Friday, November 1, 2013


There are more passwords needed to enter more websites than any form of secret service espionage.  Yeah, I know that there are lots of dishonest people out there looking for identities to steal.  Or if there's a chance that a person could use somebody's e-mail stationary to send insulting e-mail that the actual owner of the e-mail stationary would never have sent the dishonest person would do it.  Or if it's possible for somebody to enter somebody's Internet blog and mess it up for revenge that the dishonest person would take it.  And it's a shame that so many dishonest people out there makes passwords necessary.  And someday the world would become much more of an honest place to live in.  Someday the Gentle Reader and I will live in a world that's much more honest.  I still believe that utopia is possible if we all work hard for it.
And as I'm lost in thought on the first day of November, here are some photos of Liz Phair.

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