cheerleader's head while Claudia held Charlie Cheerleader's feet.  Hannah walked towards Claudia to help her carry Charlie Cheerleader's feet.
Ruby holding the head and Claudia holding the foot walked sideways.  Charlie Cheerleader's dead body rammed into Hannah's vagina causing the doomed girl to double over in pain.
 Hannah sunk to her knees as the life slowly went out of the dying girl.
 Hannah lay down on her back as she found it difficult to continue breathing.  The dying girl will soon be legally dead.
Hannah rolled from her back until she lay on her stomach.  Hannah pressed her breasts and her vagina on the gym mat as the dying girl stopped breathing and died.

 Hannah Whelan is no longer alive.  Hannah is legally dead.
Claudia held Charlie Cheerleader's feet.  Ruby held Charlie Cheerleader's head. 
Claudia said, "One of us girls has to move Hannah's dead body out of the way.  Otherwise both of us girls will trip over her and both of us girls will die."
 Claudia said, "You should move Hannah's dead body since you're the third of us girls to die."
Ruby said with a groan, "I suppose I have no choice then."
Ruby released her grip on Charlie Cheerleader's head and she walked towards Hannah's dead body.  Claudia continued to hold on to Charlie Cheerleader's feet.
Ruby said, "Hang in there a few minutes.  I'll be there in a few minutes."
Claudia said, "I'm not going anywhere."
 Claudia Fragapane unknowingly walked backwards towards Imogen Cairns' dead body, but she failed to trip over the corpse and die in the process.  Claudia is holding on the feet of the dead body of Charlie Cheerleader and he can't come back to life until Claudia and Ruby dies by accident.
 Claudia walked forward and it's starting to look as if Claudia might actually survive long enough to see Ruby die instead of her.
 Claudia walked backwards and she tripped over the dead body of Imogen Cairns.  Claudia released her grip over Charlie Cheerleader's feet as she fell backwards towards her death.

 Claudia lay face up on top of Imogen's dead body spine on breasts and rear end on vagina.  Claudia rolled on top of Imogen's dead body until she lay on top of the dead teenage girl breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina.  Claudia accidently kissed Imogen's dead body on the lips which caused the girl to close her eyes, stop breathing and die.
Claudia Fragapane died on top of Imogen Cairns' dead body breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina.  Claudia Fragapane is no longer alive.  Claudia is legally dead.
Steliana Nistor walked closer towards Charlie Cheerleader.  If Steliana joins forces with Amy Tinkler, Ruby Harrold and Elissa Downie, then all four girls would be invincible.  If he murders Amy Tinkler, Ruby Harrold and Elissa Downie before Steliana Nistor arrives, then all four girls will be easy to murder one by one.  Oh no, Steliana Nistor is walking closer.  Hurry up and kill Amy Tinkler, Ruby Harrold and Elissa Downie before it's too late.  Steliana didn't care that Charlie Cheerleader was in a difficult bind.  She walked closer without realizing that she was about to force Charlie Cheerleader into a situation where he must kill her in self defense before it's too late.
Steliana smiled as she walked closer.  Steliana thought she heard Nastia Liukin and she spun around.  She didn't find Nastia Liukin.  Steliana turned to face Charlie Cheerleader once again.
 Amy Tinkler looked at Ruby Harrold and Elissa Downie.
Ruby faced Amy and she said, "I need Elissa and yourself to hold Charlie Cheerleader's dead body.  You hold the head and Elissa holds the feet while I move Hannah's dead body.  Charlie Cheerleader can't come back to life until I die.  Any teenage girl who assists me before my death has to die by accident either before they grab the feet and head of Charlie Cheerleader's dead body or while their holding the feet and head and needs to die before they can move Charlie Cheerleader's dead body.  My death is assured if Elissa and yourself dies by accident before I get to move Hannah's dead body and I'm forced to die on top of Hannah's dead body."
Amy said, "Elissa and myself isn't planning to die anytime soon.  I'll help you out as long as it's possible for me to do so."
Elissa said, "We need to get started to before I change my mind and make an escape." 
Elissa said, "I'll tell you girls what.  Amy will hold the head, Amy will hold the feet and I'll move Hannah's dead body."
Ruby asked, "Are you sure about this?"
Elissa said, "I'm sure about this."
Amy said, "Please don't make me be the one who has to walk backwards."
Ruby said, "I'm not going to walk backwards so I guess it has to be you who walks backwards."
Elissa said, "Just be careful where you girls are walking while I'm moving Hannah's dead body."
 Ruby bent over her victimizer and she whispered in Charlie Cheerleader's ear, "I guess you'll never get to kill Amy, Elissa and myself.  Us girls gets the upper hand."
Amy said, "Please don't provoke him.  I don't want to end up getting myself killed."
Ruby said, "There's no way that us three girls will end up getting killed."
Elissa said, "I only hope you're right about that."
Ruby said, "Of course I'm right about that."
Elissa said, "I guess it's now or never."
Amy said, "I only hope this scheme of yours doesn't result in all three of us girls getting murdered one by one.  I don't want to die tonight."
Ruby said, "I don't want to die either which is why us three girls is doing this."  Ruby paused before she added, "Hold on a second, your lipstick isn't right."
Elissa asked, "How is it possible that my lipstick isn't right.  My lipstick always is right."
Ruby said, "It's better to reapply your lipstick all the same."
Ruby reached into her gym bag and pulled out a cloth to remove Elissa's lipstick.  She then reached into her gym bag for her lipstick to apply it to Elissa.
Ruby said, "There we go.  Now you're ready to go to town."
Elissa Downie took a deep breath as she walked towards Hannah's dead body while Ruby grabbed Charlie Cheerleader's head while Amy grabbed Charlie Cheerleader's feet.  Time for Elissa to die.
 Elissa walked towards Charlie Cheerleader with confidence.  Charlie Cheerleader walked towards Elissa with confidence.  Elissa smiled.  Charlie Cheerleader smiled.
Elissa said, "Are you ready for our little fight to the death."
Charlie Cheerleader said, "I'm ready if you're ready."
 Charlie Cheerleader punched Elissa before he kicked the girl.  Elissa stopped breathing as she was thrown backwards by his attack.  Elissa tried to stand up, but it was already over.  The girl was dying.

Elissa Downie closed her eyes and she died.  Elissa is no longer alive.  Elissa is legally dead.
Ruby Harrold looked at Amy Tinkler.  Amy shrugged with frustration.  Both girls stood nearby the dead body of Hannah Whelan.
Ruby said, "Well, that was a waste of perfectly good lipstick."
Amy said, "Perhaps I should teach those jerks who's boss around here."
Ruby said, "Yeah, I guess you'll have to.  But first, drag Elissa's dead body out of the way so that I won't have to look at it."
Amy said, "I heard that Hannah had the secret plan for killing these jerks tucked under her left bra cup.  You'll have to lie down on her dead body trying to find those secret plans under the left bra cup of Hannah's dead body without getting killed."
Ruby said, "You'll deal with Elissa's dead body without dying on top of it and I'll deal with Hannah's dead body without dying on it."
Amy said, "Unless you want us girls to hug first."
Ruby said, "Elissa had to die on top of Hannah first in order for that to happen."
Amy said, "I was afraid you were going to say that."
Amy walked off.  Charlie Cheerleader walked behind Ruby.
Charlie Cheerleader stabbed Ruby from behind.  Ruby drooled blood as she struggled to remain alive.  Her efforts was in vain as Charlie Cheerleader stabbed her from behind further.
 Ruby tried to cry out for help, but he covered her mouth as he embraced the girl from behind.  He stabbed her between her breasts as he embraced her from behind.
 Ruby was in shock as she slowly started to die.
 She tried to apologize, but it was too late.  The doomed girl was dying.  Nothing was going to stop her from dying.  She ran out of chances to clone herself.
 Girls is unnatural.  Ruby Harrold was a girl.  Therefore, Ruby Harrold was unnatural.  That's why boys kissing each other restores life while girls kissing each other is fatal.  Girls can pretend to kiss each other, but without knowing the truth that there never was a female gender, but rather girls are an unnatural parasite, it can't be fatal if it's pretend.  The dying girl slowly started to die as Charlie Cheerleader stabbed her between her breasts. 
 Ruby tried to pull away, but Charlie strengthened his grip.  Girls is unnatural.  There was only one gender the whole entire time and that only gender was male.  When Ruby dies, the unnatural female gender will be closer to extinction and with it the female parasite is gone forever.
 Ruby rammed her left elbow and he lost his grip.  Ruby tried to escape.
