Saturday, May 17, 2014


The biggest problem with trying to film The Fast and the Furious 7 is that Paul Walker died with barely half of his scripted scenes filmed.  You see, he had to show off by street racing an expensive sports car, lost control of the car (Which could happen while street racing) and collided into a street light.  The sports car burst into flames killing Paul Walker and another person in the car with him. 
Yes Gentle Reader, Paul Walker really was trapped inside that flaming wreckage screaming in futility for help as he was being burned alive with severe three degree burn injuries. 

This is what's left of the car Paul Walker was driving after the fire was put out by fire fighters.

So how do you film The Fast and the Furious 7 when the actor playing Brian Walker---the central focus who makes all the decisions, has all the crucial confrontations and stages all the crucial rescues dies in a car wreck with roughly half of his scripted scenes recorded?  Well, the film producers and director solved the problem by having Paul Walkers brothers Cody and Caleb Walker wear the film production mandated outfit that Paul Walker was supposed to wear and film all the scenes that Paul Walker was supposed to perform in.  Then Cody and Caleb Walker will be digitally removed and replaced by CGI drawings of Paul Walker using Cody and Caleb Walker as representation of how the fictional character Brian O'Connor was supposed to move around as.  Hey, a cartoon drawing of Paul Walker isn't the same as actually having Paul Walker, but it's good enough to finish the film in time for the 2015 Summer Blockbuster film Summer Season next year.  Cody and Caleb Walker won't have to perform any dangerous stunts because a stunt double is also wearing the film production mandated outfit that Paul Walker was supposed to wear before his death forced CGI cartoons to take is place.

 Hispanic actress Jordana Brewster was supposed to have makeout sessions with Paul Walker.  She'll instead play fictional girlfriend to Cody Walker and Caleb Walker instead.  Then a CGI cartoon of Paul Walker will replace Cody Walker and Caleb Walker for Jordana Brewer to kiss and make out with for the finished version of the film.  Jordana Brewster still gets paid for her role as the female lead regardless who she's making out with.

The producer and the director of The Fast and the Furious 7 is counting on the film viewing public not being able to tell the difference between Paul Walker and an CGI animated cartoon drawing of Paul Walker when The Fast and the Furious 7 reaches movie theater next year in 2015.

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