Friday, May 16, 2014


Born on May 16, 1973 in Los Angeles, California, Victoria Davey "Tori" Spelling grew up in a Jewish family and being a child prodigy became an actor while still in elementary school.  Her biggest claim to fame was the Fox Network television show Beverly Hills 90210.  Getting hired as a series regular cast member was easy since Tori Spelling's father Aaron Spelling was executive producer for the series which lasted ten seasons between  October 4, 1990 to May 17, 2000 (Seasons eleven to fifteen was released between September 2, 2008 to May 13, 2013 under the guise of a reboot entitled 90210).  Life beyond Beverly Hills 90210 wasn't kind to Tori Spelling who mostly did a lot of B-Movie through made for television and direct to video type of productions.  Tori Spelling married Dean McDermott and produced four children.  However, that marriage is currently falling apart when Dean McDermott was found guilty of adultery and chose to air the collapse of their marriage on television on the reality television series True Tori.   
The Spelling Family:  Randy Spelling, Candy Spelling, Aaron Spelling, Victoria Davey "Tori" Spelling
 Tori Spelling as a young lady
 Tori Spelling, her father (And legendary film and television producer) Aaron Spelling and her mother Candy Spelling

 Dean McDermott and his wife Tori Spelling watch their marriage fall apart on the reality television series True Tori.

The dissolving marriage between Dean McDermott and his wife Tori Spelling falls apart into constant non-stop arguments (complete with catastrophic crying and sobbing) that starts in the kitchen and continues in the bedroom.  No wild night of passion for these two.  The romance novels that Tori Spelling loves to read never ends this badly for such an extended length of time.

Former Beverly Hills 90210 costars Tori Spelling and Jennie Garth are still best friends forever on and off the screen. 
 Jennie Garth and Tori Spelling

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