Wednesday, February 5, 2014


I saw the Super Bowl and I didn't chew my leg off in the process.  I already injured my arm when a car hit me while riding a bike and I don't need anymore injuries.  I have two metal plates and sixteen screws holding the upper part of my left arm together.  Oh yeah, the Seattle Seahawks defeated the Denver Broncos 43 to 8.  I found myself enjoying it.  A mixture of snow and ice fell yesterday.  Today, the entire city of Columbus, Ohio mostly screeched to a halt as snow plows and assorted other approaches dealt with all the snow and ice surrounding the area.  All I can say is that is that I hope Spring replaces Winter soon because this has been one of the most grueling Winters in known memory. 
And as I'm lost in thought in the falling snow, here are some photos of Charlize Theron.


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