Tuesday, October 8, 2013


The world has gone to sleep.  Or rather, that's the way it appears to be where I'm typing from in Columbus, Ohio.  London, England is actually five hours ahead so it's already morning and the next day (Wednesday).  And the further the Gentle Reader and I travels around the globe beyond London, England, the Gentle Reader and I realizes that it's suddenly closer to Thursday.  So if it's 10:43 here in Columbus, Ohio, then it's roughly 3:43 in London, England.  If I type out a blog entry at 10:43 and a second blog entry at 11:43 and it's 3:43 in London, England at the same exact second as the 10:43 blog entry, then the person hanging around London, England around 3:43 London, England time is already reading both the 10:43 (Columbus, Ohio time) blog entry and the yet to be written (Columbus, Ohio time) 11:43 blog entry.  Thoughts like that blow my mind on a regular basis. 
Vacation getaway of the day:  Richmond Park, United Kingdom
And as I'm lost in thought about pepperoni pizza, here are some photos of Sienna Miller.

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