 Charlie Cheerleader kicked the girl and she fell face up to the floor in a puddle of blood.
 Ruby tried to stand up and she was kicked to the floor once again.  Ruby fell face up to the ground and she stopped moving.

Ruby Harrold closed her eyes and she legally died.  Ruby Harrold is no longer alive.  Ruby is legally dead once and for all.  Time for Amy Tinkler to die.
Amy walked towards a balance beam and she pressed her vagina on it as she looked at Elissa's dead body.  Charlie Cheerleader doesn't want to see Elissa's dead body moved.  In order to prevent the dead body from being moved, Charlie Cheerleader must murder Amy now.  Amy pressed her vagina on the balance beam as her doom got closer and closer.

  Nastia Liukin

 Steliana Nistor, Shawn Johnson, Vanessa Ferrari, Jade Barbosa
Vanessa Ferrari, Jade Barbosa, Shawn Johnson, Steliana Nistor
Shawn Johnson and Steliana Nistor
 Shawn Johnson
 Steliana Nistor
 Vanessa Ferrari and Jade Barbosa
 Vanessa Ferrari

 Jade Barbosa
 Ashleigh Brennan, Olivia Vivian, Georgia Bonora, Daria Joura, Shona Morgan, Lauren Mitchell

Marìa Olaru, Andreea Raducan and Simona Amanar entered the women's gymnasium to see Skunk Lord lying down on top of Drama King groin on rear end and chest on spine while Drama King lay on Ice Skating Lad groin on rear end and chest on spine.  The three girls giggled at the sight of it.  The three girls wasn't bothered by the possible consequences of their giggling.  Nothing bad happened from the giggling before so why should anything bad happen now.  But what the three girls fail to realize that today is the day that all three girls will be punished and killed as punishment for their crimes.  Go ahead and giggle young ladies.  You won't be giggling much longer when it's all done and all three girls finally get the chance to be murdered.
Simona Amanar, Andreea Raducan and Maria Olaru look at Kunk Lord lying down on top of Drama King groin on rear end and chest on spine while Drama King lay on Ice Skating Lad groin on rear end and chest on spine.  All three girls are tempting the three guys away from such behavior.  Not to worry though because all three girls are about to be murdered one by one.
Simona said with a frown, "I guess those guys won't be asking either of us girls out on a date anytime soon.  Could they possibly make that fact a bit more obvious?"
Maria replied, "It's frustrating that we can't practice gymnastics in our own gymnasium without being forced to look at this."
Andrea replied, "Perhaps they have no intention of asking us.  You can't ask girls if they can use their gymnastics gym if the girls in question are legally dead in a serial killing murder attack."
 Maria replied, "We need to do something about that."
Andreea replied, "I agree.  Simona will attack those serial killers first while Maria and I stand aside to watch it all go down."
Simona replied, "Why should I be the first to attack those serial killers.  All ten of those girls failed to make any progress and now they are dead."
Andrea replied, "Maria or I would be more than happy to go first, but both of us would feel better if you make the first of three attempts to kill those creeps."
Simona replied with a groan, "Ok, I'll make the first murder attempt."
Skunk Lord stood up and he directly faced Simona as she approached him with intent to kill.
Andreea said, "Good luck Simona, don't get yourself murdered."
Maria replied, "Don't force Andreea to be the second of three and don't force me to be the third of three.  Let's kill them all with the first attempt."
Roza Galiyeva smiled as she stood behind Skunk Lord with intent to murder him before he gets to kill Simona.  The only way to prevent the young sexually seductive girl is to murder her in a violent sadomasochistic serial killer murder attack.  Roza smiled as she stood behind her victimizer without him realizing that she's in the gymnastics gym. 
  Roza looked at Drama King as he prevented her from attacking Skunk Lord in a heroic defeat of her evil plans.
Roza said, "So now it's my turn to be murdered.  How will you succeed in murdering me?"
Drama King stabbed Roza between her breasts and she dropped to her knees wimpering in pain as she was stabbed between her breasts five more times.
 Roza said, "You can't stop me from murdering Skunk Lord.  You don't have what it takes to truly punish me with a serial killing murder attack."
Drama King tied Roza's arms behind her back as he stabbed her between her breasts again. 
Roza sputtered as she slowly started dying, "Why did you hurt me?  I could've saved you from yourself.  I could've stopped you from going down a dark path."
Drama King replied, "Your path is the only dark path that needs to be avoided."
He gagged the girl before tying her feet.  She tried to wiggle from her bonds and failed.
 Tears fell from her eyes as the end came sooner than she thought.  Roza was dying and all of her evil crimes was about to result in her punishment.  Roza tried to speak, but her sadomasochistic bonds and gag prevented her from doing so.
 Roza Galiyeva is no longer alive.  Roza is legally dead.
Andreea Raducan and Simona Amanar looked down upon the dead body of Roza Galiyeva before the two girls looked at each other.
Andreea faced Simona before she said, "I guess it's your turn to attack and murder Drama King."
Simona said, "We should decide which of us two girls gets to attack and fail next by playing a game of rock, paper and scissors."
Andreea said, "I'll stab you to death with a scissors if you don't get out there and start attacking him."
Simona said, "You don't even have any scissors in your purse damn it."
 Andreea asked, "How would you know?  Did you check my purse?"
Simona replied, "I didn't check your purse recently."
Andreea asked, "How would you know that I don't have any scissors to attack and kill you with for insubordination if you didn't recently check out my purse?"
Simona replied with a groan, "Ok, I'll attack him next, but don't expect me to enjoy doing so."
Andreea said, "Oh you will enjoy it when you succeed in killing Drama King."
Simona replied, "Let's hope so."
Simona faced Drama King before she said, "Hey guess what, I get to be your murderess.  Isn't that wonderful.  I bet you can't wait to have me as your murderess."
Simona kicked Drama King and he fell on top of Ice Skating Lad groin on rear end and chest on spine.  Simone looked at Skunk Lord with a confident smile on her face.
Simona replied, "So I guess Roza didn't have what it took to hurt you guys.  Let's see if I could succeed where the other girls have failed."
Skunk Lord replied, "I wouldn't count on you succeeding either."
 Skunk Lord kicked Simona in her vagina and she dropped to her knees.  She tried to rise only to be kicked in her vagina a second time.  A punch in the stomach sent her dropping to her knees.
 Simona said as she started to cry with extreme grief, "Look, I'm sorry I made you angry.  I had no idea you had so much rage against me."
Skunk Lord replied, "It's too late.  You still need to die."
 Skunk Lord kicked Simona and she fell to the floor in a crumpled heap.  He tied her hands behind her back and tied her feet.  And when she tried to wiggle from her bonds, he punched her ten times.  Simona groaned with pain as she slowly started to die.
 Simona Amanar is no longer alive.  Simona Amanar is legally dead.
Andreea Raducan approached Skunk Lord and she kicked him.  He cam flying to the ground in a crumpled heap.
Andreea replied, "You made the last mistake of your life asshole."
Andreea kicked him to the ground five more times.
 Andreea said, "You could've walked away from this, but now I need to make an example of you."
Andreea kicked him as Skunk Lord tried to stand up.
 Skunk Lord kicked Andreea in the stomach seven times.  He kicked her in the vagina two times.
 Tears ran down Andreea's face as she tried to crawl away.  Skunk Lord grabbed her by her left arm and dragged her backwards to the ground and pressed his left arm on her throat and choked all of her oxygen from her lungs.
 Andreea tried to escape as Skunk Lord's continued to be pressed on her throat.  The doomed sexually seductive girl made one last attempt to escape, but failed in misery and pain.  She felt humiliated and shame as death came to claim her.
 Andreea closed her eyes as she slowly started to die in a sadomasochistic murder attack.  The young sexually seductive girl felt overwhelming hopelessness as her evil crimes was being punished at long last.  The doomed girl slowly stopped breathing as she died.
 Andreea Raducan is no longer alive.  Andreea is legally dead.
Maria Olaru said, "Look, I don't need to use the gym right now.  Go ahead and use it."
Skunk Lord replied, "I need to murder you before I can use the gym."
Skunk Lord stabbed Maria between her breasts.  She looked downward at the puddle of blood dripping from her knife wounds as she helplessly found herself falling forward to the floor.  Maria is dying and nothing can save her from being punished for her crimes in a sadomasochistic murder attack.  She tried to stand up and was stabbed between her breasts ten more times.
 Maria fell to the floor and her breathing started to slow down.  Maria is dying and she gave up trying to stay alive.  Her eyes started to close as death finally claimed the doomed young girl.
Maria Olaru is no longer alive.  Maria Olaru is legally dead.
