Monday, September 23, 2013


Well, the sky is a bright shade of blue.  After several days of grey clouds, it's nice to see the sky returned to it's natural shade of blue.  And I'm not sure how long the blue sky will last, but I'll enjoy it for however long as it's possible.  It's cold outside and it's likely to stay that way for a while.  Autumn has returned as surely as I keep misspelling the word Autumn (I keep tossing in more than one letter t).  Thank GOD for spell check.  Otherwise, I'd be screwed.  Technology really does make life so much easier.  And so Autumn is arrived to replace Summer.  And Winter is only a few months away.  I don't have to rake leaves from the lawn yet because Autumn has only just started.  And I don't normally use the rake when raking leaves anyway.  I found it easier to run the lawnmower across the lawn.  The lawnmower removes the Autumn leaves and cuts the grass to a manageable level both at the same time.  It's a great time saving method. 
And as I'm lost in thought on the opening days of Autumn, here are some photos of  Jessica Cornish aka Jessie J.





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