Monday, September 23, 2013


Ah yes, life is so much better with coffee around.  And as I continue to type out my autobiography in the form of an Internet blog, sips of coffee are taken periodically.  Yeah, I could easily write my autobiography in the form of an Internet blog without drinking coffee in the process.  I found that it helps the creative process by drinking coffee while typing out my autobiography in the form of an Internet blog.  And I'm not sure where exactly this Internet blog will lead me towards.  The Gentle Reader and I are taking this Internet blog writing project one day at a time and hoping for the best.  It's my continued hope that the Gentle Reader will have a positive reaction to this Internet blog.  Or failing that, I hope the Gentle Reader will find this Internet blog entertaining.
And as I'm lost in thought while taking another sip of coffee, here are some photos of Michelle Williams.

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