Monday, October 28, 2013


Daylight has chased away the darkness of the night.  The sun has replaced the sun and the stars.  It's morning and soon to be afternoon.  Soon I'll be mowing the lawn.  The leaves are starting to change color with the Autumn with more enthusiasm.  And everywhere in the Columbus, Ohio suburban street that I'm on is silent and calm.  It's uneventful.  A perfect place and a perfect day to be writing an Internet blog that tells a story about nothing.  Still, an Internet blog about nothing is something worth telling about.  There is still interesting stories to tell when nothing goes on.  And I look up at the sky and there's a small scattering of clouds.  It's doubtful that it will rain today.  I might need to mow the lawn.  I doubt that I'll get much of a chance to mow the lawn when Winter gets started in full swing.  So that's one less thing to worry about in the next three months to come.
And as I'm lost in thought between Autumn and Winter, here are some photos of Sarah Michelle Gellar.

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