Sunday, January 5, 2014


And so the fifth day of January is drawing to a close.  And soon the sixth day of January will begin.  I'm not sure what tomorrow will provide.  I can predict the future only up to a certain point.  The future is hard to predict because the future is a blank page.  Yeah, somebody reading this blog entry twenty years from to future will look at my statement with amusement.  Yeah, the future is a blank page from my perspective in the year 2014, but it appears to be set in stone from the perspective of somebody reading this blog entry twenty years later.  However, from my perspective in the year 2014, the year 2034 hasn't happened yet.  We can all make guesses what the year 2034 will look like, but right now those guesses still rank as merely being guesses.  At any rate, the fifth day of January is ending with rain falling from the sky.  And despite the rain, the future still looks bright and promising.  It will be fun to see what's next in store for me.
And as I'm lost in thought as the snow around me melts away from the rain, here are some photos of Kylie Minogue.


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