Diana Sapronova, Anna Dementyeva, Maria Stepanova, Anastasia Sidorova, Anna Rodionova, Kristina Sidorova entered the women's gym to find Skunk Lord lying down on top of Drama King groin on rear end and chest on spine while Drama King lay on Ice Skating Lad groin on rear end and chest on spine.  All six girls didn't know what to make of the situation and then they saw ten legally dead girls dressed in skin tight leotards lying scattered on the floor. 
Anna Dementyeva said, "This isn't the proper time to practice our gymnastics routine.  Perhaps we should come bsck some other time."
Anatasia Sidorova replied, "They won't let us return some other time.  Now that they spotted us, they won't stop until all six of us are legally dead."
Kristina Sidorova replied, "Why is it necessary for only the girls to die.  Us girls never done anything wrong.  Those creeps are the one who are doing all the criminal acts of murder."
Anna Rodionova replied, "You will never convince of them how innocent us girls are."
Diana Sapronova replied, "I shall be the girl to set it all straight and punish those girl killing creeps once and for all."
Maria Stepanova replied, "Do you need some help."
Diana Sapronova replied, "I can punish those creeps without any help, but thanks for the offer."
 Diana Sapronova approached Skunk Lord as he lay on top of Drama King as he lay on top of Ice Skating Lad.  The girl paused as her left foot touched the pile of three girl killing murderers and tempted the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse to respond by murdering her.
 Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord wanted to lie down on top of Skunk Lord, but he can't do so with Diana Sapronova tempting him to lie down on top of her instead.  Even if that wasn't her intent, she was tempting him in that direction anyway.  For that reason alone, Diana must die.
 Diana didn't see her murderer.  Nobody did.  Diana's inability to see her murderer was her biggest mistake that will end her life forever.  Diana chest heaved as she took a deep breath.   
 Diana paused in front of the balance beam.  She considered jumping on it and tempting Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord to murder her on it.
 Diana didn't jump on the balance beam even though being killed on the balance beam is a very good way for her to die in a serial killing attack.  Perhaps she wanted to die in a murder attack some other way that didn't involve the balance beam.
 Diana weighed the pro and cons of jumping on the balance beam when serial killers are killing Dandilion Girls one by one all the way down to zero.  She was overthinking it.  She won't get the chance to die in a serial killing attack if she keeps overthinking it.
 Diana walked away from the balance beam.  She wanted to die some other way.
 The way Diana walked tempted Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord to lie down on top of her instead of lying down on top of Skunk Lord who lay down on top of Drama King who lay down on top of Ice Skating Lad.  She still needs to die for that crime alone.  Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord accidently punched Diana in the vagina and she doubled over in pain as he punched her in the stomach two more times.
 Diana lost her breath as she doubled over in pain.  It got harder for her to breath as she realized too late that she was dying in an accidental murder attack.  She felt pain, sorrow and humiliation as her life slowly came to an end.  She wanted to fight back, but her dying body fell to the ground against her wishes instead.  Tears fell down her face as death came to claim her.
 Diana Sapronova is no longer alive.  Diana is legally dead.
Maria Stepanova cursed herself as she saw Diana Sapronova die in a serial killing attack.  She wore her skin tight leotard, sweat pants and a zipper up sweat shirt.  She sat down in a manner that tempted Extreme Universe Edition to force her to lie down and lie on top of her instead of lying down on Skunk Lord who lay on Drama King who lay on Ice Skating Lad.  Even if that wasn't her intent for sitting, she gave that impression.  And that impression made it necessary to kill her.
 Maria slowly removed her sweat shirt while sitting down.
 The sweat shirt was off.  Maria stood up dressed only in her skin tight leotard and sweat pants.
 Maria removed her sweat pants before lying down.  Her chest heaved as she took a deep breath.  Now Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord's need to lay her down and then lie down on top of her instead of lying down on Skunk Lord who lay down on Drama King who lay down on Ice Skating Lad is even stronger than ever.  His need to punish her for such a crime by killing her has become even more extreme too.
 Maria approached a nearby Dandilion Girl and asked, "Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord is looking at me in a very creepy manner.  Please kill him for me."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord stabbed the Dandilion Girl from behind and she lay down on the floor legally dead.  Maria faced her victimizing murderer without realizing that she is doomed to become a victim of a serial killing murder attack.
 Maria looked at her murderer Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord and asked, "Do you have a problem with me?  If so, then maybe it's better if I kill you now."
 Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord replied, "Maybe it's better if you die instead."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord stabbed Maria in the upper chest and the girl slowly started to die of the knife wound.  She fell to the ground and she struggled to her feet.  Five more knife attacks to her upper chest region forced her to lie down in defeat as death overwhelmed the dying girl.
Maria Stepanova is no longer alive.  Maria is legally dead. 
 Anna Dementyeva, Anastasia Sidorova, Anna Rodionova, Kristina Sidorova escaped the women's gymnasium to the nighttime cityscape outside.  Extreme Universe Skunk Lord tried to chase after the four surviving girls, but they escaped into the night before he can murder them.
Chellsie Memmel, Rebecca Bross and Grace McLaughlin entered the Gymnastics Gymnasium to find sixteen dead Dandilion Girls lying scattered on the floor legally dead dressed in skin tight leotards.  Dressed in skin tight leotards themselves, Chellsie, Rebecca and Grace looked at each other with a worried expression on their faces.
Grace said, "We came to the right place, but at the wrong time.  Somebody has too much anger issues.  Perhaps they thought it was funny if they ruined our gymnastics practice session with a serial killing murder spree."
Rebecca said, "I'm not going to just stand there and let those jerks get away with it."
Chellsie said, "Perhaps they start attacking us until we're begging for forgiveness and then suffer a painful demise just like those sixteen unfortune Dandelion Girls."
Grace replied, "I refuse to accept anybody claiming that Dandelion Girls is slang for easy to murder sadomasochism murder target."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord entered the gymnastics gym and nearly walked backwards into six sexually seductive girls.  He hid before any of the girls could see him.  Not knowing that Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord was nearby, Bridget Sloan, Shawn Johnson, Grace McLaughlin, Bridgette Caquatto, Brandie Jean Jay and Jessie Rae Deziel unknowingly stood nearby.
Jessie said, "What Grace is suggesting is that we murder every single member of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse until they are completely gone."
Grace said, "That sounds like a fantastic plan."
Shawn said, "I can't begin to wipe out the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse without my lucky necklace.  I'll be easy to kill without my lucky necklace."
Brandie replied, "Either that or your lucky necklace will get you murdered."
Bridget said, "Oh come on Brandie, where is your enthusiasm?"
Brandie replied, "My enthusiasm went flying out of the window when I saw all sixteen of those dead girls lying on the floor."
Bridgette said, "We can't let that discourage us from fighting back against our victimizers."
 Bridgette Caquatto asked, "So which of us girls gets to be the first to attack and kill those creeps?"
 Shayla Worley said, "Don't look at me.  I'm going to sit here and refuse to attack anybody.  Nobody will feel the urge to murder me if I'm just sitting here minding my own business."
Shayla continued, "I'm assuming the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse only kills in self defense.  In that case, just sitting here minding my own business is the safest strategy."
 Alicia Sacramone replied, "Oh come on Shayla, you know it never works that way.  Those creeps will attack and kill you regardless of your enthusiasm to attack and kill in return."
 Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord grabbed Alicia Sacramone from behind.  The girl rammed her left elbow into his stomach and he doubled over in pain.  Alicia spun around to face him and she punched him five times in the stomach.  He doubled over in pain even more than before.
 He pulled out a knife.  Grace McLaughlin saw the knife before Alicia did. 
Grace cried out, "Watch out Alicia.  He's about to murder you."
Grace ran into the path of the knife.  Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord ended up stabbing Grace between her breasts while Alicia backed away alive, safe and well.  Grace tried to escape and he responded by stabbing the girl between her breasts while roughly grabbing her left arm.
 Grace started to cry as he stabbed her between her breasts ten more times.
Grace said between sobs, "Please don't hurt me.  I'm sorry.  I didn't mean to offend you."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord replied, "Sorry young lady, but I still need to kill you."
 Extreme Universe Skunk Lord stabbed Grace between her breasts five more times.  Grace found it harder to keep her eyes open as she found herself dropping to her knees.  He kicked her to the ground and she fell face down in a puddle of her blood.
Grace tried to stand up, but eventually found herself giving up.  She closed her eyes a second time and she stopped breathing.  Grace McLaughlin is no longer alive.  Grace is legally dead.
Alicia Sacramone looked at the Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord with a smile on her face.
