Thursday, October 3, 2013


I don't know what will happen in the future.  I do know what's going on right now.  And today is the same as yesterday.  And yesterday was the same as last week.  The only change that took place in my life was relocating from Cleveland, Ohio back to Columbus, Ohio.  Still, even if the biggest life event involves relocation, it's still a positive step forward.  Change is always good if change is used for the right purposes.  Change can have a restorative effect if it's used properly.  Like for instance Summer slowly turning into Autumn.  And though we all dread the Winter, it's always good for sledding, ice skating, and skiing.  Plus, all the polar ice caps are great for polar bears and preventing New York City from being flooded from all the extra water from the melted polar ice caps.
And as I'm lost in thought while drinking a steaming mug of coffee, here are some photos of Debby Ryan.

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