Saturday, September 7, 2013


I'm sitting here as the clock moves closer to midnight.  I feel calm.  Or rather, I make a strong effort to remain calm.  Panic attacks only clouds the vision and makes it difficult to make a decision.  And panic attacks is just another expression of fear.  And fear is never a natural emotion that anybody is truly born with.  It's a warm night.  It's a night that's warm enough to open the window and leave it open.  And there isn't much of a breeze blowing tonight.  It's the type of night in which even the wind is standing still.  Yet, I can hear the crickets singing their song.  I'm not sure what the future will bring.  All I know is that I'm alive and well.  With luck, I will continue to survive despite myself.
And as I'm lost in thought as the night replaced the day, here are some photos of Anna Kendrick.

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