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord faced Alicia and said, "Nine teenage girls had the option to be murdered instead of you and now one of them is legally dead.  One of the remaining eight teenage girls must die if you refuse to be murdered."
Alicia said, "Go ahead and try to murder me.  I'm willing to dance if you're willing to dance."
 Alicia Sacramone pressed her breasts against his chest and pressed her vagina against his groin as she tightly embraced Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord.  He had a perfect chance to stab her to death as she embraced him.
Alicia whispered into his ear, "Allow me to tell you a secret before you murder me."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord whispered into her ear, "Tell me your secret before I murder you.  I really want to know all your secrets."
 Alicia Sacramone pulled away from Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord before saying, "There was no secret.  You had the chance to murder me and you blew it."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "Then I better murder you now before I screw up another chance to murder you."
 Alicia punched Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord and he fell.  He tried to punch Alicia in retaliation, but he struck Jessie Rae Deziel in the stomach instead.  Jessie Rae fell to her knees as the doomed teenage girl winced in pain.
Jessie Rae said, "Ouch, what the fuck is your problem?"
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord replied, "My problem is that I can't kill Alicia Sacramone until you are murdered."
 Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord punched Jessie Rae and she fell backwards into a seated position.  The doomed teenage girl was in physical agony, but she was still alive and well.
 Jessie Rae said, "You failed to kill me you goddamn idiot."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord replied, "Then I better try harder to kill you."
 Jessie Rae said, "So you're just going to stand there and talk me to death?"
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "Try to murder me again and I promise that you will die and stay dead.  I simply need another chance to kill you."
 Jessie Rae said, "Your overconfidence will be your undoing."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "I'm willing to take that chance."
 Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord punched Jessie Rae in the stomach and she nearly doubled over in pain.  Jessie Rae smiled.  Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord smiled.
 Jessie Rae ran towards her victimizer with intent to kill or die trying to kill.
 He grabbed the doomed nubile sexually seductive teenage girl and he tossed her forward.
 Jessie Rae flew towards the ground with a loud thud. 
 Jessie Rae tried to stand up, but her muscles wouldn't allow her.  Jessie Rae tried to breathe, but her lungs refused to give her the chance to do so either.
 Jessie Rae tried to stand up, but her body crashed to the ground instead.  She tried to keep her eyes open, but darkness overwhelmed her vision and made her eyes slowly close tight forever.
 Jessie Rae made one last effort to stand up, but her body continued to lie face down on the ground as death slowly made it's sadomasochistic claim on the doomed teenage girl.
Jessie Rae Deziel is no longer alive.  Jessie Rae Deziel is legally dead.
Alicia Sacramone looked at the Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord with a smile on her face.
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord faced Alicia and said, "Eight teenage girls had the option to be murdered instead of you and now two of them is legally dead.  One of the remaining seven teenage girls must die if you refuse to be murdered."
Alicia replied, "We both know that this could end three ways.  I alone get to witness seven more serial killing attack murders is the first.  The second is that die this exact second.  The third is that I die in a failed attempt to keep three remaining out of the original seven surviving girls alive.  If it's the third option, then Chellsie Memmel, Rebecca Bross,  Bridget Sloan, Shawn Johnson, Bridgette Caquatto, Brandie Jean Jay and Shayla Worley will witness four more murders among their ranks."
 Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "Then we better get started by trying to end your life sooner rather than later."
Alicia said, "Your optimism always was annoying."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord punched Alicia in the stomach and she fell backwards into a seated position.
 Shawn Johnson stood between Alicia and her victimizer.  Shawn tempted her victimizer to attack and murder her. 
Shawn said, "Enough is enough.  No more teenage girls will die tonight."
 Shawn punched Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord and he fell to the ground much too easily.  Instead of bending over him to check his pulse, Shawn walked towards Alicia.
 Shawn asked, "Are you ok?"
Alicia replied, "I'll live."
Shawn said, "Allow me to help you up."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord slowly stood up as Alicia Sacramone tightly embraced Shawn Johnson breasts pressed against breasts and vagina pressed against vagina.  Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord could've stabbed both girls with the same knife, but he lost his nerve when he realized how pretty and adorable the two doomed teenage girls were.
Alicia said, "Our victimizer is still alive."
Shawn said, "Then we better join forces in order to kill him."  Shawn paused before she added, "Oh my Goddess, she finally made it."
Nastia Liukin entered the gymnasium and wrapped her left arm around Shawn Johnson's shoulders.
Nastia Liukin said, "There is no way I'm going to miss this party for anything."
Shawn said, "The Micro Sized Sexual Orgasm Enhancement Sonic Wave Machine was turned on when Alicia and I hugged, but Skunk Lord failed to kick me closer towards Alicia to get us to die making kiss between the two of us.  I guess he secretly wants Alica and I to survive." 
 Nastia said, "I'm so proud that you survived almost certain death.  Let's hug each other to celebrate."
Shawn said, "That sounds like a good idea.  We should hug to celebrate."
 Nastia Liukin hugged Shawn Johnson tightly.
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord watched nearby as Skunk Lord lay on top of Drama King as he lay on top of Ice Skating Lad.  Skunk Lord's left foot touched Nastia's rear end and pushed her towards Shawn until both women were pressed tightly against each other breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina.  Nastia and Shawn narrowly died kissing each other, but avoided and separated at the split second. 
Bridget Sloan, Alicia Sacramone, Nastia Liukin and Samantha Peszek side by side as Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord tried to find a way to murder all four nubile sexually seductive girls.  There wasn't an opening to murder any of the four girls.
Samantha said, "Hello ladies, what did I miss."
Alicia said, "Well, you could probably guess from all the legally dead girls scattered across the gymnastics mat that these creeps has been on a successful killing spree against us girls."
Bridget Sloan said, "Those four girl killing creeps hasn't murdered all four of us girls yet, so that's something to be positive about."
Nastia said, "It goes without saying that one of us four girls needs to advance forward and make an effort to kill Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord to prevent him from lying down on top of Skunk Lord so that the last girl standing can take his place instead and heterosexual up Skunk Lord, Drama King and Ice Skating Lad.  Of course, in order for the last girl standing to be anointed, three of us girls must advance, attack and die violently."
Samantha said, "I should've stayed home if that's the case."
 Alicia said, "So who do we decide which of the three of us girls who must advance, attack and die violently so the fourth of us girls can lie down and hetrosexual up Skunk Lord, Drama King and Ice Skating Lad?  Do we decide alphabetically or some other method."
Samantha said, "Hey ladies, I just got here.  I don't want to die just when I just arrived."
Nastia said, "I don't want to die so close to having arrived either, but one girl lying down on top of Skunk Lord, Drama King and Ice Skating Lad is company and four girls is a crowd."
Bridget Sloan said, "Perhaps if us girls just keep standing here, three of us girls will give Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord the chance to kill three of us so the fourth and last standing girl can battle him for the chance to lie down on top of Skunk Lord, Drama King and Ice Skating Lad to heterosexual them all up."
Shawn Johnson said, "You four girls can stand there and wait for three of you girls to be murdered for as long as you want.  I'm going to reward Bridgette Caquatto for her ability to avoid being killed in a serial killing attack by hugging her."
Bridgette Caquatto said, "Oh Shawn, I would love the chance to hug you."
 The Micro Sized Sexual Orgasm Enhancement Sonic Wave Machine started to shirt circuit.  The only way to correct the short circuit is to murder a girl while in the process of surviving a close call in a failed attempt to kill her by kicking her forward into kissing another girl while hugging her while the The Micro Sized Sexual Orgasm Enhancement Sonic Wave Machine is turned on.  If Bridget Caquatto is hugging Shawn Johnson and Skunk Lord kicker her closer to Shawn Johnson and the two girls ends up kissing each other, then both girls dies.  If the effort to kick Bridget Caquatto closer towards Shawn Johnson so that the two girls are kissing each other while hugging fails, then Bridget Caquatto still needs to die to remove the short circuit in  The Micro Sized Sexual Orgasm Enhancement Sonic Wave Machine.
 Not aware that she's about to be murdered, Bridgette Caquatto looked back at Skunk Lord lying down on top of Drama King groin on rear end and chest on spine while Drama King lay on Ice Skating Lad groin on rear end and chest on spine.  She needs to die so that she'll miss out on the chance to lie down on top of them---Breasts on spine and vagina on rear end.  She took a deep breath as her thoughts drifted for a bit.
Bridgette Caquatto never made an effort to kill the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse, but that didn't matter.  Being born female was enough reason to murder the girl.
 Bridgette Caquatto looked at Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord with a smirk.  Bridgett Caquatto walked closer towards Shawn Johnson.
