Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Erika Leonard was born under the name Erika Mitchell and she writes under the phony penname of E. L. James.  She wrote Fifty Shades of Grey under the original (And not used anymore) penname of Snowqueens Icedragon as fan fiction directed towards Rob Pattinson.  It was a later decision to change the names and repackage Erika Lenard's Rob Pattinson fan fiction into the form of a novel entitled Fifty Shades of Grey.  Rob Pattinson becomes Christian Grey and Erika Leonard becomes Anastasia Steele.  To make a long three volume trilogy short, Anatasia Steele falls in love with Christian Grey and he falls in love with her too.  Christian Grey is unable to have sex with Anatasia Steele unless he has her tied up and gagged kidnapping style.  And Anatasia Steele goes along with it for three volumes non-stop.  And now Hollywood wants to turn all three volumes of the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy (Which started out as Rob Pattinson fan fiction) into a Summer Blockbuster popcorn movie.   Charlie Hunnam (Sorry Rob Pattinson, but you lost the chance to act in a role that was literelly written for you) plays the role of Christian Grey (Who can't have sex with a girl unless she's hogtied with a rubber ball as a gag) and Dakota Johnson plays the role of Anatasia Steele (Who allows Christian Grey to treat her in this manner for three novels non-stop).  So you could imagine what Dakota Johnson's parents feel about her doing this type of film.
Well, Dakota Johnson is second generation Hollywood Royalty daughter of Don Johnson (From the police procedural television show Miami Vice) and Melanie Griffith (She's the leading lady of the romantic comedy film Working Girl).  And though Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith eventually divorced (She married Hispanic-American action film actor Antonio Banderas and had two children with him too), they are all pleased as punch that their daughter Dakota Johnson has been casted as Anatasia Steele in the film version of Fifty Shades of Grey.

 Dakota Johnson and her half sister Stella Banderas.  They have the same mother Melanie Griffith, but different fathers.  Dakota Johnson's father is a Caucasian male action film actor named Don Johnson and Stella Banderas's father is Hispanic-American action film actor named Antonio Banderas

Viktor Horsting, Dakota Johnson, her half-sister Stella Banderas and Rolf Snoeren
Melanie Griffith, Dakota Johnson, Don Johnson and Kelley Phleger

Dakota Johnson and her mother Melanie Griffith

 Jesse Johnson, Dakota Johnson, their step-Father Antonio Banderas, his wife Melanie Griffith and actress Tippi Hedren.
One of the biggest curiosities of the Fifty Shades of Grey film project is how committed the female dominated Fifty Shades of Grey novel trilogy audience truly are.  Upon learning that Charlie Hunnam and Dakota Johnson got the lead parts as Christian Grey and Anatasia Steele respectively, an online  petition that was 7,000 names long yesterday afternoon and 20,000 names right now to get Charlie Hunnam and Dakota Johnson kicked off the project and replaced by Matt Bomer and Alexis Bledel hired instead.  And in the face of mostly female twitter feed protests that bordered on the homicidal because they wanted Matt Bomer and Alexis Bledel instead of Charlie Hunnam and Dakota Johnson, the producer of the soon-to-be-film trilogy  Dana Brunetti said and I quote straight from his twitter feed response to tons and tons of angry female Fifty Shades of Grey fan club complaints (That stopped short of making death threats)...
“There is a lot that goes into casting that isn’t just looks. Talent, availability, their desire to do it, chemistry with other actor, etc. So if your favorite wasn’t cast, then it is most likely due to something on that list. Though it's hard to keep it all in perspective, a clear perception of the true reasons for an actors casting should be kept in mind.  At any rate, only one can make the final cut, all else should fall aside before it's all done.

No word yet on what's former Gilmore Girls television show actress Alexis Bledel's opinion on this online controversy.  I could almost imagine Lorelai "Rory" Gilmore Junior hogtied, bound, gagged both with a cloth and a rubber ball while getting banged a creepy deranged businessman working for Richard and Emily Gilmore's insurance company and Yale University School of Business.  Oh yeah, some of these women demanding the removal of Charlie Hunnam and Dakota Johnson and wanting Matt Bomer and Alexis Bledel instead has an extremely weird imagination.

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