Friday, October 11, 2013


Let's look for a few minutes at an alternate reality and I had the chance to start a rock band.  Well, for starters I need some crucial things that I don't possess in the real world far away from make believe.  I need to learn how to read musical notes.  I'll need to learn how to sing on key.  I'll need to learn how to play a musical instrument.  And with those skills learned and perfected, then I'm ready to start a rock band.  Hold on a second, I need other people in order to start a rock band.  Yeah, needing folks to play music with is a good way to start a rock band.  It's impossible to call it a rock band when I'm the only person in the room.  Ok, let's assume that I got other people to populate a rock band with.  What should the brand new rock band be called?  I know.  I got it.  Let's call this brand new rock band that I started My Greatest Adventure. 
Well, anyway, it's still an alternate reality expedition that's not anchored to this reality. 
Vacation getaway of the day:  Palace of Fine Arts, San Francisco, California
And as I'm lost in thought about rock and roll, here are some photos of Hilary Duff.



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