Saturday, May 3, 2014


Birthday Lad was tied to a chair and he looked at Lady Mary Charteris with scorn.
Birthday Lad said, "Do you hear that?  My allies are invading the Dandilion Girls Safehouse.  It won't take long before you are murdered and I'm rescued from captivity."
Lady Mary Charteris said, "Even if that were true, I'm still alive and all the Dandilion Girls under my command are still alive.  Nobody is close to killing me as long as my girls isn't suffering any fatalities.  So it looks as if you're not going anywhere."
Dandilion Girl stood behind Birthday Lad as he was tied to a chair.  She stood close enough for Birthday Lad to slam both of his hands that were tied together against Dandilion Girl #1's vagina.  Dandilion Girl #1 released a defeated groan before she lay down legally dead. 
 Lady Mary Charteris faced Marthe Wiggers before saying, "Go to the kitchen and check to see if the food that we prepared for Birthday Lad is ready."
Birthday Lad said, "Somebody will find out that I'm being held prisoner in the dinning room of the Dandilion Girl's Safehouse and murder all of you girls."
Marthe Wiggers said, "I told you once and I'll tell you again that we need to put a gag on Birthday Lad.  All of us girls will be closer to getting wiped out one by one all the way down to zero if he kills a second Dandilion Girl."
Dandilion Girl #2 bent over the dead body of Dandilion Girl #1.  With both of his hands still tied together, Birthday Lad grabbed the portion of Dandilion Girl #2's bra strap that rested on her spine and pulled her to the floor on top of Dandilion Girl #1 breasts on spine and vagina on rear end with both dead girls lying legally dead face down.  Dandilion Girl #2 is legally dead.
Marthe Wiggers asked, "I don't see the need to feed Birthday Lad if we're only going to kill him."
Jaime Pressly replied, "Keeping a Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Serial Killer alive as a hostage will be useless if he dies from malnutrition."
Dandelion Girl #3 tried to retie both of Birthday Lad's hands as that was tied together behind his back and around the chair.  Birthday Lad's suddenly free left arm slammed into Dandelion Girl #4's vagina and she fell lifelessly against Dandelion Girl #3.  Both Dandelion Girl #3 and Dandelion Girl #4 lay down on the floor legally dead on top of each---Breasts on spine and vagina on rear end.  Jaime pressed her vagina on Birthday Lad's right hand as she tied both of his hands together behind the chair.  Jaime smirked as she walked away from the hostage and towards the surviving Dandelion Girls.    
Jaime Pressly faced Janine Turner before she said, "Go and check the door to the hidden passageway to the dinning room is secure."
Janine replied, "I don't think it's necessary for me to do so, but I'll do so anyway."
Dandelion Girl #5 stood in front of Birthday Lad.  Dandelion Girl #6 stood behind Birthday Lad. 
Dandelion Girl #6 said, "That's such a cute bracelet.  Can I see it?"
Dandelion Girl #5 said, "Sure.  It will be my pleasure."
Dandelion Girl #5 bent over Birthday Lad with her breasts resting on his left shoulder while showing the bracelet on her left wrist.  Birthday Lad shifted his chair so that his left shoulder slammed into Dandelion Girl #5 between her breasts and she lay down on top of Birthday Lad legally dead.  Dandelion Girl #6 tried to pull Dandelion Girl #5's dead body off on Birthday Lad only to have Dandelion Girl #5 roll off Birthday Lad and against Dandelion Girl #6.  Dandelion Girl #6 died instantly and she lay down legally dead with Dandelion Girl #5 lying on top of her breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina. 
Janine's left breast brushed against Birthday Lad's left shoulder as she walked towards the hidden passageway to the dinning room."
Janine Turner and Dandelion Girl #7 walked towards the hidden passageway.  Birthday Lad must stop both girls from preventing his rescue by killing them both.
Birthday Lad said, "Can you reach into my pants pocket and check to see if I got any texts on my cell phone?  I'll be a more cooperative hostage if you stand in front of me while reaching into my pants pockets while reaching for my cell phone."
Janine said, "Screw you.  I don't care if you miss any texts you got on your cell phone."
Birthday Lad scooted backwards until both of his tied together hands gripped a wire hanger sitting on the dinning room table.  He accidently got the hook portion of the wire hanger hooked around the portion of Dandelion Girl #7's bra strap that rested on her spine and pulled her downwards.  Dandelion Girl #7 fell to the floor and she legally died.
