Wednesday, October 30, 2013


I never tried to skateboard.  I had a skateboard, but I never actually rode it down the sidewalk.  I know that there are people out there who are really good at skateboarding.  I'm not among them.  Perhaps if I took lessons on skateboarding.  Or maybe if there's a safe place to skateboard.  I'm not enthusiastic about falling off the skateboard and onto concrete.  And thankfully, such a thing hasn't happen yet.  I try to be careful when traveling from one place to another.  And I'm not sure if flying skateboard is a safe thing to do.  Don't get me wrong, it would be fun to see somebody actually use a flying skateboard.  And seeing flying skateboard being used by somebody is something that I would enjoy looking at, but rarely ever do it.   Coming up next:  Flying roller skates.
And as I'm lost in thought abut future technology, here are some photos of Jessica Alba.

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