Monday, December 16, 2013


This is about to become the first Christmas I spent entirely in Columbus, Ohio for quite a number of years.  It's hard to imagine not going to Cleveland, Ohio to spend either a portion or the entire month of December in some sort or another.  However, that's exactly what's going to happen this December.  All of this December will be spent in Columbus, Ohio.  Life changes and evolves.  Life rarely stays the same.  Only in comic books does life remain stagnant, but in reality people are always in a constant state of change and evolution.  And in my current state of evolution is pulled away from spending Thanksgiving and Christmas either a small portion of or the entirety of.  Whatever the case may be, I hope that the person that I'm evolving into is a positive sort of person.  I hope that the person I'm evolving into will be the sort of person that I could be proud of.
And as I'm lost in thought as snow continues to fall from the ground, here are some photos of Eliza Sophie Caird aka Eliza Doolittle.





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