Friday, September 13, 2013


The question that I'm faced with is simple.  Do I have enough gasoline in the lawn mower to mow the lawn?  I'm not sure.  I'm about to find out.  I know that it takes an hour to mow the lawn when the lawn mower is properly filled with gasoline.  However, what happens when the gas is running low.  How much of the lawn will I actually be able to get done.  That question will be answered a few minutes from now.  The second I finish typing out this Internet blog will be the time when that question will be answered.  Mowing the lawn is hard work and exhausting.  But since I'm not rich and famous, I can't afford to pay somebody else to do the work for me.  So I have to mow the lawn myself.  And mowing the lawn does build character.  Plus, it's not nearly so scorching hot in Columbus, Ohio---Not yet at any rate.
And as I'm lost in thought while getting the lawn mower ready, here are some photos of Shenae Grimes.

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