Saturday, March 15, 2014


Gentle Reader, is it safe to assume that Winter 2013 to 2014 has ended.  Is it safe to assume that Spring has arrived.  It has been a very brutal Winter and it would be good to leave it all behind me in favor of the warmth of Spring weather.  The Gentle Reader and I will ultimately find out if more snow is in the nearby future.  I'm not good at predicting the weather.  I could only make guesses.  However, the guesses that I make tends to range in the vicinity of an educated guess.  Still, I suppose that an educated guess is better than nothing.  At any rate, today felt like Spring and I'm hopeful that tomorrow will feel like Spring too.  I can't wait for Summer to arrive.
And as I'm lost in thought in the early days of Spring, here are some photos of Minka Kelly and Mandy Moore.

Minka Kelly

Mandy Moore


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