Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Ah yes, coffee is much more appreciated in the Winter.  Yeah, it is possible to drink coffee in the Summer.  That's always possible.  However, coffee is always much better in the Winter.  The outside temperature is freezing.  Snow is on the ground (At least, that's the way it is in Columbus, Ohio).  And the Gentle Reader and I exit the freezing cold for the warmth of the indoors.  What better way to warm up from the freezing cold than a steaming mug of coffee.  Or hot chocolate.  Or cappuccino.  Or espresso.  Or mocha.  Or whatever is preferred.  It's always better when it warms you up after freezing outside for several hours, minutes and/or seconds.
And as I'm lost in thought in the freezing cold, here are some photos of Victoria Beckham.

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