Birthday Lad said, "Please, it's important that I check my texts on my cell phone."
Janine said, "You won't have any friends to text with when all the guys in the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse are wiped out."  Janine said to Dandelion Girl #8, "Get that wire hanger away from that serial killing jerk over there."
Dandelion Girl #8 said, "I shall do so right away."
Dandelion Girl #8 tried to grab the wire hanger from being hooked around the portion of Dandelion Girl #7's bra strap that rested on her spine.  Birthday Lad's tied together feet kicked Dandelion Girl #8's rear end causing her legally dead body to fall down and die on top of both the wire hanger and Dandelion Girl #7---Breasts on spine and vagina on rear end. 
Birthday Lad said, "You really need to check my cell phone for text messages.  You can use it to stop Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse attacks before it happens."
Janine said, "I need to check the hidden passageway leading to the dinning room instead."
Dandelion Girl #9 stood in front of Birthday Lad with her legs spread apart.  Birthday Lad's tied together feet kicked Dandelion Girl #9 between her legs in her vagina.  Dandelion Girl lay down on the ground legally dead.
Birthday Lad said, "I won't bother you anymore if you check my cell phone for any text messages, but you can only do so while standing in front of me."
Janine said, "Oh all right, if it will get you to shut your damn mouth."
Janine stood in front of Birthday Lad and he looked down the neckline of her blouse to see her voluptuous breasts.  She reached her right hand down his right front pants pockets to grip his cell phone.  His tied together feet kicked Janine in her vagina and she found herself crumbling to the floor with her right hand pulling out of his front pants pockets without his cell phone.
Janine tried to stand up, but she only managed to sit up.  His tied together feet kicked her in the stomach and she winced in pain as she lost the ability to breathe normally.
Janine Turner lay down on the ground and she died.  Janine Turner is legally dead.
Lady Mary Charteris said, "Well some girl has to check the hidden hallway connecting to the dinning room.  Janine Turner can't do it anymore because she's legally dead."
Dandelion Girl #10 tried to pull Janine Turner's legally dead body away only to trip over the dead girl.  Dandelion Girl #10 fell sideways to the left and she lay down legally dead with her feet resting on top of rear end of Janine Turner's dead body.
Lady Mary Charteris said, "It would be a better idea if you didn't get yourself killed before you could reach the hidden hallway connected to the dinning room without getting killed."
Jaime Pressly said, "I'll be more than happy to check the hidden hallway leading to the dinning room while Marthe Wiggers gets Birthday Lad something to eat.  Jaime pressed her vagina on both of his hands that were tied together while her breasts rested on his shoulder blades.  She smirked as she pulled away without getting hurt.
Dandelion Girl #11 tried to pull the legally dead bodies of Janine Turner and Dandelion Girl #10 away from Birthday Lad only to have his tied together feet kick the legally dead bodies of Janine Turner and Dandelion Girl #10 directly on top of Dandelion Girl #11 breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina simultaneously.  Dandelion Girl #11 is legally dead.
 Birthday Lad said, "I need to see what's in the fridge before I can eat anything from it."
Jaime faced Marthe and asked, "Do you need any help?"
Marthe said, "Not yet, but stick close in case Birthday Lad succeeds in killing me, you'll need to risk your life taking over."
Jaime said with a frown, "Yeah, I guess it would be better if I stuck close in case you end up getting yourself killed."
Dandelion Girl #12 and Dandelion Girl #13 untied his hands and he punched Dandelion Girl #12 in the stomach.  Dandelion Girl #12 groaned in pain before she lay down legally dead.
 Marthe tied Birthday Lad's hands behind his back.  He collided sideways against Dandelion Girl #13.  Dandelion Girl #13 slammed into the wall and she looked at her attacker with a lifeless glare before she lay down legally dead."
Marthe said, "That wasn't a nice thing to do."
Birthday Lad replied, "Every single girl in this dinning room and kitchen area needs to be lying down on the floor legally dead before my rescuers arrive."
Marthe said, "What makes you think that rescuers will arrive.  You're needed as bait for a trap that none of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Members will be able to survive."
Birthday Lad said, "Call me foolish and delusional, but I still believe that I could succeed in killing you before we reach the refrigerator."
Birthday Lad's bound together hands grabbed the belt loop to Dandelion Girl #14's skirt and tossed her against the wall before slamming into her.  Dandelion Girl #14 lay down on the floor legally dead.  Marthe looked at Birthday Lad with a harsh expression on her face.
