Monday, October 14, 2013


And so the moon as replaced the sun.  And the stars are hanging above the skies.  The stars are shining above.  And to think that each and every one of those stars are suns the same size as the sun the Earth is orbiting around.  And yes, that's hard to believe because each and every one of those stars I see above me in the sky is so tiny looking.  But those stars are only tiny looking because they're far off in the distance.  It would take too many centuries with current technology to reach any of them.  So the stars that shine above us in the sky continue to be distant and unreachable.  And I'm reminded each day that the Earth is not in the center of the solar system.  It's not in the center of the known universe.  And less than 1/8 of the entire Universe is controlled by the Human Race.  The rest of the Universe is owned and operated by nobody on Earth.  And each of those stars that I see above me in the sky will never be witnessed close and upfront by anybody currently living on Earth.  And it humbles us all to realize that the Human Race is just a microscopic portion of a much greater Universe that doesn't need humans as much as we thought it did. 
And as I'm lost in thought about religion and philosophy, here are some photos of Naomi Watts.


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