Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Oh to go on a vacation.  It would be preferable to go on vacation to somewhere warm, but I'll go on vacation to a city just as cold as Columbus, Ohio.  However, travel from Columbus, Ohio to the location for a vacation costs money.  Hotel costs money.  Taxi fare costs money (I can't afford my driving ability, but I'm holding on to my driving license anyway).  Food costs money.  Trust me when I say that I'll go on vacation the first opportunity it's offered.  However, the opportunity never arrives because in the end I'm the one who still has to pay all the expenses involved with the vacation.  And right now, the amount of money I'm earning busing tables and washing dishes forces me to function on a very rigid budget. 
And as I'm lost in thought about vacations to Australia and to London, England, here are some photos of Taylor Swift.


Ed Sheeran and Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift, Jon Bon Jovi and Prince William

Jon Bon Jovi, his daughter Stephanie Bon Jovi and Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift and Jon Bon Jovi
Taylor Swift and Prince William
Taylor Swift


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