Tuesday, September 10, 2013


And so the scorching hot Summer days continues for the month of September.  But for how long is what I'm wondering.  I know for a fact that Summer continues for the stat of September, but will Summer still be around when September 2013 reaches it's conclusion?  That is something that I'm not so certain of.  But even if Summer won't last for all of September, then the Gentle Reader and I will still be able to enjoy the fantastic weather for the first half of the month.  And if Summer continues for the entire month of September, then the Gentle Reader and I will have even more amazing and fantastic memories of Summer 2013 to enjoy.  Either way will be fine with the Gentle Reader and I.
And as I'm lost in thought as the gentle Summer winds blows against the trees and causing the branches to sway around in the breeze, here are some photos of Abigail Breslin.



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