Saturday, September 14, 2013


Well the good news is that Lindsay Lohan is clean and sober.  Even better news is that Lindsay Lohan is actually taking the sober lifestyle seriously.  Not only has she kicked her addiction to alcohol and drugs 100%, but she also hired a sober coach to help keep her away from alcohol and drugs so that she'll never fall off the wagon forever.  That's good news for Lindsay.  It means no more blackouts.  No more hangovers.  No more drunk driving.  No more courtroom appearances.  It looks as if Lindsay Lohan's life is going to improve for the better.


The bad news is that Dina Lohan, the biologic mother of Lindsay Lohan...
...Just got arrested for drunk driving.  Dina Lohan has a blood alcohol level that double the legal limit as she drove 77 miles per hour in a 55 miles per hour zone of the road.  Dina Lohan's breathalyzer registered .20.  So now it's Dina Lohan's turn to appear in court for drunk driving.  Below is Dina Lohan's mugshot after she was arrested for drunk driving. 
And with Lindsay Lohan's father Michael Lohan having a previous mug shot criminal history involving insider trading and domestic violence against his live in girlfriend (Who he kept breaking up with and getting bath together with) Kate Major.  Ali Lohan is the only member of the Lohan family who hasn't gotten arrested for something.  And natural, Ali Lohan is counting on her older sister Lindsay Lohan to stay clean and sober so that she'll have a role model to look up to.
Lindsay Lohan's brothers Cody Lohan and Landon Major Lohan and her half-sister from Michael Lohan's adulterous affair, Ashley Horn, doesn't have any criminal records either.

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