Monday, October 14, 2013


It's nice to imagine that I'm this legendary rock star.  However, without the ability to read musical notes, sing on key or play any musical instruments, I'm merely a legend in my own mind.  And the truth is that I'm a better novelist and blogger than I am in music.  Yet, I have yet to earn a dime from anything I've written.  I'm only writing for relaxation and recreation and not for profit or commerce.  I'm writing without any thought of financial reward.  And I'm fine with that.  Minimum wage employment is my only source of income.  It's honest employment for an honest wage.  And yeah, it's not much of an existence.  However, it's the story I was born into and it's the story that I shall continue until the day I win the lottery.  And yeah, if I do win the lottery, then I'll write about a rags to riches type of tale.  But since I have yet to win the lottery, then this is the type of story that I'll continue to type out on my Internet blog.
And as I'm lost in thought about coffee and buttered toast, here are some photos of Hilary Duff.

Hilary Duff and her girlfriends found something very scary nearby

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