Thursday, December 5, 2013


It's been cold and raining almost non-stop today.  And tomorrow the temperature will drop from fifty degrees to roughly thirty degrees.  Meaning, the wet rain soaked streets will be covered with ice as three inches of snow fall tomorrow.  Oh yes, it's going to be fun trying to travel from one place to another starting tomorrow.  However, the snow hasn't fallen yet.  There's just rain.  Meaning this is the calm before the storm.  The weather can only be expected to get more interesting as the hours continue to move forward on the clock.  Right now, it's a calm evening and I'm surfing the Internet before going to bed for the night.  I'm tired and I need to get some sleep.  Tomorrow starts a few hours from now and it will be fun to find out what the next day will provide.
And as I'm lost in thought as night covers the land, here are some photos of Emmy Rossum.





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