Friday, May 30, 2014


Ah yes, how nice would it be to live near a beach.  Yeah, there were lakeside beaches in Cleveland, Ohio where I used to live.  However, none of those beaches were nearby (Meaning easy to gain access to by public transportation).  Nobody thought about the possibility of hanging out at the beach when the city of Cleveland, Ohio was planned.  Columbus, Ohio is landlocked in every possible direction except for a few rivers that eventually connect into the Mississippi River (After a few twists and turns here and there).  A patient person with a boat will eventually float from the Olentangy River to the Mississippi River all the way down to New Orleans, Louisiana (It would help to have lots of free time, not much possessions and a really good map). 
Fun fact about rivers:  The Olentangy River used to be known as the Keenhongsheconsepung (Translated from Native American Indian language into Stone For Your Knife Stream long time ago when there were only Native American Indian tribes living in what is now the Columbus, Ohio suburbs of Westerville and Clintonville, Ohio.  Such a name was lost in the passages of time after the Native American Indian Wars of the 19th Century. 
And as I'm lost in thought while thinking about how much fun it would be to visit the beach, here are some photos of Julia Roberts.

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