Tuesday, April 29, 2014


I wonder if those living in the wild west of the nineteenth century United States of America were as preoccupied with ripping dandelion weeds out of the ground as those living in modern day United States of America are.  Yeah, dandelion weeds are pretty to look at, but ripping each and every dandelion weed is still necessary.  However, those living in the wild west of the nineteenth century United States of America had to plow the fields, plant crop, water crops and harvest crops without modern technology.  And what if the soil is a thick clay-like variety.  There are no stores selling bags of looser soil nor are there modern technology to help things along.  The thick clay-like soil (Like those found in Columbus, Ohio and Cleveland, Ohio would have to be broken into manually.  And that's on top of ripping out all those pretty looking dandelion weeds.  No wonder people in the wild west of the nineteenth century United States of America got drunk more often in alcohol bars that never ever carded anybody.
And as I'm lost in thought in the exciting city of Columbus, Ohio, here are some photos of Kristen Stewart.





Alicia Cargile and Kristen Stewart

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