 Shawn said, "You still want that hug?"
Bridgette Caquatto replied, "I still want that hug."
Shawn Johnson hugged Bridgette Caquatto.  Skunk Lord kicked Bridgette Caquatto in the rear end causing the two girls to press against each other---Breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina.  Both girls narrowly kissed each other, but that didn't matter.  The Micro Sized Sexual Orgasm Enhancement Sonic Wave Machine was short circuiting and the only way the short circuit to be corrected was for The Micro Sized Sexual Orgasm Enhancement Sonic Wave Machine to kill Bridget Caquatto with an overdose of sexual pleasure related to narrowly kissing Shawn Johnson despite being born heterosexual.
Bridget Caquatto slid from Shawn Johnson's grip and she crashed to the floor and stopped breathing.  Bridget Caquatto is no longer alive.  Bridget Caquatto is legally dead.
Shawn Johnson looked at Skunk Lord and she kicked him as he lay on Drama King and Ice Skating Lad.  Shawn frowned with disapproval.
Shawn said, "There was no need to murder Bridget Caquatto."
Bridget Sloan, Alicia Sacramone, Nastia Liukin, Samantha Peszek,  Chellsie Memmel, Rebecca Bross and Shayla Worley stood nearby Shawn Johnson.  Seven out of eight girls must die now!  Who gets to be the next unlucky girl to die in an unprovoked murder attack. 
Nastia said, "We survived.  We survived.  We can party all night."
Samantha said, "We should celebrate our survival by hugging."
Nastia Liukin and Samantha Peszek were hugging with their lips inches away from each other and Samantha's rear end inches from Skunk Lord's foot.  The The Micro Sized Sexual Orgasm Enhancement Sonic Wave Machine was still turned on.  Alicia Sacramone stood in the way at the last second causing Skunk Lord to caress Alicia's rear end with his left foot. 
Alicia said, "I'm getting my rear end fondled by Skunk Lord's foot instead of Samantha."
Samantha said, "Oh darn it.  Nastia and I got this close to being killed."
Nastia said, "Too bad because I felt like dying in a murder attack."
Nastia Liukin and Samantha Peszek separated with their murder attack ruined by Alicia Sacramone.
 Skunk Lord said, "There are seven chances left to resurrect every single legally dead Dandelion Girls out of seven chances available.  I choose Chellsie Memmel to make the first attempt."
Shawn Johnson, Chellsie Memmel, Alicia Sacramone, Samantha Peszek, Bridget Sloan and Nastia Liukin gathered for a huddle.  All six nublile sexually seductive girls pressed close together in such a manner that the breasts and vaginas of all six girls were pressed closely together.  It takes only one girl accidently kissing five other girls and all six of them will be killed simultaneously. 
Shawn said, "I have a bad feeling about this.  I could end up being the only one of us six girls left alive and standing if we're not careful about this."
Alicia said, "I can't allow Skunk Lord's challenge against us girls to remain unanswered."
Chellsie said, "Speak for yourself.  You're not the girl who's been selected as the first of the six girls to be killed by Skunk Lord."
Nastia said, "We're captains of our destiny.  We can take another direction if we're truly interested in surviving tonight."
Samantha said, "That's so empowering.  I feel like hugging Bridget."
Bridget said, "You're already hugging me and four other girls."
 Shawn Johnson, Chellsie Memmel, Alicia Sacramone, Samantha Peszek, Bridget Sloan and Nastia Liukin separated from each other after the inspirational huddle.  Shawn Johnson walked towards the gym, but Chelsie, Samantha and Bridget stood in the way.
Chelsie said, "It's better if you're the last girl of our group to attempt to get The Micro Sized Sexual Orgasm Enhancement Sonic Wave Machine."
Shawn said, "As long as you three girls are still alive and breathing, I won't attempt to risk my life and nearly get killed trying to grab  The Micro Sized Sexual Orgasm Enhancement Sonic Wave Machine from the gym bag."
Bridget said, "That's a girl.  I knew you would listen to reason."
Samantha said, "There's no way that Chelsie, Bridget or I would get killed anytime soon."
Nastia said, "Let's hope that Alicia and I don't end up getting killed either."
Alicia said, "We should stop being so pessimistic."
Shawn Johnson looked at the gym bag which had The Micro Sized Sexual Orgasm Enhancement Sonic Wave Machine inside it.  The doomed nubile sexually seductive girl had no idea how close she came to being killed and dying on top of the gym bag with The Micro Sized Sexual Orgasm Enhancement Sonic Wave Machine.  Time to start killing girls who is preventing Shawn from walking to the gym bag and letting herself get killed on top of it.
Chellsie hesitated.  Alicia approached Chellsie.
Alicia asked, "What's wrong?"
Chellsie said, "I'm wearing my track suit over my leotards and it's going to take a while to remove my track suit.  Can you go first instead of me?"
Alicia replied, "Yeah, I'll be happy to go first instead of you."
Chellsie said, "Thanks Alicia.  I owe you one."
 Alicia looked at Skunk Lord.  Skunk Lord looked at Alicia.  Alicia Sacramone is about to resurrect every single legally dead Dandelion Girl.  Alicia must die now to prevent that from happening.
 Alicia Sacramone is about to become the first out of seven girls who tried to resurrect every single legally dead Dandelion Girl and died before she could make the effort.  The nubile sexually seductive girl is about to die in a senseless murder attack. 
 Alicia Sacramone approached Skunk Lord.
Alicia said, "I'm going first instead of Chellsie.  What must I do?"
Skunk Lord said, "Try to kill me on top of The Micro Sized Sexual Orgasm Enhancement Sonic Wave Machine before I kill you on top of the The Micro Sized Sexual Orgasm Enhancement Sonic Wave Machine.  Only one of us is allowed to survive the challenge."
Alicia said, "Then I'll accept your challenge."
Alicia walked towards a dead girl's gym bag.  Skunk Lord tried to block her path and she punched him in the stomach.  Skunk Lord doubled over in pain before Alicia kicked him.  The nubile sexually seductive girl is about to die in a senseless murder attack.
Skunk Lord slowly stood up as Alicia slowly walked towards the gym bag.  Skunk Lord grabbed Alicia from behind with his left hand on the left side of her waist and his right hand on the right side of her waist.  Alicia slammed her left elbow into his stomach.
 His left hand continued to grip the left side of her waist and his right hand continued to grip the right side of her waist as he doubled over in pain.  She slammed her left elbow into his stomach five more times in futile hopes of escaping justice without getting herself killed.
 Skunk Lord tossed Alicia to the ground and she fell into a crumpled heap.  Alicia tried to stand up only to be kicked in the stomach by his foot.
 Alicia stood up and this time successfully.  She punched him twice and he punched her five times.  She punched him again before he kicked her to the ground in a crumpled heap.
 Alicia tried to stand up and he stabbed her in the back.  Skunk Lord stabbed her two more times as she crawled towards the gym bag on her hands and knees.
 Alicia continued to crawl forward as he stabbed her in the back five times.  Alicia felt both arms and both legs give out and she crashed to the floor face down.  He stabbed her from behind once again.
 Alicia slowly stood up.  She staggered to the gym bag as he stabbed her from behind.  Alicia looked at Skunk Lord with a wounded expression as he stabbed her between her voluptuous breasts.
 Alicia shoved him aside and she staggered towards the gym bag.  He stood up and stabbed her from behind six more times.
 Alicia winced in pain as she fell face down only inches from the gym bag.  He stabbed her from behind five more times when he realized that the doomed nubile sexually seductive, but doomed to be murdered teenage girl was still breathing.
 Alicia sputtered, "What have you done?  Why have you done this to me.  You can't go back once I'm dead and stay dead."
Skunk Lord said, "I'm sorry young lady, but you still need to die."
Alicia said, "Somebody help me get to the gym bag before I die."
Rebecca Bross said, "Don't worry Alicia, I'll help you out."
Rebecca Bross is about to become the second out of seven girls who tried to resurrect every single legally dead Dandelion Girl and died before she could make the effort.  The nubile sexually seductive girl is about to die in a senseless murder attack. 
 Rebecca tried to walk towards Alicia.  He grabbed her left arm and yanked her backwards into a knife that was plunged into her back.  Rebecca winced in pain as she yanked her left arm free.
 Rebecca sputtered, "You like me.  You find me pretty.  You're willing to let go of all your anger against women just to spend time with me.  Yet you're trying to kill me?  Why?"
Skunk Lord replied as he stabbed her from behind, "Because the need to defeat you is greater than the need to make love to you."
