Wednesday, April 23, 2014


She is a woman of mystery.  It isn't known when Scarlett Rabe was born.  It isn't known where she went for schooling.  It isn't known what her father did for a living or the names of her parents, but it's known that her mother taught piano to students and she originates from Santa Monica, California.  Scarlett Rabe is the oldest of eight children and spent her entire childhood doing everything except watching television and only listening to classical music radio (Her parents were television and phobic about anything broadcast on the radio that wasn't classical music-phobic). 
The story about how Scarlett Rabe got involved in music went like this.  Her mother taught piano and taught a student a classical music piano piece.  Three year old Scarlett got on the piano without permission and played the tune perfectly first time out without knowing anything about piano.  From that point onwards, but her parents drilled her on piano piece using a wooden spoon to help her keep a perfect rhythm beat.  They realized that a child prodigy such as Scarlett Rabe should only be allowed to pursue a career in the entertainment industry and now she has released two EP albums.  Her first EP was released in 2012 and her second EP was released in 2013.  She has yet to release a full length album.   

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