Monday, October 7, 2013


When opportunity knocks, do you answer the door or do you shoot it in the head.  I try to take each and every opportunity that comes my way.  I'm not the type of person to sabotage a good thing if such an opportunity will improve my existence.  What's in it for me to behave in such a manner.  And I hope I don't give the false impression that I have a phobia of opportunities that will make my life much better.  That's not the way I function.  I always aspire to improve my life.  I always aspire to make myself a much better person.  And with luck, I shall become better than I was before.  Everybody evolves into somebody else.  What makes the difference is not to evolve into a monster, but to evolve into somebody who will improve the community and the world around the person.
And as I'm lost in thought about opportunity knocking and answering the door, here are some photos of Karlie Kloss.

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