 Rebecca Bross kicked him twice and she punched him three times.  He fell as she walked away from him and towards Alicia.  Rebecca must die before she can help Alicia towards the gym bag.  And with that goal in mind, he slowly crawled to his feet with intention of killing Rebecca.
 He stabbed Rebecca and she nearly fell face down.  She spun around and kicked Skunk Lord to the ground.  The dying teenage girl staggered towards Alicia.
 He crawled to his feet and stabbed Rebecca from behind five more times.  She kicked him and he fell.  She kicked him as he lay.  Rebecca staggered towards Alicia.  Skunk Lord is running out of time.  Rebecca must die now!
 Rebecca Bross picked up Alicia and held her up.  Alicia Sacramone fell backwards into Rebecca Bross----rear end on vagina and spine on breasts.  Rebecca Bross fell backwards face up with Alicia Sacramone falling on top of her face up---Rear end on vagina and spine on breasts.  Both teenage girls have failed to reach the gym bag and now it's too late.
Alicia Sacramone closed her eyes and she died.  Alicia is no longer alive.  Alicia is legally dead.  Rebecca Bross closed her eyes and she died.  Rebecca is no longer alive.  Rebecca is legally dead.
Chellsie Memmel was still wearing her athletic pants and her athletic jacket over her leotards as she rested on the floor watching Alicia Sacramone and Rebecca Bross die one by one.  And in order for the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse to succeed, Chellsie too has to die in a unprovoked murder attack against her.  And she wasn't sure how long she can delay her demise before she too has to be challenged in a murder attack that will result in her permanent murder and death.
 Chellsie removed her athletic jacket, but she kept her athletic pants over her leotards.  And she looked at Skunk Lord.  Skunk Lord looked at Chelsie.
Skunk Lord said, "Anytime you want to fight me to the death, I'll be ready for you."
Chellsie said, "I'm not ready to fight you to the death just yet.  Sorry, but I'm not yet in the mood."
 Skunk Lord said, "You can't delay your murder and death forever.  Sooner or later, you will have to let me attack and kill you."
Chellsie said, "Trust me when I say that you'll never get the chance to murder me.  I'm confident that I'll oppose you forever.  I have plans for the future that will amaze and astonish you."
Chellsie Memmel looked at Shayla Worley.  Shayla Woreley looked at Chellsie.
Shayla said, "I guess it's my turn to attack and kill Skunk Lord or die trying to make the effort."
Chellsie said, "Yup, that's the way it's starting to look to me."
Shayla Worley is about to become the third out of seven girls who tried to resurrect every single legally dead Dandelion Girl and died before she could make the effort.  The nubile sexually seductive girl is about to die in a senseless murder attack. 
Shayla looked back at Bridget Sloan, Nastia Liukin, Samantha Peszek, Chellsie Memmel and Shawn Johnson before looking forward at the gym bag.  Now it's Shayla's turn to be killed before she could successfully reach the gym bag.  Skunk Lord walked towards Shayla with intention to kill the nubile sexually seductive girl when he noticed that Nastia is walking behind him. 
Skunk Lord said, "Help, somebody needs to save me by killing both Shayla and Nastia before they join forces to kill me."
Shayla said, "It's too late.  This time, Nastia and I will succeed in killing you."
Nastia said, "Shayla is correct when she says that you are about to die.  Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord won't succeed in saving you by killing Shayla and myself."
 Nastia walked closer towards the gym bag which had the Micro Sized Sexual Orgasm Enhancement Sonic Wave Machine inside it.  Skunk Lord walked towards Nastia and she punched him in the stomach.  Skunk Lord doubled over in pain before Nastia kicked him in the stomach five times.  Skunk Lord fell to the ground and stopped moving.  Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord walked towards Nastia Luikin with intent to murder her.  Nastia punched Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord five times before kicking him three times.  Nastia punched him two more times before he fell into a crumpled heap.
Nastia said with a frown, "Is that the best you two guys can do?"
 Nastia Liukin looked at Shayla Worley and said, "Bend over Skunk Lord and Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord and check to see if both of them are dead."
Shayla said, "Are you crazy?  Those two guys will return back to life and kill me if I do that."
Nastia said, "I'll kill you myself if you disobey."
 Shayla groaned with frustration as she walked towards Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord as he lay on top of Skunk Lord groin on groin and chest on chest.  She bent over Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord and Skunk Lord in such a manner that her voluptuous breasts brushed across Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord's spine.  Shayla rested two fingers from her left hand on Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord's neck with her right hand and right leg on the right side of both Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord and Skunk Lord and her left leg on the let side of both Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord.  She didn't find a pulse.  Shayla considered standing up, but she had the check Skunk Lord's pulse too.
Shayla rested two fingers from her left hand on Skunk Lord's with her right hand and right leg on the right side of both Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord and Skunk Lord and her left leg on the let side of both Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord.  She didn't find a pulse.  Shayla considered standing up, but she thought she saw Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord's left arm move.
Nastia said, "Watch out Shayla, Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord is coming back to life.  Get up before he pushes you aside while standing up."
Nastia was so intent on watching Shayla come dangerously close to getting herself killed, that she didn't see Drama King as he snuck up behind her.
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord stood up causing Shayla Worley to fall off him and tumble lifelessly to the ground in a crumpled heap.  Shayla died instantly.  Shayla Worley is no longer alive.  Shayla Worley is legally dead.
Drama King stabbed Nastia Liukin from behind.  Nastia Liukin drooled blood as she was stabbed from behind five more times.  Drama King stood behind her as he stabbed her from behind one more time before the dying girl fell to the floor in a crumpled defeated heap.
Nastia struggled to stand up, only to be stabbed from behind as she lay face down on the floor.  Drama King stabbed her from behind three more times.  Nastia's world was swallowed up in darkness as the girl slowly started to die helplessly in humiliated pain.
Nastia Liukin closed her eyes and she died.  Nastia Liukin is legally dead.
Chelsie Memmel removed her athletic pants and she stood up.  She advanced towards Drama King as Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord lay down on top of Skunk Lord---Groin on groin and chest on chest.  Chelsie smiled as she walked towards her victimizers.
Drama King said, "Stand up Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord and Skunk Lord.  Chelsie Memmel needs to die and I can't kill her on my own.
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "I'm in the middle of an extreme rush of excitement and I can't stand up because of it."
Skunk Lord said, "I'm doing the same thing too."
Chelsie said, "It's too late.  Your friends won't stand up and kill me fast enough before I murder you.  The only way you can stop me is to kill me.  The only way to kill me is for Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord and Skunk Lord to stand up and stab me from behind.  Too bad they're getting a rush of excitement from wiggling on top of each other to save you from being killed."
Drama King is running out of time.  Chelsie Memmel must die now.
Chelsie punched Drama King and he doubled over in pain.  Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord was done wiggling and getting an extreme rush of excitement in the process only to get a new rush of extreme excitement.  Chelse kicked Drama King as he lay down in defeat.  Only Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord and Skunk Lord can save Drama King by killing Chelsie Memmel, but they're too busy lying down on top of each other---Groin on groin and chest on chest---Wiggling on each other and getting an extreme rush of excitement to save Drama King by killing Chelsie.  Chelsie smiled as she kicked Drama King once again.
Bridget Sloan walked behind Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord and Skunk Lord as they lay on top of each other and wiggling on top of each other while getting extreme rushes of excitement.  Bridget Sloan smiled as she decided to kill Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord and Skunk Lord as they lay on top of each other.
Bridget said, "There is no way that Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord and Skunk Lord can save Drama King from being killed by Chelsie Memmel by killing Chelsie first if I'm attacking them both.  The only way to stop me is to kill me and I'm not going to die anytime soon."
Ice Skating Lad walked behind Bridget and grabbed the nubile sexually seductive girl from behind.  Ice Skating Lad pressed his groin on Bridget's rear end and his chest on her spine as he firmly grabbed the nubile sexually seductive teenage girl from behind.
Bridget said, "You don't have the guts needed to kill me."
Ice Skating Lad said, "You'll be surprised what I'm capable of doing young lady."
Still grabbing Bridget from behind with his groin on her rear end and his chest on her spine, he dragged her forward.  Bridget tripped over the feet of Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord and Skunk Lord and she crashed helplessly to the floor in a crumpled heap.
Chelsie Memmel continued to punch and kick Drama King.  Drama King needs to be rescued.  The only way to rescue Drama King is to kill Chelsie Memmel.
Drama King said, "Somebody rescue me.  Chelsie Memmel can't be allowed to kill me and keep me killed.  The girl must die now!"
Chelsie said, "Nobody can hear you.  I'm about to defeat you and nothing will stop me."
