Tuesday, December 10, 2013


It's another day at the airport for Lindsay Lohan.
One of the benefits about living in California is the chance to wear a swimsuit and swim outdoors in December---Provided that there isn't a freak snowstorm which is happening in Sacramento, California.  And I always enjoyed the chance to go swimming whenever the opportunity presented itself.  Yeah, I could still swim laps inside an indoor swimming pool.  Yeah, that much is true.  However, the chance to swim outdoors could only be done in a climate that supported the chance to do so.  And for Lindsay Lohan, there wasn't a freak snowstorm in California when she put on her swimsuit to go swimming at an outdoor swimming pool at her mansion in California.  And with the scorching hot California beaming down on her, Lindsay Lohan enjoyed the chance to swim laps at her private swimming pool for an afternoon of fun and sun.

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