Wednesday, March 12, 2014


So having Peter Pan as the replacement main villain after Regina, the Evil Queen (from the Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs fairy Tale), Captain Hook (from the Peter Pan fairy Tale) and  Rumpelstiltskin (from the Rumpelstiltskin fairy tale) turned out to be a wash out failure.  It turned out that Peter Pan was a bit too unreasonably sadistic that he was killed off and replaced after only thirteen episodes of employment.  So now the Wicked Witch of the West (From the Wizard of Oz fairy tale) has replaced Peter Pan as the replacement main villain with her flying monkeys in tow.  So will the Wicked Witch of the West be effective where Peter Pan totally failed?  The Gentle Reader will find out as Once Upon a Time returns yet again.
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs doesn't mention a modern day tough as nails police officer lady who is an unwed single mother, but Once Upon a Time uses Jared Gilmore as Henry Mills and Jennifer Morrison as Emma Swan anyway.
 Josh Dallas as Prince Charming, Jennifer Morrison as Emma Swan and Ginnifer Goodwin as Snow White in a modern day greasy spoon diner.  Emma Swan washes away the sorrow of having no fairy tale world counterpart with greasy spoon diner cuisine.

 Rebecca Mader as the Wicked Witch of the West going undercover as an innocent bystander while having a weird fixation on Snow White's baby bump.  Ginnifer Goodwin is pregnant in both the real world and the fictional television world.  Josh Dallas is the lucky father in both circumstances.  Why is the Wicked Witch of the West so interested in Snow White's unborn baby?  Don't tell me that the Wicked Witch of the West is going to add baby snatching to her multitude of crimes.

 Lana Parrilla as the evil Queen Regina in modern day attire without her mirror mirror on the wall and still curious about who is the fairest of the all.  It's not Rebecca Mader as the Wicked Witch of the West with her bright green skin covered up by a fake rubber mask that dissolves much too quickly.
Emma Swan has fallen in love with Captain Hook (Played by Colin O'Donoghue, he's from the Peter Pan fairy tale and helping out Queen Regina (who seems to like the company of houseboat dwelling pirates with a heart of gold (We hope))).

Emma Swan (Jennifer Morrison) is also falling in love with Walsh (Christopher Gorham) in modern day United States of America.
  Rebecca Mader as the Wicked Witch of the West about to fly on her broomstick.

Prince Phillip (Julian Morris) and Princess Aurora (Sarah Bolger (From the Sleeping Beauty fairy tale)).

Prince Charming (Josh Dallas), Snow White (Ginnifer Goodwin) and Queen Regina (Without the poisoned apples and played by Lana Parrilla) form an uneasy alliance against the Wicked Witch of the West after she took over the Kingdom in Medieval Europe.

 The Seven Dwarfs and Granny (From the Little Red Riding Hood fairy tale) in medieval era attire as they travel across medieval Europe.
 Queen Regina has made a brand new friend (A Lost Boy from Neverland (From the Peter Pan fairy tale?))
 Belle (From the Beauty and the Beast fairy tale and played by Emilie de Ravin) and her adopted son Baelfire  (Played by Michael Raymond-James, he's a product of Rumpelstiltskin's failed first marriage and the father of Emma Swan's son Henry)
 Snow White, Prince Charming, Queen Regina, Belle, Baelfire, Granny and the Seven Dwarfs stop for some conversation while walking through a medieval forest in medieval Europe.

Meanwhile, in the low rated and in serious danger of being canceled spin-off series Once Upon a Time in Wonderland, The Red Queen (from the fairy tale Alice in Wonderland and Through the looking Glass performed by Emma Rigby)...

 ...Made a bad business deal to join forces with Middle Eastern sorcerer/criminal/possible terrorist Jafar (From 101 Arabian Nights performed by Naveen Andrews).  Jafar is obsessed with gaining absolute power by combining three magic genie lamps into a supernatural power generator that would give him immortality and absolute power to rule the world---Or something like that.
 Only Alice (From the fairy tale in Wonderland and Through the looking Glass performed by Sophie Lowe and The Knave of Hearts  (From the fairy tale in Wonderland and Through the looking Glass performed by Michael Socha) stands in the way.

 The Third of Three Genies (From 101 Arabian Nights performed by Peter Gadiot) is needed by Jafar to complete his supernatural power generator.  Alice refuses to let that happen because she has fallen in love with the Third of Three Genies named Cyrus.

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