Thursday, April 10, 2014


The Gentle Reader will never see me on a motorcycle.  I can't even ride a bicycle without somebody driving on the same side of the road that I'm on plowing into and almost nearly over me and breaking my left arm in three places in the process.  The end result required two metal plates and sixteen screws to hold it all together.  Having a car driving on the same side of the road that I'm on driving into and almost nearly over me while I'm on a motorcycle would've produced injuries far worse.  And since I can't drive automobile drivers to treat bicycle traffic as if it ever truly matters, I guess I'll have to wait a little bit longer before riding a bike again.  Just my luck.  My entire existence has been about patiently waiting for things to improve for the better.
Anyway, here is Ariana Grande riding a motorcycle.

 Here is Madonna Ciccone riding a motorcycle.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the valuable information and insights you have so provided here... scooterband
