Sunday, February 2, 2014


Is today the Super Bowl? It's hard to tell because ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX and CW doesn't appear interested in having it broadcasted if the Super Bowl is today. And if the Superbowl is today, what happens if I'm the type of person who would rather chew off his own leg instead of watching a football game in it's entirety? Say that I'm only watching the Super Bowl on television for the innovative one use only commercials? That's like saying I'm watching a television show that I'd rather chew my own leg off of instead of watching it, but I'm watching it anyway to see some arrogant narcissistic commercial where people toss out perfectly good cell phones into the garbage because it isn't cutting edge enough. The media appears to tell us all to watch the Super Bowl anyway even if you would rather chew your own leg off rather than actually watch it. Here are some nacho dip recipe ideas to help you along. Don't forget that Renee Flemming sings the unsingable national anthem and Bruno Mars is the halftime show. Only in the broadcasted Super Bowl game is the frequently detested and avoided commercials actually become an event to be celebrated. Never mind that your favorite football team isn't going to play in the Superbowl. The Super Bowl is an event and we're supposed to worship it as a right of passage. So let's close down the entire Broadway Avenue in New York City, New York to celebrate the Super Bowl even though it's actually taking place several hundred miles away in New Jersey. Today might be football game day. And you won't be seeing any NFL football games on television until Autumn returns again.
And as I'm lost in thought while watching somebody saying the word Omaha several times in a row even though that person is from Denver, Colorado and not from Omaha, Nebraska, here are some photos of the following celebrities.
Heather Graham

Shailene Woodley

 Zoe Kazan

 Michelle Rodriguez and Cara Delevingne fighting against each other with Star Wars light sabers

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