Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Snow fell while I was asleep Monday evening.  Today is almost the end of Tuesday.  Tuesday started with snow on the ground, but otherwise still easy to travel by bicycle.  However, when I clocked off work, the snow was falling like crazy.  It was freezing cold with vision obstructed by the falling snow.  It certainly not the type of weather to be racing at a super sonic speed through.  Or rather, a normal person not wishing to invite a car wreck wouldn't be racing through that falling snow and water slicked roads at top speed in an impatient hurry.  The snow stopped falling and with luck, the roads will be safer to travel down.  Yes, the snow is still on the ground this time.  I might even have to shovel the driveway too.  The Gentle Reader and I will see how things are when morning returns.
And as I'm lost in thought in the falling snow, here are some photos of Demi Lovato.

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