Thursday, March 20, 2014


It's official. Winter and the Polar Vortex has officially ended on the official first day of Spring. And on the first day of Spring cold weather is slowly replaced by warmer weather. Though the shift won't be done overnight. Winter and the Polar Vortex has officially ended on the calendar, but it's still possible for it to snow Polar Vortex style. So it's not a good idea to put away the snow shovels and the Winter coats---Not yet at any rate. The sky above Columbus, Ohio is grey as clouds cover every square inch of the sky above me. There is blue skies above the clouds, but there is no way to get above those clouds. Maybe there will be blue skies tomorrow, but the clouds remain today. Still, it's nice to know that Spring has finally arrived---On the calendar at any rate.
And as I'm lost in thought as Winter is slowly replaced by Spring, here are some photos of Miley Cyrus.

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