And as Chelsie continued to punch and kick Drama King with a smile on her face, Samantha Preszek walked towards Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord and Skunk Lord.  Ice Skating Lad walked towards Samantha and she smiled in return.
Ice Skating Lad said, "Step aside and I'll let you live."
Samantha said, "Then I'm sorry, but you'll have to murder me."
Ice Skating Lad kicked Samantha Preszek and she doubled over in pain.  She tried to punch him, but he easily blocked her blow.
Samantha said, "You'll be remembered as being pathetic if this is your idea of killing me once and for all.  You'll need to try harder if you're going to end my life."
Ice Skating Lad said, "Relax lady, I just got started."
Samantha said, "It's more like you're about to get ended."
Ice Skating Lad said, "This is your last warning.  Step aside before I kill you."
Samantha said, "Hurry up and kill me already because I'm not stepping aside."
Ice Skating Lad kicked Samantha in the stomach five times before punching her two more times.
Samantha fell to the ground in a crumpled heap.
Samantha tried to stand up, only to crash back to the ground again.
Chelsie said, "I guess it's just Shawn Johnson and myself.  And I'm close to killing Drama King."
Drama King cried out, "Hurry up and kill Chelsie before my life is ended."
Ice Skating Lad said, "I need to kill Bridget and Samantha first, then I'll kill Chelsie."
Chelsie said, "You're not doing a good job because Samantha and Bridget is still alive."
Samantha said, "You thought you're hot stuff because you thought you killed Bridget and me.  Sadly, you must try harder to kill us both before you can kill Chelsie."
Bridget said, "It feels good to have the chance to have one last opportunity to rise from the dead before the resurrection machine runs out."
Ice Skating Lad said, "I give up.  My buddies and I will vacate the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium.  You girls get to defeat all four of us."

Samantha said, "You hear that Bridget?  We won.  Let's hug each other to celebrate."
Bridget said, "It will be the coolest hug ever."
Samantha Preszek and Bridget Sloan hugged each other.  Ice Skating Lad kicked Bridget's rear end causing the girl to lovingly kiss Samantha as the two women pressed their breasts together as well as pressing their vaginas together.  The life went out of Samantha as Bridget looked at her blankly.  The two girls won and accidently gave an opening to be murdered.  Now the two girls are dying and there's no reason to leave the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium anymore.  Samantha tried to say something, but Bridget's head crashed into her head and the two dying girls kissed each other one more time.  That was all that was needed for both girls to die.
Samantha Preszek fell backwards face up and she died.  Samantha Preszek is legally dead.  Bridget Sloan fell forward face down and she died on top of Samantha---Breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina.  Bridget Sloan is legally dead.  Time for Chelsie Memmel to die.
Chelsie Memmel kicked Drama King five more times.  Drama King tried to crawl away, but Chelsie kicked him and ruined his escape attempt.
Drama King cried out, "For GOD's sake, murder Chelsie and save me from getting killed."
Chelsie said, "And now it's time for Drama King to finally die and stay dead.  This is just the start of my destruction of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.  You'll never ruin my plans by killing me."
Chelsie kicked Ice Skating Lad and he fell to the ground and stopped moving.  Drama King crawled on top of Ice Skating Lad and he passed out.  Skunk Lord stood up and he walked behind Chelsie.  Skunk Lord stabbed Chelsie from behind with a very sharp knife.  Chelsie winced in pain as her blood dripped from the knife wound and onto the floor.  She tried to walk away only to be stabbed from behind by Skunk Lord five more times.
Chelsie said, "I promised Shawn Johnson that I'll do whatever it takes to prevent her from being killed on top of the gym bag.  Don't make a liar out of me."
Skunk Lord said, "It's too late, you're dying and nothing can save your life.  Time for you to be defeated once and for all."
 Chelsie tried to wiggle free, only to be stabbed from behind ten more times.  Her head fell backwards as her dying body started to fall limp.  She tried to speak, but she lost the ability.  Her body started to go numb as he stabbed her from behind fifteen more times.  Chelsie drooled blood as the end got near.  Chelsie was dropped to the ground and she lay in a crumpled defeated heap.
Chelsie Memmel is no longer alive.  Chellsie Memmel is legally dead.
Bridget Sloan, Alicia Sacramone, Nastia Liukin, Samantha Peszek,  Chellsie Memmel, Rebecca Bross and Shayla Worley are legally dead and all that's left to kill was Shawn Johnson.  However, the quest to kill Shawn Johnson was delayed by three sexually seductive girls dressed in skintight leotards standing directly in the way.  Elsa Garcia, Brandie Jean Ray and Catalina Escobar stood behind Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord.  Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord spun around to face the three girls. 
Brandie said, "I'm sorry, did you forget about me.  Oh yeah, I'm not dead yet."
Elsa said, "Perhaps we should escape justice while we still have the chance."
Brandie said, "First I would like to see the Micro Sized Sexual Orgasm Enhancement Sonic Wave Machine switched off and then all three of us will escape justice."
Catalina said, "Our efforts to escape justice will result in three more unprovoked murders if you force me to be the first to try and fail to switch off the Micro Sized Sexual Orgasm Enhancement Sonic Wave Machine."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "You should listen to your friend Brandie.  Don't force me to murder you in self defense." 
Brandie said, "I'm not going to let girl hating serial killers dictate what we're going to do and what we're not going to do in our own gym."
Elsa said, "It won't be our gym anymore if all three of us girls gets wiped out one by one."
Brandie said, "You owe me a favor.  This is your way to pay back that favor."
Catalina replied with a groan, "Ok, if you insist.  But I'm not going to like it."
Brandie said, "I'm not asking you to like it.  I'm asking you to do it."
Catalina Escobar took a deep breath

Meanwhile, in the Dandilion Gymnasium, twenty-four sexually seductive Dandilion Girls dressed in skin tight leotards lay scattered legally dead as Drama King felt a powerful surge of emotion from lying down and wiggling on top of Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad.  All twelve intruding Dandilion Girls were legally dead five seconds before the powerful rush of emotion and never had the chance to witness the event.
Mary Lou Retton entered the Gym and she watched her future murderers wiggle on top of each other with amusement.  If she was smart, she would escape now before she was spotted and killed.  However, she wasn't smart and soon she will die.
 Verona Van de Leur also entered the gymnasium only inches behind Mary Lou Retton.  She too watched her future murderers wiggle on top of each other with amusement.  She wasn't aware that she too is about to be needlessly murdered.
 Shawn Johnson stood the closest to her murders.  Her left foot touched collective left sides of Drama King, Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad.  And with a smirk she touched her left foot in the same spot again.  She turned to face Mary Lou and Verona.
Shawn said, "You see, it's possible for a girl dressed in skin tight leotard to provoke these creeps into a murder attack without getting herself killed."
Mary Lou said, "Be careful, these guys are still dangerous."
Shawn said, "And yet I'm still alive."
Verona asked, "For how much longer?"
 Shawn said, "I'm not bothered.  I'm a strong powerful girl.  I can handle anything."
 Shawn Johnson was still standing closest to her murders.  Her left foot touched collective left sides of Drama King, Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad.  And with a smirk she touched her left foot in the same spot a few more times.  She turned to face Mary Lou and Verona.  Shawn's gym bag was directly under the dead body of Bridgette Caquatto.
Shawn said, "Oh darn, I forgot my lucky necklace.  I think it's in my gym bag.  I'll go get it."
 Shawn Johnson bent over Bridgette Caquatto to get to her gym bag in hopes of getting her lucky necklace.  Shawn was forced to feel up Bridget's voluptuous breasts trying to unzipper her gym bag which was still under a dead girl.  Drama King stood up, but in order to do so, he was forced to rest his left hand on Shawn's rear end to help himself up.  He pushed Shawn Johnson downward onto Bridgette Caquatto who lay on top of her gym bag.
Shawn Johnson felt dizzy as darkness overtook her vision. She tried to stand up, but the doomed girl was dying from a murder attack.  She closed her eyes and died.  Shawn Johnson is legally dead.  Time to kill Mary Lou Retton and Verona Van de Leur. 
Verona Van de Leur stood behind Monica Bergamelli (Who has entered the Dandilion Gymnastics gym from the women's locker room). 
Verona asked, "Do you want to risk your life attacking them or should I attack those three creeps first instead?  Yeah, we could attack and kill them off together, but what's the fun in that?"
Monica said, "You can go first.  I'm a patient girl.  I can wait a few more minutes."
 Monica Bergamelli looked at Drama King, Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad.  Monica wasn't aware of the fact at the time, but one of those three Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Serial Killers were destined to end her life in an unprovoked murder attack.
