Thursday, October 24, 2013


I'm surfing the Internet before going to bed.  I'm checking me e-mails and checking out assorted web sites.  It's going to be midnight soon.  Only a few more hours to go.  The clock is ticking.  My fingers are flying across the computer keyboard without looking at it.  I can now type out numbers as well as letters.  I originally only was able to do letters on the computer keyboard without looking at it only.  Needless to say, my typewriting skills are improving.  Yeah, I have yet to earn a dime from anything I've written, but it's mostly for recreation anyway.  Don't get me wrong, it would be nice to earn a dime from something I've written.  However, life doesn't go that way sometimes.  Still, I work washing dishes for minimum wage so I'm earning an income. 
And as I'm lost in thought a few hours from midnight, here are some photos of Michelle Williams.

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