Tuesday, October 22, 2013


I'm thankful for the invention of the light bulb.  Because without the light bulbs, there's only the need for candles or oil lamps.  And it goes without saying that candles or oil lamps takes longer to light and take more energy to maintain.  You light the wick and you make sure the house isn't burned down in the process.  With the light bulb, you just switch it on and forget about it.  No need to worry about incinerating the house for that one.  And extinguishing the light bulb is only accomplished by flipping the switch the opposite direction.  It's different with candles or oil lamps in which it all must be extinguished by blowing it out---Provided that the user of the candle or oil lamp actually remembers to extinguish by blowing it out and doesn't burn the house down in the process.  Yet, the problem with the light bulb is the electricity bill that goes along with the light bulb.
And as I'm lost in thought about light bulbs, here are some photos of Elizabeth Woolridge "Lizzy" Grant aka Lana Del Rey.

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