Monday, April 21, 2014


Suppose it's possible for reincarnation to occur.  Suppose there is an unlimited ability to relive the same life over and over again stretching for eternity.  I know what the Gentle Reader might say (Possibly).  It won't matter if I screw up this life because the next life will resolve the mess entirely.  Or alternately, it won't matter if I screw up this life because I could screw up the next life the same way in a more spectacular manner.  Yeah, that may be true, but you still have to life this life in it's entirety.  You still have to life with the mistakes made in this life in it's entirety.  You still have to live with people who are living out their lives in it's entirety.  Even if it's possible to reincarnate, it doesn't allow you to make mistakes on a much grander scale and expect to be exonerated.  It simply means that you must behave in a more responsible manner than ever before.  Of course, this is pure speculation since nobody has been able to prove that reincarnation truly exists.
And as I'm lost in thought about reincarnation, here are some photos of Selena Gomez.


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