Friday, November 15, 2013


Well it's night once again.  As of this moment, almost twenty-four hours have passed.  And now day has given away to night.  What little snow that fell upon Columbus, Ohio has melted away.  Warmer Autumn weather has prevailed.  Columbus, Ohio is famous for mild Winters and today is no exception to the standard rule.  And not having to shovel the driveway makes life so much easier for me.  I don't have to mow the lawn either.  It might rain Sunday, but no rain is expected for tomorrow.  That's it for my life so far.  My life is very simple right now.  I work minimum wage washing dishes and busing tables.  Janitorial work is a fantastic source of income.  It's always rewarding to earn an honest income for honest labor.
And as I'm lost in thought under the moon and the stars, here are some photos of Kylie Minogue.

Anastacia Lyn Newkirk or simply known as Anastacia, Kylie Minogue and a bunch of other people

Annemarie Carpendale and Anastacia

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