Thursday, October 10, 2013


I'd rather be riding a bike instead of walking.  Yeah, walking is great exercise.  However, walking wears out the shoes much quicker.  Riding a bike conserves shoes a bit more.  Riding a bike uses up less energy and gets me to my destination much quicker.  Walking uses up more energy and gets me to my destination much slower.  And though I tried jogging when I was younger, I started bike riding a bit more as time progressed.  I guess I would be more enthusiastic about jogging in an alternate reality existence and perhaps I'll give it a try in this reality as well.  However, most of my exercise is done while riding a bike.  And I'm really enjoying the exhilarating thrill of feeling the wind in my face as I ride my bike faster and faster (While obeying all the traffic laws along the way).
And as I'm lost in thought about bicycles, here are some photos of Emily Blunt.

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