Marthe said, "You claim to be the hero of the day, but has anybody ever told you how sick acting your behavior turns out to be."
 He slammed sideways against Marthe.  Marthe had the wind knocked out of her as she nearly collapsed to the floor.
Marthe said as she tried to regain her breath, "Holy shit, you really are intending to kill me."
Birthday Lad said, "You're a pretty girl, but the time has come for me to end your life."
 Marthe tried to punch him and he dodged the blow.  He slammed into Marthe three more times. 
Marthe said, "Would it make any difference if I begged you not to kill me."
Birthday Lad said, "I'm sorry, but all the girls inside both the kitchen and the dinning room needs to be lying down on the floor legally dead when my rescuers arrive to untie me.  You're a girl.  Therefore, you need to die before me rescuers arrive to untie me."
 Marthe tried to kick him once and punch him twice.  She missed.  With his arms tied behind his back and both feet tied together, he slammed sideways into Marthe five times.  Marthe found it harder for her to continue standing up.
Marthe said, "You know the best ways to end a girl's life.  One more blow like that and I'm dead."
Birthday Lad said, "Then I need to attack you one more time before you're dead forever."
 He slammed sideways into Marthe and her eyes slowly started to close.  The world got darker as she fell face first to the ground in a crumpled heap with a blank expression on her face.  She tried to stand up, but her muscles refused to cooperate as death overtook the doomed girl.  It got harder for her to breathe until all there was left to do was to lie down legally dead.  She wasn't able to stand up but instead found herself lying on the ground.
Marthe  is no longer alive.  Marthe is legally dead.
Sarah Polley stood nearby the dinning room.  She kept a low profile, but with Dandelion Girls falling dead and no Dandelion Girls are allowed to be alive when Birthday Lad is rescued, it's hard for Sarah to keep a low profile anymore. 
Sarah said, "Never send a junior high girl like Marthe to escort him to the fridge when a high school girl like me can do much more of an effective job.
Birthday Lad said, "You think you can do a better job in escorting me to the fridge and back to my chair to be tied up into it again without dying in the process."
Sarah replied, "You know that I can still control you without getting myself murdered."
Dandelion Girl #15 approached and Birthday Lad kicked her in the stomach.  The dying girl lay down on the ground legally dead.
Birthday Lad said, "I'm only saying that because Janine Turner was a high school age girl and I killed her off much too easily."
Sarah Polley said, "I'm still confident that there will still be girls alive when your rescuers arrive."
Dandelion Girl #16 approached and he spun around and punched her.  Dandelion Girl slid to the ground before she legally died.
Sarah walked behind Birthday Lad.  Sarah grabbed both of his wrists and attempted to tie both of his arms together.  His left foot kicked Dandelion Girl #17 and she lay down on the floor legally dead.
Birthday Lad's left arm broke free from Sarah's grip and he punched her in the stomach.  Sarah doubled over in pain as he yanked his right arm free.
Birthday Lad punched Sarah in the stomach twice and he kicked her once.  Sarah slammed against the wall and she nearly slid to the floor in a crumpled heap.  It got harder for the girl to breathe.
Birthday Lad punched Sarah in the stomach five times.  Tears fell from her eyes as death slowly overwhelmed the doomed teenage girl.
It only took ten more punches and a kick to the stomach for Sarah to fall to the ground in a crumpled heap.  She tried to rise to her feet, but her arms and legs was unable to cooperate.  She tried to speak, but no words came out of her mouth. 
Sarah Polley is no longer alive.  Sarah Polley is legally dead.
Lady Mary Charteris saw Birthday Lad walk towards the kitchen without Dandelion Girl accompaniment.  Lady Mary became concerned as the number of legally dead Dandelion Girls started to outnumber the Dandelion Girls who isn't dead yet. 
Both of his hands were free and he celebrated by punching Dandelion Girl #18.  Dandelion Girl #18 crumpled to the ground legally dead. 
Lady Mary faced Jaime and said, "Feeding this guy was your idea.  Now it's your job to grab him and tie him up again."
Jaime said, "Please don't send me in there to tie him up again.  He'll murder me if I try to do that."
Lady Mary said, "I'm running out of Dandelion Girls.  I have no choice but to force you to tie him up or die trying."
Jaime said, "This won't be easy, but I'll try to make the effort."
