Saturday, September 7, 2013


The city of Columbus, Ohio will be eating breakfast a couple of hours from now, but not yet.  It's still evening and soon to be very early in the morning.  It's the hour when most of the city of Columbus goes to sleep.  There are cities out there that never sleeps and Columbus, Ohio isn't among them.  And soon, I'll be going to sleep too.  Because I'm tired and sleep is common when it's night.  And I enjoy the night as much as I enjoy the day.  Because the night has it's own particular style all to it's own.  And when I sleep a few hours from now, the dreams that I'll be having will be very wonderful dreams.  But first, I have this Internet blog entry to complete.  I only have a few more sentences to type out.  It's getting easier for me to type on the computer in the dark.
And as I'm lost in thought in the midnight hours, here are some photos of Anne Hathaway.

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