Thursday, September 19, 2013


It's a grey colored day.  The sky is grey.  My mood is optimistic though.  Though my life never really gained much traction beyond working as a minimum wage employment restaurant janitor, I'm still optimistic.  I doubt that I'll be rich and famous.  But I'm optimistic that someday I'll be able to move out of my Mom's house and get my own apartment restarted again.  It's a slow and gradual move towards repaying my college tuition loans for attending but failing to graduate (Despite 3.0 grade point average, though I have yet to take any math classes and all my classes were theory based and do I need to say all these every time I talk about this topic) Franklin University.  It's necessary for me to repay my college tuition loans so that it won't be used as a weapon against me to prove how inept I truly am.  And then I have to find a way to raise enough money to retire from minimum wage employment.  And I always assumed that I was going to work as a minimum wage employment janitor in restaurants for the rest of my life until I drop dead from old age.  I always assumed that retirement is only for people who earn a salary higher than minimum wage.  It's a grey colored day, but I still have optimism.
And as I'm lost in thought while surfing the Internet, here are some photos of Jessica Biel.

 Justin Timberlake and his wife Jessica Biel

Jessica Biel


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