Jamie said, "Ok creep, playtime is over.  Time for you to be punished for your crimes with bondage."
Birthday Lad strangled Jamie and she tried to squirm free.  He punched her every time she nearly broke free from his lethal strangulation grip against her.
Jamie tried to utter an apology for her crimes against him and the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.  But his strangulation grip was so unmovable, that her attempts to pry his fingers from her throat was ineffectual.  Tears rolled down her face as she tried to speak one last time as darkness clouded her vision.  Jamie was dying and she knew it.
Jamie tried one last time to wiggle free from his strangulation grip against her.  Her attempts only caused his strangulation grip to tighten around her neck.  Jamie closed her eyes as she felt her body go limp as she gave up fighting to survive against her murderer.
Jaime Pressly is no longer alive.  Jaime Pressly is legally dead.
Lady Mary Charteris looked at Birthday Lad.  Birthday Lad looked at Lady Mary Charteris. Lady Mary isn't allowed to be alive and breathing when Birthday Lad is rescued six seconds from now.
Lady Mary said, "I guess it's just you and me."
Birthday Lad said, "I'd rather that it just be only me left alive and breathing."
 Lady Mary said, "Just let me tie you up sadomasochistic bondage style.  I'd rather avoid a fight against you if it's possible."
Lady Mary failed to realize how doomed she is.  Lady Mary isn't allowed to be alive and breathing when Birthday Lad is rescued five seconds from now.
Birthday Lad said, "I'm afraid that I have one more girl to fight against and murder.  The doomed girl is standing in front of me right now."
Lady Mary isn't allowed to be alive and breathing when Birthday Lad is rescued four seconds from now.  That's why he stabbed Lady Mary between her voluptuous breasts with a smile on his face.
Lady Mary said, "You don't have to be so happy about the prospect of me dying once and for all."
Birthday Lad replied, "Yet, I'm drawn to do so regardless of your feelings."
Lady Mary isn't allowed to be alive and breathing when Birthday Lad is rescued three seconds from now.  That's why it wasn't good when Willa Keswick snuck behind Birthday Lad with a first aid kit in hand.  Birthday Lad doesn't know that Willa is standing behind him.
Lady Mary said, "Just give me first aid and let me tie you up.  It isn't too late to do the right thing."
Birthday Lad said, "It's too late.  I can't stop attacking a girl when I'm this close to ending her life."
Birthday Lad spun around and he stabbed Willa between her breasts.  Willa dropped her first aid kit as she slammed sideways against the wall.
Willa sputtered as she slowly started to die, "How did you know I was standing behind you?"
Lady Mary and Willa isn't allowed to be alive and breathing when Birthday Lad is rescued two seconds from now.  That's why he stabbed Willa between her breasts before he stabbed Lady Mary between her voluptuous breasts.  Willa crashed to the ground in a puddle of blood.
Lady Mary and Willa isn't allowed to be alive and breathing when Birthday Lad is rescued one second from now.  He picked up Willa from the ground, stabbed her between her breasts before roughly dropping her in a puddle of her own blood.  He stabbed Lady Mary between her voluptuous breasts ten more times.
Lady Mary said, "You have defeated me."
Lady Mary fell to the floor in a puddle of blood and she died.  Lady Mary Charteris is no longer alive.  Lady Mary Charteris is legally dead.  Willa Keswick is no longer alive.  Willa Keswick is legally dead. 
All of the cute sexually adorable teenage girls in the Dandelion Girls Safehouse Dinning Room and attached kitchen is legally dead.  The Liason, Car Lad, Lame Lad, Charlie Cheerleader, Rabbi Ralph and  Mark Merehaige entered the room to rescue Birthday Lad.
Rabbi Ralph said, "I was prepared to murder all of those horrible Teenage Girls in order to rescue you.  Thankfully, you were able to wipe the Teenage Girls out one by one all the way down to zero all by yourself."
Car Lad said, "Thankfully those horrible Teenage Girls were wiped out before they could start making out with you."
Mark said, "Is there any Teenage Girls left alive in the Dandelion Girl Safehouse?"
Charlie Cheerleader replied, "I don't know.  We'll need to do another sweep of the building just to be on the safe side."
Lame Lad said, "Those Teenage Girls didn't need to die.  I want a Dandelion Girl as a girlfriend."
The Liason said, "Leave it to the Lame Lad to let himself get poisoned by Dandelion Girl sexuality."

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