 It wasn't a matter of if Monica will die, but it's a matter of when she will senselessly die in a serial killing attack against her.
 But first, Verona needs to die in a serial killing attack first because she has chosen to be the first of the two girls to be attacked and murdered first.
Verona Van de Leur didn't want to die in a serial killing attack, but the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse can't attack and kill the last six surviving Dandilion Girls ever in the Secret Lair of the Secret Commander of the Dandilion Girls without first attacking and killing Verona.
 Verona looked at Mary Lou.  Mary Lou looked at Verona.  Verona walked forward towards Ice Skating Lad, Skunk Lord and Drama King.  Verona's heart raced when she found herself excited that she's about to be punished and killed and secretly horrified that she found her approaching death so sexually exciting. 
Verona walked towards the balance beam without getting herself killed.  So far, so good.  Then she has to walk over Ice Skating Lad, Skunk Lord and Drama King without getting herself murdered.
Verona paused before she walked forward.  Part of her knew that she was about to die and part of her refused to accept that she's doomed to die.
Verona finally reached the balance beam without dying in a serial killing attack. 
Verona said, "Now it's time for me to turn off the Micro Sized Sexual Orgasm Enhancement Sonic Wave Machine or die trying to make the effort." 
Drama King accidently kicked the Micro Sized Sexual Orgasm Enhancement Sonic Wave Machine under Shawn Johnson's dead body.  The Micro Sized Sexual Orgasm Enhancement Sonic Wave Machine lay under Shawn Johnson's legally dead body along with her gym bag and her favorite necklace.  Verona' approaching death made Drama King want to masturbate on Skunk Lord who masturbated on Ice Skating Lad.
Verona tempted Ice Skating Lad, Skunk Lord and Drama King sexually as she walked under the balance beam.  She walked over Ice Skating Lad, Skunk Lord and Drama King without getting herself murdered.
Verona tempted her murderers with her breasts and cleavage as the doomed Dandilion Girl walked under the balance beam.  The doomed teenage girl had a sexy way of walking.
Verona lay down on Shawn Johnson's dead body.  The only way that Verona could grab the Micro Sized Sexual Orgasm Enhancement Sonic Wave Machine is to feel up Shawn's breasts.
The sensation of being forced to feel up Shawn Johnson's breasts while lying down on top of her breasts on spine and vagina on rear end caused the Micro Sized Sexual Orgasm Enhancement Sonic Wave Machine to murder Verona Van de Leur.  Verona Van de Leur died on top of Shawn Johnson.  Verona Van de Leur is no longer alive.  Verona Van de Leur is legally dead forever.
Mary Lou Retton approached Drama King as he lay down on top of Skunk Lord groin on rear end and chest on spine.  Skunk Lord lay down on top of Ice Skating Lad groin on rear end and chest on spine.  Mary Lou smirked as she approached the three men with intention to kill or die in the process.
Mary Lou Retton tripped on Skunk Lord's feet and she fell face first to the ground.
Maria Teresa Gargano watched as Mary Lou fell and lay down face down without moving.  Mary Lou lay on the left side of Verona's dead body.
Maria Teresa said, "Mary Lou Retton better be alive and breathing.  Failure to do so will force me to kill all three of you."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord approached Maria Teresa.  He said, "You must try to kill me first before you could kill those three gentlemen over there."
Maria said, "You got yourself a challenge."
Maria Teresa stood on one side of the gymnastics gym.  Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord stood on the opposite end of the gymnastics gym.
Maria Teresa ran towards Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord and he tossed her aside with the violent intent to murder the sexually seductive girl.
Maria Teresa winced in pain as she crashed to the ground and realized that she was dying.
 Maria Teresa Gargano closed her eyes and she died.  Maria Teresa is no longer alive.  Maria Teresa is legally dead forever.  She died next to Verona's dead body.  She died tightly pressed against the right side of Verona's dead body.
And just in time too.  Mary Lou Retton stood up alive and breathing.
Mary Lou said, "You need to try harder than that if you're planning to murder me."
 Extreme Universe Skunk Lord said, "Don't worry young lady.  You will be brought to justice."
Mary Lou said, "Even if that's possible, what are you going to do about me friend over there."
Mary Lou smirked as Monica Bergamelli exited the women's locker room a second time to face Extreme universe Edition Skunk Lord in violent battle.  She almost escaped from the Dandelion Gymnastics gym to live and fight another day, but chose against it.  Now it's time for her to die.
Vanessa Ferrari and Monica Bergamelli may have exited the women's locker room together, but Monica still needs to be the first of the two sexually seductive teenage girls to die in a needless senseless serial killing attack.  Vanessa hugged Mary Lou as Monica stood nearby the dead bodies of Verona and Maria Teresa. 
Vanessa and Mary Lou separated.
Vanessa asked, "Are you feeling ok?"
Mary Lou replied, "I'm still alive and breathing.  That's the important thing."
Monica said, "It's time for me to have a talk with that jerk over there."
Monica smiled.  Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord smiled.
Monica said, "Don't take it too personally if I successfully kill you.  You streak of good luck was going to end eventually."
Monica punched and kicked Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord and he fell to the ground and failed to move.  Monica smirked as she walked over the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Serial Killer.  Monica walked towards the balance beam.
Drama King lay on top of Skunk Lord groin on rear end and chest on spine.  Skunk Lord lay on Ice Skating Lad groin on rear end and chest on spine.  All three men lay next to the balance beam.  Monica walked towards the balance beam.  Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord struggled in vain to recover from Monica's violent attack.
Monica said, "Now it's time for me to walk across the balance beam to jump down on top of and kill Drama King, Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad.  Nobody will be able to defeat and murder me."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "No, I must kill you before it's too late."
Monica said, "Then I must make sure that you die and stay dead."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "Please don't force me to kill you in self defense.  You're much too pretty for me to kill."
Monica said, "Oh please, you'll never get to kill me."
Monica punched Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord in the stomach.  He punched her in the stomach five times and she doubled over in pain.
Monica nearly stumbled and fell without moving.
Monica recovered and punched Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord in the stomach and he fell without moving.  And Monica walked towards the balance beam with a smirk on her face.
The doomed teenage girl smiled with pride as her hands grabbed the balance beam.  Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord struggled to his feet as Monica prepared to mount the balance beam.  He still needs to kill her and he's running out of time.
Monica's voluptuous chest heaved as she took a deep breath before mounting the balance beam.  Monica's hesitation allowed Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord to successfully rise to his feet.  Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord walked towards Monica with intent to kill her.
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord stabbed Monica from behind and she nearly fell against the balance beam.  The doomed nubile sexually seductive girl barely recovered.
Monica spun around and she punched her victimizer.  Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord doubled over in pain before he could attack the doomed girl.
Monica turned away from Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord to focus instead on the balance beam.  She prepared to mount the balance beam.
Monica mounted the balance beam.  Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord stood up.  He walked towards the balance beam. 
Monica walked across the balance beam.  Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord mounted the balance beam and walked behind Monica with intent to kill her.
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord grabbed Monica from behind and stabbed her in the back seven times.  Monica drooled blood as she struggled away from her victimizer's grip against her.
Monica struggled to breath, but such an effort was disrupted by five more knife attacks against her from behind by Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord and his blood soaked knife.
Monica found herself falling off the balance beam against her wishes and she crashed backwards to the floor.  She struggled to stand up, but she was losing too much blood and she lost muscle control.  Tears fell from her eyes as Extreme Universe Edition jumped off the balance beam and walked towards the doomed dying girl.
Monica struggled to stand up only to be stabbed from behind fifteen more times.  She tried to say something, but too much blood was flooding her throat.  She was losing muscle control as he stabbed her from behind two more times. 
Monica fell backwards to the ground.  Only this time, it was getting harder for the doomed dying girl to stand back up again.
Monica struggled to her feet only to be stabbed between her breasts five times.  She tried to whisper an apology for the crime of being alive, but there was so much blood flooding her throat that she found herself drooling blood at greater intensity.
Monica rolled from lying down on her back face up to lying on her stomach face down.  She was stabbed from behind five more times.  Monica struggled to stay away, but her eyes started to close.
Monica knew that the second she closed her eyes was the second she dies and stays dead.  Monica closed her eyes as death overtook the doomed dying girl.
Monica Bergamelli is no longer alive.  Monica Bergamelli is legally dead.  She died on top of Verona and Maria Teresa.
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord stood looking at the dead body of Monica Bergamelli with satisfaction.  However, there were still plenty of girls still needing to be murdered in the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium.

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