Friday, February 14, 2014


It's hard to tell from Columbus, Ohio, but the United States of America is gripped by one of the worst snow storms in recent United States of America history.  Heavy snow storm, then enough calm for the snow to melt and another batch of heavy falling snow.  Repeat until the only people not traumatised by the winter weather is Florida, Nevada and California.  Yes, even the deep south such as Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina isn't immune.  And yes, Spring weather will return.  And yes, Summer will follow close behind.  And then the evening news gets to complain about the horrific trauma inducing heat wave instead of a horrific trauma inducing snow storm.  So enjoy the traffic jams and the airport delays for as long as it will last because at least bottles of sunblock, heat strokes and out of control forest fires won't be an issue---Not yet at any rate.
And as I'm lost in thought in the falling snow, here are some photos of Katie Holmes.

 Anna Kendrick, Sarah Paulson, Tyra Banks and Katie Holmes

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